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Messages - The Corporation

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Off Topic / Re: forum milestones
« on: November 25, 2013, 07:02:31 PM »
14409 (11.127 per day)
There was a time where I was actually addicted to the forums.
You know how the blue diamonds go black after you looked at a page, and they would turn blue when someone posted something new to indicate activity?

I use to turn all of them black every couple minutes for an hour at a time.

Off Topic / Re: Retainers are the worst
« on: November 25, 2013, 06:48:03 PM »
how do you even manage to break retainers?

I know they're flimsy as hell but unless they're anywhere but your mouth or inside a case or something, they shouldn't be breaking.
That's the joke
I have no loving clue what happened.
Bottoms were 2 pieces of plastic with some metal running through them.
After deciding to lay off of them for a while, I open it up, and part of the metal on the side broke.

Off Topic / Re: Thanksgiving Break. woop
« on: November 25, 2013, 06:46:31 PM »
Finishing a 6 page paper and some math homework.
Other than that, probably modeling, gaming, seeing old relatives, etc.

Stuffing my face with ooey gooey butter cakes too.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Railing Bricks [picture]
« on: November 25, 2013, 04:56:54 PM »

Games / Re: The Elder Scrolls Megathread
« on: November 25, 2013, 04:55:21 PM »
This game is a major disappointment for me, personally.

I felt the need to express this opinion openly after the 3 day beta test.
It wasn't immerse enough, felt too much like cookie cutter gameplay.
They need to increase the intensity on it.

Off Topic / Re: Bad jokes v2
« on: November 25, 2013, 04:40:12 PM »
So I'm walking with my homies and we all out doin' stuff, you know, hangin' out etc.
We hit up at this local store, get some junk food, whatever, stuff like that.
We walkin' out and these bomb-ass thugs come up askin' for dough.
I end up tellin' we ain't got stuff cause we spent it on the food, they get pissed, say we gonna get forgeted.
Dude reaches for his back pants, James on my left drops his stuff and starts runnin' I'm makin' a break for it with him.
We keep going up 12th Ave, hit up around the corner into an alley.
Heart's pumpin' stuff like that, I look up, all my bros here.
Thug-ass comes round the corner with what looks like a forgetin' carrot.
Realize he was being literal when I see his homies with damn fluffy handcuffs n' stuff.
We ball the forget out of there like Lebron on Steroids.
Still runnin' I make it to the payphone, Roddy starts freakin' the forget out yellin' at me to come on.
Call old Jones, he's got a place we can hold down at, cause it's startin' to get dark.
I tell roddy to shut the forget up, get the call in, hang up and I lead em to the place.
Whole time I'm runnin' I can hear behind us yells and whoops.
I take a quick look behind me to see 15-20 punks runnin' after us.
Tell Roddy and James to hurry the forget up, I see Jones's place up the street.
He opens the door for us, we get the forget in there like the Cookie Monster after the Keebler Elves.
He starts lockin' the door, but before he can get the last lock in' they start hammerin' on the door.
I back the hell up and Jones yells for me to grab the gun under the table.
Reach under there, feel the grip, pull it off the clip on the table and check if it's loaded.
Hear Jone's scream "They got those damn lock guns!"
Wait, these guy's got cops equipment? What the forget is going on here?
Roddy and James pull him back, I aim for the door, ready for whatever comes through.
Last lock on the door is opened.
They opened the door a small crack to break the chain.
They open the door.
Get on the floor.
Do the dinosaur.

« on: November 25, 2013, 04:25:28 PM »
95 Royale - The Neighborhood
Currently at 171 tracks, give or take a few.

Off Topic / Re: RIP Brian Griffin (Spoilers)
« on: November 25, 2013, 01:05:22 AM »
wait, nevermind.

Off Topic / Re: Bad jokes v2
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:29:56 AM »
So an Astronaut, Mercenary, and a Priest walk into a bar.
My richard is so big I can use it as a tripod

General Discussion / Re: Hosting a MW2 tdm and need help
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:25:27 AM »
Dont make afghan

Make Skidrow. Very square.
Even better.
Plus, it'll be hectic cause of close quarters combat.

And it'll be something different and refreshing.
Pay attention to detail if you do make this map

Off Topic / Re: Retainers are the worst
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:17:50 AM »
bottom retainers are broken.
Broke a couple months ago.
My 2nd left tooth is pushed back about 5mm from my front, and the 2 front teeth are pushing forward.
Doc says remove wisdom teef, but it costs 600 per loving tooth.
Might go into dentistry if it costs that loving much.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Railing Bricks [picture]
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:12:33 AM »
That's not a 45° angle

1x1x1f through 1x16x1f rail brick pack @ 45° angles

Looks like it to me.

Games / Re: The Elder Scrolls Megathread
« on: November 22, 2013, 08:59:23 PM »
yeah i'm in the same situation


at least there's one on sunday

Modification Help / Re: Hells&Khain Weaponry
« on: November 21, 2013, 05:00:05 PM »
ARES Shrike.
Doo eet.

Off Topic / Re: You know what's a in the arse?
« on: November 20, 2013, 09:04:09 AM »
You know what's a pain in the ass?

The substantial amount of Blockland servers that are poorly put together and/or just plain bad.

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