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Messages - comr4de

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Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:22:09 AM »
Explain what happened in the last battle and what is happening now

Off Topic / Re: Tay's special interest Thread (Larger Poll finally)
« on: October 06, 2015, 07:40:22 PM »
there is apparently a severe lack of love for girls feet and pregnant bellies in this thread.

Cmon planr lets be friends

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:47:25 PM »

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:39:11 PM »

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:40:40 AM »
I take back what I said but at least half of you should know whats going on at this point. god DAMN

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 04, 2015, 10:16:38 PM »
Also all y'all brothers are dumb for not getting it

I had a hunch but talgo has been spelling out for y'all pretty clearly

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 04, 2015, 10:12:45 PM »
if only talgo would watch movy with me

Off Topic / Re: Shooting at an Oregon College
« on: October 01, 2015, 05:11:39 PM »
Gun free zones save the day again!

Games / Re: StarMade - He who controls the salt, controls the skub!
« on: September 30, 2015, 10:50:43 AM »
Or how instead of a fluctuating power softcap a certain someone opted for the hard softcap of 1m because he wanted docked reactors to be viable

« on: September 29, 2015, 05:52:51 PM »
You know just as much as I do that this mechanic is incredibly unbalanced and needs to go, in its present form. If you didn't, you and Incap would've never fussed like you did when I shared it with the public on SMD.

You can pull the "you knew already" card if you want, but I only knew so much. If I had known then what I know now, I would have told SCHINE a very long time ago.
This exactly my loving point. If you gave a stuff about balance and really thought this was overpowered, you wouldn't have SHOWN IT FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD TO SEE. You would've reported it to the bug tracker and left it at that. Instead you wanted to stick out your tongue to Incap (who was inactive for pretty much all of his "reign") and TwoNiner (who hasn't played in months due to family illness). The fact that you keep harping on those two for doing nothing beyond offending your delicate sensibilities is childish and pathetic. You can continue telling me that you aren't obsessed with incap and twoniner, but every time you asked me when I was rebelling from HI (which happened already) you ALWAYS asked if twoniner would be there, and I always said yes. You'd proceed to bitch and moan about how they were the devil and beg me to reconsider.

Yeah and that ship was probably way sloppier put together than anything I have ever made. My ships are ones of quality. That's why they take so long to make. Maybe there is a certain overall efficiency to your methods of just slapping together system blocks and throwing a hull cover over it, but I prefer to put meticulous effort into the things I build. You have a fair point, I am too slow at building, however I think the end product of the long hours I put into my ships pays off. However I don't see how that is relevant here. Sounds more like you're just trying to come up with whatever dirt you can about me. If this is your time to let out all your anger at me about the things you hold against me, then that's fine, because I am done with you and your elitist stuff.
"Elitism is bad! Also my ships are better than yours because I spend a year and a half making a single ship~"

The balance I want is one where people can't harbor WMD-type weapon mechanics in secret, because there will be no more unfair advantages left to keep secret. I am all for factions having secrets. But I am strongly against a single group of people keeping an unfair advantage a secret.
A faction has a 100k mass ship while their enemy can't field anything above 10k. Do they have an advantage? Yes. Is it unfair? Absolutely. Advantages are inherently UNFAIR. Instead of encouraging people to try things out and figure out the best way to do things, you're demanding that everyone be tied to the same basic level of gameplay. If this sort of stuff REALLY bothers you that badly (or anyone for that matter) server admins have the ability to limit the amount of specific systems that can be on a ship. Talk to admins about limiting it, the power is in their hands. Until then, keep your opinions out of my gameplay.
Indeed, not everyone is as skilled at a game. And that's fine. The less skilled will always be the ones that win less; I don't want to change that. You are right that such a removal of that factor would take a way a good deal of depth and charm from the game. But that's not what I am against. I am against unfair and unintended game mechanics being kept SECRET, ESPECIALLY when they are being held solely by faction elites rather than the developers, AND EVEN MORE SO when it's being held by those faction elites just so they can have more power. That's what's at stake here.
If they're intended features, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. The problem is, as i've now stated too many times, you are deliberately withholding information about unintended features and clearly overpowered mechanics from SCHINE. The way Shield Drain was previously was unintended, and TwoNiner, Incap and you all tried to keep Schema in the dark about it so he wouldn't fix it. When he found out, he made it clear that it was not intended by patching it (he also literally said it was unintended when he and I talked about it on Skype). You and Incap have been trying to dictate what SCHINE does and doesn't find out about game mechanics, all because of your loving faction, and I won't let that stand. I sacrificed a lot just for the sake of helping Schema know about the unbalanced shield drain. Hell, I used it myself, just like I have used this super logic jumpdrive of yours, because it helps show others why it needs to be fixed.
Again, if you are in the right, why do you need the support of the general public? If it REALLY IS overpowered, why not be content in just sending it to schine and making sure they fix it?

