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Messages - warble

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Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: May 12, 2017, 06:48:21 PM »
no stuff though Bernie will probably be our next president, the millenials are behind him 100%, if Shillary hadn't screwed him out of the nomination he'd be president now, I agree with Annoying Orange on policy, but the majority of people in the country don't and that sucks, so get ready for Bernie 2020 because I cant see anything else happening

Off Topic / Re: what are things that make you L I V I D
« on: May 06, 2017, 01:34:34 AM »
when you see a car that has obviously had a lot of money spent on it to make it look fast and you look in the limo tinted windows and see an automatic shift lever

Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: May 04, 2017, 09:15:47 PM »
me after this healthcare vote

Off Topic / Re: Car thread
« on: April 23, 2017, 06:23:59 PM »
today I entrepreneur ed my lawn mower, before it was sunfaded, dirty and the hood bracket was bent so the hood wouldn't attach. Last year I was mowing the lawn on an ugly pos, but this year ima get all the pusillanimous individual while im mowing the lawn, got that V6 power lol

what it looked like before only stufftier

now all it needs is a cupholder

In other news, im registering my 89' Pulsar Nx for dailying this summer, if any of you don't remember that car, here it is, its got a 1.6L sohc gutless motor with throttle body injection, but when that engine only has to pull 2300 lbs it does ok

Off Topic / Re: L2D of blockland ID= what you do at 3 AM
« on: April 20, 2017, 01:51:02 AM »

Riding Serena from pokemon oh my

california should be nuked
with this latest north Korean situation, stay tuned, you might just get your wish

Off Topic / Re: Car thread
« on: April 10, 2017, 12:44:00 AM »
I fill the tank all the way full on my Camry every week and a half or so (gets 30 mpg) I reset my trip odometer every time and wait for it to get to about 300 miles to fill up again, my gas tank is apparently 15.9 gallons but the fuel light comes on at around 11 gallons used????
I could drive over 100 miles with the fuel light on

Off Topic / Re: what's your music player and what does it look like
« on: April 06, 2017, 05:07:56 PM »
Sansui z7000x receiver (1985) Am/fm/phono/tape1/2/aux 125 watts per channel
Rtr series II speakers (late 70's) and two zenith brand newer ones to complete a four speaker system
Denon dn600f cd player (it works, I don't use cd's really)
JVC KD-A7 stereo cassette deck (1979) super ANRS, spectrum brown townyzer, sounds great
Hitachi Ht-354 direct drive turntable with some sort of aftermarket cartridge, also sounds great

sometimes I still just use youtube though, and most of the time its where I record my mixtapes from :P

Off Topic / Re: Anime & Manga Megathread 3.0: "SMF Sucks" Edition
« on: April 06, 2017, 11:55:17 AM »
I watched all three seasons of working!! last month, I have to say its a good laugh but not for you if you want a super deep plot. Just a slice of life type show with great characters and good jokes

has anyone else seen it, I'd never heard of it until my brother showed me

Off Topic / Re: Car thread
« on: March 27, 2017, 09:53:43 PM »
auto opening doors via nintendo controller button combo lol


Off Topic / Re: Car thread
« on: March 26, 2017, 03:08:12 AM »
A guy with a too much time on his hands built the worlds best camry wagon, its registered as a photon cruiser in Washington, ima copy paste the ad here so I don't lose it when it goes down

"This thing is in good mechanical working order, it just needs a battery. The engine is good and there are at least 500 dollars of usable parts and materials in and on this car. It used to be a Wi-Fi hotspot and ham radio station or something. My buddy did all this to it, but then he moved to LA and left it with me to deal with. The car has a gps instrument cluster that runs on a solar panel. It starts with a push of a button. At one point the doors opened by pressing a combination of buttons on an old school Nintendo controller, but now you have to climb in through the back hatch. It's actually registered as a Photon Cruiser because the DOL let him do that. Oh, and there's my cat in the last pic. Have signed affidavit in lieu of title."

Off Topic / Re: Where is your profile pic from?
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:08:27 PM »
I made it myself, but its a still from the episode "kindergarten kid" on Steven universe

Off Topic / Re: Car thread
« on: March 12, 2017, 01:53:06 PM »
my dad bought a 1967 Coronet 400 that was somebody's first car last fall and then flipped it to a friend of his, Im pretty sure it had a 318 and a two barrel, it was also an automatic and a four door but the body was straight as hell, I don't have a pic of it, but it was a silver blue, less intense than the one in the pics

Off Topic / Re: Headphones Debacle
« on: March 06, 2017, 02:52:40 PM »
I went to both radio shack and best buy to see if I could get a large to small adapter, and nobody had one, so I thought they didn't even exist, guess I should've searched amazon, still my old 1970s headphones are 8 ohm so I don't know how they'd work

Off Topic / Headphones Debacle
« on: March 06, 2017, 02:17:38 AM »
for the longest time the way ive listened to music or youtube videos on my computer has either been through a set of 4 altec lansing speakers (with sub) that are pretty nice, or through headphones, but here's the catch. The ones ive been using until recently are a pair of early 1970s david reimer rystyl hs 300d headphones, the problem, a large style jack. Wont fit into my laptop. Next to my laptop there's a cassette deck that I occasionaly record mixtapes on, so to listen to music one day, I had the idea to run an RCA to aux cable from the REC input of the tape deck to my laptop (which is how I record tapes as well) and then put a blank cassette in the deck, turn the deck on REC Pause, (record preview mode for volume and quality check where it lets audio through) and plug the headphones into the large style phone jack. to control the volume ive used the input level control on the tape deck.

anyway, the reason im making this topic is because my brother just gave me his roomates dated but functional retired Logitech g430 headset and I thought "Problem Solved!"

I was wrong, first of all, my laptop has only 3 usb ports, one of which is already my mouse, the second is taken up by a webcam (also my current gaming mic) the third alternates between an SD card reader and my driving force pro wheel for racing games. I want a seamless system here, id rather not unplug and replug things for different purposes for example if I wanted to play a game on my speakers (my normal way) id have to unplug the headset and replug the webcam because you cant use the headset mic without the headset. same applies for video calls obviously. I could simply plug the green side of the headset into the audio port, but that would leave the pink end flapping about

the other issue is that even on full volume the headset isn't nearly as loud as id like for music listening, so I thought to myself, hmm, If I ran an aux to rca to my tape deck, then plugged the green end into the phone jack using an adapter on rec pause I could solve my usb port problem and turn the tape deck into a pre-amp thus making the headset louder and leaving me with my webcam mic.

Im right back where I started, the only diffence is that the pink side of the headset is dangling down off the tape deck and the damn cord for the headset is ten feet long and I can see myself running it over with my chair and tbh, the old headphones sound just as good

TLDR I had a really complicated system and new equipment didn't make it any less complicated

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