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Messages - nerraD

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Modification Help / Re: VIP Mod Syntax Problem
« on: April 26, 2014, 08:32:46 AM »
the hasItemOnList() isn't default with vanilla blockland is it?

Off Topic / Re: Car thread
« on: April 25, 2014, 06:54:08 PM »
cls class is a really nice car, baring in mind my dad is travelling a lot, that car does justice for business class and comfort

got enough money in my savings to put a deposit on an A class after i've passed my driving test, but the insurance will be to expensive; so i'm driving that B Class one until the insurance premiums go down

Off Topic / Re: Car thread
« on: April 25, 2014, 06:36:02 PM »
parents have these two cars:

CLS 350 (Year 2010 model):

those are the exact wheels, the colour isn't the same tho

and my mums A Class one:

exact same looking

Windows Server 2012 Blockland Dedicated edition - for the inexperienced............ (cough cough splutter)

General Discussion / Re: Dumb Blockland Names You Used
« on: April 25, 2014, 08:23:02 AM »

Drama / Re: Takato14
« on: April 25, 2014, 06:28:21 AM »
i haven't heard of takato14 before but when i saw him in the OS thread, he was shoving down our throats his opinion and saying it strongly as if it was a fact......

Why does it involve you? This is between Hammer and I, or so I thought.

This is only because of the recent ISP failures. Over time, you're going to see much higher uptime once Verizon solves their problems.
So after Verizon's network issues, then comes in the DDoS attacks then you'll have literally no connection to Blockland at all. I think it's just too much hassle for something people could do themselves.

I don't need a server-grade connection and bandwidth. I only run a small web site in addition to the BL servers, so 50 / 25 is enough for me. Most broadband providers don't run fiber-optic cables all the way to your doorstep, but Verizon FiOS does. Because that ISP is available in my area, ping is not going to be as high as you would expect from a traditional copper-wire broadband residential connection.
Not me. My advertised speed is 50 Mbps / 25 Mbps, and this is what the real speeds are:

What I'm saying is that you need a server-grade connection to keep the reliability. Only because you've got speedy downloads and uploads doesn't mean it'll be reliable. You could have 500mb/s upload and download and the internet could still stuff in it's own pants.

I would be even more screwed if I used a remote server, either a VPS or dedicated one. On my home connection it's unlikely I would get null-routed, but on a server-grade ISP, I could be null-routed for a DoS attack similar to the one which happened for the past 48 hours (if it's really a DoS).
Only because you're able to gain local access to it doesn't mean it makes you any less screwed than it would if you have a VPS. Only because you've got local access doesn't mean anything, the server is pointless without the loving internet. Jheeze.

I have managed a hosting service in 2012 and I have run HamHost in 2013. I have 6 months of hosting service experience.
The only reason for the recent trouble is because it's home-hosted. If I had a remote server, and there were no DoS attacks, I would run HammerHost flawlessly. But home-hosting is making the management of it a lot harder, and I know this.
You've just backed up my last post. Thanks for clarifying that for me!

Although home-hosting is risky, it involves rewards. The rewards are that it is much cheaper than a dedicated server, and with FiOS, they have lax DoS policies. The risks are power and network outages, and hardware failure. Yet I chose this path because it pays off in the long run, although uptime will be lower forever and it'll take a few weeks to cross the initial hurdles. I chose this path to make sure my ISP would never terminate me.
You've got 47% up-time in the past week, are you being serious suggesting that's a reward?

The television does work but the GUI is crippled whenever the internet is offline. Yes, I know that the whole house is affected, but my family is not ready to give up yet.
Your family had no choice. I don't think your family are behind you with this if you're distrupting their abilities to work normally.

you said "either give up or get a dedicated server" you never said "get a dedicated server and then give up". you implied the dedicated server would solve anything, which it wouldn't.
Yes it loving would. A dedicated server would solve many of the issues that Hammer has currently faced. I don't think having server grade technology would get a plastic fragment blocking a fan would it? Even if it did it has redundancy fans that'll keep it as cool as it should. I'm saying here that having a built home server to host many Blockland clients is stupid and petty. No residential broadband connection will have the server grade bandwidth and connection, no matter how fast clients are able to pull information from the server. I'm pretty sure that every ISP lies about how fast you can download things. Apparently I can get a 50mb/s upload and download constantly, the biggest load of bullstuff I ever got, and yes, my residential connection is on business grade tier too. You'll never get the customer service a dedicated service would. I think it's easy to say that if you constantly get DoS/DDoS attacks towards a home connection then you're definitely screwed. It's inevitable that this service will be shut down because of the fact that people are constantly attacking the service, if it is a DoS then I don't think anything will cause them to stop. Hammereditor has too much hatred going against him to have a service running without a bandwagon of sluts trying to disable his online persona and his 'hard' work that he's put into it.

