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Messages - Saber15

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Games / Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Megathread.
« on: February 12, 2012, 10:05:49 AM »
This looks pretty cool actually. I could enjoy this a lot.

Out of the 3, what one is the best gameplay wise
best to worst:
-call of pripyat. perfection.
-shadow of chernobyl
-clear sky (lol stuff ai, still full of bugs, mediocre plot, handicappedly durable enemies - you can empty an entire mag from a mp5 at an enemy on "master" difficultly and it won't kill them unless you get a headshot.)

Games / Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Megathread.
« on: February 12, 2012, 12:40:53 AM »

get out of here stalker.

tdu2 is stuff compared to the original tdu1

godawful voice acting, pointless "the sims" stuff, cars handle like trains now, proper wheel support is non-existent, terrible servers.

i think he went a bit overboard in shooting the laptop, but i approve.

Off Topic / Re: Code Lyoko evolution!(5th season) THE AUDITIONS
« on: February 09, 2012, 09:25:30 PM »
I love how they had foreheads the size of airport runways.

Off Topic / Re: so guys i have $500 what do
« on: February 08, 2012, 01:09:40 PM »
save it for when you buy / are given a car. you'll need it for gas.

Off Topic / Re: Luigi's Italian Ice
« on: February 06, 2012, 01:01:03 PM »
So, fresh or expired? Hmmm. Tough choice.
dollar tree food tastes just as good as the ones from publix, lol.

Off Topic / Re: Luigi's Italian Ice
« on: February 03, 2012, 08:36:38 PM »

Please tell me its available in the US.

I still want to eat golden food :(
they're sold p much everywhere. i can buy a 4 pack in publix for 3.99 or a 4 pack in the dollar tree down the street.

Off Topic / Re: Making games is hard
« on: February 03, 2012, 05:08:04 PM »
what about jobs that require more than skill
jobs that actually help people

game designers don't really help people, but a programmer can.

Off Topic / Re: Making games is hard
« on: February 03, 2012, 05:01:23 PM »
Ladios posted a link to some open jobs in the gaming industry in another thread and since that's where I'm planning on working (In ~10 years or so) I took a look at the open jobs. Shifting thorough jobs like 3D/2D/UI/Concept artist, level designer, programmer and so on I was quite surprised at the skills these companies require. Where are supposed to learn this stuff? Are the actual schools that teach things like 2D computer art, 3D modeling, and programming? I would certainly benefit from such institutions.

be on a mod team, go to college to learn some of the stuff.
some of the developers of the 'mechwarrior living legends' mod were hired on by crytek (crysis developers) because of their amazing work, and egosoft (x-universe series, space combat + trading games) hires people that make amazing mods for their games to help work on sequels.

a college degree alone in most of those stuff is effectively meaningless, you need a portfolio of works (mods, models, artwork, etc) to get hired anywhere.

Games / Re: Tribes: Ascend [Closed Beta] - VGS is all you need
« on: February 03, 2012, 12:26:02 AM »
Don't like the new soldier default loadout.  Not enough spinfusor.
isn't the spinfusor only like 17000 xp?

Games / Re: Tribes: Ascend [Closed Beta] - VGS is all you need
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:18:43 PM »
update is out
verdict: it is badass

Games / Re: Planetside 2; Don't cry now.
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:12:18 PM »
planetside 1 was badass. picked it up during the reserves, and i had a subscription on and off for a few years.

how much will it cost?

f2p with an item shop (they say cosmetic only).

Off Topic / Re: Do you sleep in the nude?
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:39:00 PM »

when camping, i dress fully in the next day's clothes because i'm a lazy forget and i hate getting dressed in the middle of the night to take a piss.

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