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Messages - King of the Bill

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Off Topic / Re: day discussion topic i guess [day 261]
« on: March 30, 2017, 09:40:03 PM »
we took a test in class today and the prompt was about whether or not u chose to be happy and after the test i texted exgf (who is in the same class and has the same prompt) if its a choce to be happy or not and she left me on read
i know your pain.

loving christ.

we're all going to get so loving gouged. we all know how greedy comcast and mediacom get when they think they can get away with ripping off their customers. we're screwed.

Off Topic / Re: help me find the 4th flavor
« on: March 30, 2017, 08:07:47 PM »
take 10 pages of printed lord tony posts or Annoying Orange tweets, throw it in a quart of liquid gold earned through ad revenue, add in 2 quarts of milk from a jewish woman, throw it in a freezer, and have Google translate read something like a salon article (translatig from Bullstuff to English) at 92 decibels while it sits in the freezer for 10 days

the resulting flavor is fake news. salty, and bitter
i'll have whatever zloff was having, thanks.

whatever this ends up with, this is going to be both horrifying and morbidly amusing.

Off Topic / Re: day discussion topic i guess [day 261]
« on: March 30, 2017, 03:55:39 PM »
my head hurts so much. so exhausted. forgetin hell.

Off Topic / Re: day discussion topic i guess [day 261]
« on: March 30, 2017, 01:11:16 PM »
But it's Thursday.
i need transportation on sunday and specifically on sunday. i guess i thought that would be implied from what i said but i guess i wasn't very clear.

Off Topic / Re: day discussion topic i guess [day 261]
« on: March 30, 2017, 12:27:59 PM »
IIRC, you can but the insurance fee would be higher or they'd deny the rental. I don't think the law forbids you until you're 25.
the insurance fee is higher. i have a good driving record, so the rental getting denied wouldn't be an issue.

the issue is: all the rental places are closed on sundays.

Off Topic / Re: day discussion topic i guess [day 261]
« on: March 30, 2017, 11:48:13 AM »
What country do you live in?

Good catch though. Apparently Enterprise won't rent to people under 21.

I'm absolutely furious right now. Everything always gangs up to make resolving my problems impossible. I'm so sick of it.

Off Topic / Re: day discussion topic i guess [day 261]
« on: March 30, 2017, 11:44:08 AM »
Wait a second, how old are you?
20, almost 21.

Off Topic / Re: day discussion topic i guess [day 261]
« on: March 30, 2017, 11:24:03 AM »
the stuffty car rental company forgeted me over. i checked their reviews. they're NOT GOOD.

given the number of hidden fees they're apparently charging me, i'm going to just cancel that account, tell the bank to block charges from them, and just get a loving enterprise. it's cheaper anyway at this point.

Off Topic / Re: night discussion topic i guess [night 313]
« on: March 30, 2017, 01:13:22 AM »
sounds like your life is just a series of unfortunate events
right now? yes. yes it is.

i'm hoping i'll be able to change that soon. but for now... the pain.

Off Topic / Re: night discussion topic i guess [night 313]
« on: March 30, 2017, 12:47:37 AM »
aaaaaaaaugh i got blindsided by a sad song in a game and now i feel even more awful than i already did

Off Topic / Re: day discussion topic i guess [day 260]
« on: March 29, 2017, 03:31:35 PM »
aaaaugh i'm so nervous

my current plan of action may not be viable if the cheap rental car company screws me over and doesn't process my membership thing in time.

Off Topic / Re: night discussion topic i guess [night 312]
« on: March 29, 2017, 03:28:20 AM »
I negated your positives >:)
my life in a shellnut. whenever i get something good going on i forget it up somehow.

i'm on plan... i'm pretty sure this is all the way to Plan T by this point. prettymuch the last one i have, too.

Off Topic / Re: night discussion topic i guess [night 312]
« on: March 29, 2017, 01:26:02 AM »

i feel like i've been hit by a cement mixer.

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