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Messages - Kevin

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In case you haven't noticed, this wasn't meant to be 100% accurate to TTT.

I was just wondering more than anything else really, I know its a rough conversion.

I'm not going to pinpoint things like "THE ACCURACY ON GMOD FOR THE AK IS .43251 PER SHOT".

It was just a thought really I didn't mean it to sound like "WHY THE forget IS THIS NOT LIKE IT IS IN GMOD?!"

if it did, I'm sorry. Anyways I hope I can try and get on the server sometime.

Don't detectives start with a bullet vest?

At least in TTT they did.

Just wondering, I remember it always being grayed out when I played detective.

Modification Help / Re: Food bricks | Released on RTB
« on: February 04, 2013, 10:29:55 AM »
So we have cheese, and a ton of vegi's

Where is dah meat


I want to fill my horker hut with slabs of walrus :C

Lawl I'm handicapped.
Nah great pack Demian, actually gives kitchens a purpose for me now haha.

Games / Re: League of Legends - Megathread
« on: February 04, 2013, 05:19:46 AM »
Hmm, well Olaf is fun.

Olaf was probably one of the first 10 champs I bought back in season, Great buy if you like the way he plays.

Mf is a solid purchase too though.

It really depends on who you like better, they are both good fun :o

I love on-hit effect MF <3

Malady is fun

Modification Help / Re: Gravity Cat's Add-On Dump - Weapon Update!
« on: January 29, 2013, 01:06:43 PM »
Gravity Cat's support weapons scripts are the only things that make me want to start modeling/scripting again.

Assuming they are easy to implement as advertised.

And that if I do try to start modeling again it isn't frustrating as forget trying to make the things I want to.

Games / Re: Dota 2 Megathread
« on: January 25, 2013, 01:28:46 AM »
Dotabuff Rating
1532 (Platinum)
Last Match
29 days ago
218 - 194
Win Rate


Modification Help / Re: The Bug & MAS Mods
« on: January 24, 2013, 07:59:12 AM »
I was just wondering if it was even considered.

T+T is perfectly fine its just an opinion.

I messed around with them and thought they were nicely polished :o

Re-installed Bl, and Rtb again btw :u

Modification Help / Re: The Bug & MAS Mods
« on: January 24, 2013, 07:27:00 AM »
So does the server still use Frogs/ T+T stuff?

Just wondering, I just tried HellsHero's and Khains stuff, its really nice :o

Games / Re: Elder Scrolls Online -Closed Beta Sign-ups!!-
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:45:01 AM »
I wrote about how my Dad and I played previous elder scrolls games "together" in a sense.

We would build characters together and play it in the same room talking about what we found in the world etc etc.

Told them I would be getting the game eventually regardless of getting into any beta.

But that letting us in would make more glorious father son memories earlier.

True sob story bros


Games / Re: Dota 2 Megathread
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:41:50 PM »
I feel like you forgot to add Lich, Or, maybe sven.

But that is just me :o

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: January 06, 2013, 07:57:01 AM »
I started work on the elder scrolls stuff, should finish it within the week or so :o

Modification Help / Re: The Bug & MAS Mods
« on: January 04, 2013, 12:56:00 PM »
Oh wow, I thought this was dead.

It periodically is shot up with adrenaline to keep it going. The occasional thwack of a wrench on someone's sleeping head.

The all important MAS house brew with enough caffine to keep a small army awake.

That kind of thing.

Games / Re: Dota 2 Megathread
« on: January 04, 2013, 01:33:17 AM »
why is battlefury a core item on bounty hunter?

It helps him farm better, and the theory is its supposed to give him a better team fight presence.

So that when you pop up to nuke down the crystal maiden, the damage is spread to the nearby carry and ganker as well.

Honestly I dislike it, I prefer something like an orchid or just about anything else.

Unless there is an aoe disable lineup on my team (Earthshaker, TideHunter, etc.)

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: January 02, 2013, 12:57:00 PM »
Is there anything from the elder scrolls world people would like to see drawn? I need to do an art assignment and I need ideas.

Preferably something sort of out of the box(ish).

My first Idea was to draw the three basic versions of atronarch.

The second was going to be something along the lines of drawing one of the more common characters, (The first blacksmith in whiterun, Belathor, Ulfric, Lydia, something like that)

Modification Help / Re: Food bricks (Development release 4)
« on: December 31, 2012, 03:17:14 AM »
Needs more Eidar cheese wheels.

Too much goat cheese.

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