Sidebar: you keep throwing around elitism is a bad word. Yes, forget us for not accepting any joe and sally that wants to join the faction. God forbid we try to maintain some level of exclusivity in order to maintain the general quality of our members. What terrible people we must be.
This doesn't change the fact that he's a cheating conniving starfish. It's about time your council term ends, anyways. Your previous private threats to me to use your power as a councilor to suppress fixes/balances for the logic jumpdrive is just another reminder to me of the corruption you are involved in, and why you need to go.
I think you're forgetting that the AE always sided with odium pact. We were odium leaning the entire time. Zoro is one of my close friends, for forget's sake. The threats weren't exactly private. I already said in your gloat thread that I would fight it because it isn't loving imbalanced. An inhibitor array will shut it down in a loving heartbeat.

Kiss my ass. You don't owe me anything because I don't want a thing from you. Now I know why Ace hated you with a passion.

PS: Sent this thread to zoro, he wants to know where you got the idea that he was a cheater.
I didn't say they were game-breaking, I said they've just been overpowered as forget. And yes, it's called shield drain. It's a support-type beam system in StarMade.
Sorry to say, but ad-hominem and strawman attacks are not effective arguments. You sure are right to joke about logic and common sense because there is very little, if any, in what you just said.
You used adhom in your opening statement against zoro. Try again.

edit: topic change because you've changed IMMENSELY since I refused to quit HI when you did.

« on: September 29, 2015, 12:10:02 PM »
Planr, the most recent "exploit" you started a crusade against is something we have literally been using since our first visit to hypercore. I KNOW you knew about it. BDLS showed you how to do it, and installed it on Richelieu, Bismark, Iowa, and Yamato. and I showed you how to do it again recently. However, since you have some sort of inane, dare i say autistic obsession with sticking it to Incap and TwoNiner you have once again gone out of way to make sure something that YOU DON'T LIKE is patched. Incap loving nailed it in his response. You are stifling innovation. I don't want to share anything with you anymore (not that I could for that matter; you've blocked and delete my contacts on every form of communication) because I cannot trust you to deem that it's unbalanced and go crying to schema on skype.

I have stood up for you COUNTLESS TIMES. I have gone out of my way for you on the council time and time again. The fact that you repay me with this sort of bullstuff is loving absurd. You are the same tier of stuffter that steers game development in your direction because it suits you. This is demonstrated via some of your suggestions (extend homebase protection to warpgates? are you loving with me?) to demanding that EVERY CHANGE IN GAME BALANCE BE REVERSED until you get used to it a week later. In the time it took you to simply finish the weapons on Gyoza I built a ship that size and REFIT IT. You then complain that there are too many rapid changes to game balance. Planr, this is not the case. You are just too slow.
I don't know what kind of balance you want. There will never ever be an entirely level playing field for a variety of reasons. The first is that people have differing levels of expertise with playing the game. If you seriously want to dumb down the game to be a level playing field for everyone you run the risk of removing any depth and charm to the game.

I wish you knew about how many projects I had to keep secret from you when we were in Arstotzka because I knew that the moment you heard about it you'd determine it was somehow unbalanced and demand it be fixed. Literally all of those projects were (and still are) INTENDED FEATURES. I'm actually kind of glad you decided to cut off communications because this means I no longer have to pusillanimous individualfoot about with discussing game concepts with you.

TL;DR go forget yourself.

edit: Zoro has been one of the greatest resources to myself and the council in terms of establishing the current combat and faction balance. He's working with us now to balance missile damage. You are out of your depth on this one.

« on: September 28, 2015, 01:54:56 PM »

The skull has a secret weapon which I'm not going to share lest someone tell schema its overpowered and demand it be nerfed

« on: September 27, 2015, 07:02:35 AM »
Left = schema Right = BDLS

Also space whales

« on: September 25, 2015, 08:55:18 PM »

Christ, BLF is more of a libtard hugbox than I remember.

OP, don't even bother. You're arguing with a brick wall.

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