RTB closed down because of Ephi having a life to live. RTB Hosting went down because of how the dedicated servers couldn't handle the DDoS attacks from the numerous arseholes in this community who only likes to cause stuff to make this game as sucky as possible. This game will constantly get attacked until it's popular enough(which is never because of the stuff advertising campaign, that rant is for another topic) to block out all of the cunts in Badspot's efforts to be able to let people host and get enough money and profit to actually try and get DDoS protection. It doesn't matter if you're protected or not, it'll always take it's toll on the servers.

Building a hosting service isn't for the inexperienced. You need to know your stuff and make sure you've got redundancies to keep your clients happy. If you can't do that then get the forget out of the ball game and invest your time into learning how to actually protect and keep a good up-time.

unofficial RTB tour fan-bus.
Are you for real right now? I was never on the tour fan-bus, I am friends with Ephi and I was interested in RTB's development. I was one of the few people who actually tried to motivate him to make your experience better with Blockland. Unfortunately cunts like you have to shove this 'rtb fan club' card towards the people who talked to Ephi and stuck up for him in attempt to get some kudos. I'm glad that RTB closed down because none of you at all appreciated the time that he put into it. Nobody exactly understands.

Oh and how is your brother right now? What about your mum and the service that she's trying to have for her TV?

Oh wait, they can't even use the internet because of the stuff that you're causing with this 'hosting service'.

How will this help?? Getting a remote server will make things worse. Becaue a server ISP is a hundred times more likely to null-route or terminate my IP address than Verizon. The cause of the downtime is now a freaking DoS attack, and is not remotely related to hardware.

Well giving up is probably the best bet then. That's what RTB did, right heedicalking?

Give up or buy a dedicated server...

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: April 23, 2014, 09:42:16 PM »
im not gay but emo freak is cool
ok prepare your starfish when you turn 18 years old

Off Topic / Re: downgrading to windows 7?
« on: April 23, 2014, 09:37:55 PM »
Explorer crashes all the loving time, its very sluggish on startup and on exiting sleep mode, and it eats up my battery life even when it's just idling. This is on a high end i7-based Lenovo laptop. I have dualboot installed and W7 lasts a good 3-4 hours longer than W8 on the exact same system.

You have to realize that metro was loving PORTED from a phone architecture to 32/64 bit. It wasn't rewritten. This causes major problems with efficiency and countless performance bottlenecks, and you can't ever turn it off when you're not using it, it's always there eating away at your system's resources.
cool, so can my early 2000's era budget desktop, so can my schools cheapass netbooks, this is not an impressive feat
Dude can I just tell you that you're spitting your opinions out as if they're facts? Stop getting so aggressive in this topic over an operating system, stick with windows 7 if you're that hell bent over it.

Also just to note that Windows 8 was built with SSD's in mind, taking the full advantage of it where possible.

I'm sure the majority of Windows 8 upgraded users would say that it's much more lightweight than Windows 7 ever was. I am one of them people. The ecosystem within W8 is great too with the OneDrive and the Microsoft Account integration which syncronises all the themes and whatnot to each system you own. I absolutely love it personally and I would never swap out Windows 8 for anything, I'd use it alongside with OS X because that has benefits too. Windows 8 is the best OS out there and Microsoft do intend on bringing the Start Menu back for enterprise users in W 8.1 Update 1.

Not to mention Windows 9 which is going to be released in the next two years I'm sure.

Sometimes you've just got to move on.

Off Topic / Re: downgrading to windows 7?
« on: April 23, 2014, 12:02:20 PM »
Even though I know it's faster I still can't tell if this is sarcasm or not
Genuinely not any sarcasm in that post.

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