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Messages - Big Brøther

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Help / Re: How do i delete the baseplate on my server?
« on: July 10, 2017, 06:05:57 AM »
For gods sake, I'm not trying to edit it. I'm trying to DELETE the floor!
Sorry buddy, just a bit of an odd request. Trying to help the only way I know I can  :iceCream:

Help / Re: How do i delete the baseplate on my server?
« on: July 09, 2017, 06:53:44 PM »
That is the floor. You can change how it looks by clicking 'Ctrl A' and then hitting the Environment button.

Help / Re: How do i delete the baseplate on my server?
« on: July 09, 2017, 05:45:58 PM »
Type /wand and hit it

Does it crash when you are alone?
It's pretty much only ever when we have >10 players. And it usually happens after several hours of uptime.


Here's a full list of all my add-ons. If anybody sees anything suspish, would be greatly appreciated if you told me.

Still crashing for some reason..not getting any closer to solving the issue.

P a n n a  c o t t a

Try removing eventRestrictions and maaaaaybe OSR, gravity jeep, GCatsSpecialWeapons, flash grenade, and DWeapons. Can say with confidence the rest dont crash servers normally.
I got rid of DWeapons and GCats weapons earlier and I still crashed, so it's not them. But I've just gotten rid of eventRestrictions, flash grenade and gravity jeep and I'll see if that fixes it. I'll keep the topic posted.

Are any of these known to be problematic?

I go through the console to look for clues but I don't see anything which points to the crash, and it happens several times a day.

Help / Re: Can't load original ownership on bricks
« on: July 05, 2017, 05:46:05 PM »
a mod conflict isn't impossible, though it's also possible that it's just normal behavior. brick ownership isn't saved per-brick, it's only attributed to bricks with the isBaseplate flag turned on (which includes stuff like cubes), and the same ownership is just applied to bricks up the chain. you can see this p clearly if you open up a .bls file
you'd have to determine for yourself if this explains the problem you're having tho
This fixed my problem. It was baseplate related. Thank you!

Help / Can't load original ownership on bricks
« on: July 05, 2017, 11:43:49 AM »
After I save bricks on my server, loading the .bls does not give proper ownership rights. I always tick Save Ownership & Load Saved Owner.
Maybe it has something to do with the setBrickOwnership event? Any ideas?

It was honestly like nothing I'd ever seen. Two people who belligerently hated each other for simultaneously no reason and also whichever reason they could muster.
It was really irritating for everybody involved.

General Discussion / Re: King's Quest [OPEN NOW]
« on: July 01, 2017, 02:40:49 PM »
Map is very nice to look at and the obvious effort put into the server is admirable. It's never easy manning a server of >20 people with a potentially temperamental objective but Buddy & TBD did a pretty nice job of it and worked hard at fixing any bugs that cropped up.


In most cases in my experience (aside from the example you've provided) appending "Blockland" and "Add-On" usually does the trick for finding it.

Off Topic / Re: A New Chronology of the Blockland Forums
« on: June 22, 2017, 08:45:05 AM »
You guys remember that "The storm is coming" stuff? Bunch of guys phished some users on here through another separate forum, including me.

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