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Messages - Pecon

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Conan transmogrified Electrk into a black forest cake and then ate it. Conan advances to round 4!

Round 3: Poll #24 - Mega Bear vs The Brighter Dark

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It is finally time for round 3! Now that the most of the weak candidates have been culled, these contests should get a lot more interesting from here out.

Round 3: Poll #23 - Conan vs Electrk

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gytyyhgffffff suffocated from their lack of vowels. Drydess proceeds to round 3!

Round 2: Poll #22 - Robot1232 vs 16-Bit

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jeprimer was primed to win that round. They advance to round 3!

Round 2: Poll #21 - gytyyhgffffff vs Drydess

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irrelevant.irreverent was much more patient than [Hotpocket]. irrelevant.irreverent advances to round 3!
(Also sorry about the hiatus, was out of town for a few days and then immediately was swamped with helping make New Years happen)

Round 2: Poll #20 - mann vs jeprimer

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I can't move us to the next poll until monday since I'm out of town.

Also it's [HotPocket], Pecon.
It's ok, I screwed up irrel's name in the poll too.

General Discussion / Re: New Years 2020
« on: December 27, 2019, 11:30:17 AM »
So we know what not to suggest, do yous have a list of songs you're currently using, or are you starting fresh?

Guess i should have asked this in the previous post, but it didn't occur to me to do so at the time
I wouldn't worry about that, the current 'list' is very small and hasn't really been formally compiled yet.

General Discussion / Re: New Years 2020
« on: December 27, 2019, 03:08:14 AM »
Are you guys taking song requests this year?
We are actually very behind on sourcing music. Any good suggestions are welcome.

NotBomberGuy attempted to kill rlcbm the same way they killed Swollow, by slipping explosives into rlcbm's shoes, but that ultimately failed as rlcbm walks barefoot everywhere. NotBomberGuy then made another attempt, slipping a volatile explosive into rlcbm's cereal box. Ultimately this plan also failed, as rlcbm sent the box of cereal away at a food drive. Oops. Desperate to finish the job once and for all, NotBomberGuy dropped the smoke and mirrors act and simply placed a nail bomb into a box, wrapped it like a present, and set it at rlcbm's doorstep. At last, rlcbm tore into the box with joy only to be suddenly gored by the nefarious explosive. NotBomberGuy advances to round 3!

Round 2: Poll #19 - irrelevant.irreverent vs [Hotpocket]

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Moving to the next page.

Conan deleted the ground underneath The Resonte!, causing them to fall to their certain doom. Conan advances to round 3!

Round 2: Poll #18 - rlcbm vs NotBomberGuy

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Redconer threw trueblood1111 into a juicer, producing a legendary Potion of True Blood (+5). Redconer proceeds to round 3!

Round 2: Poll #17 - Conan vs The Resonte!

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Ayebee123 snuck up behind Rughugger with a rolling pin and ended the baking contest early. Ayebee123 advances to round 3!

Round 2: Poll #16 - trueblood1111 vs Redconer

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Khaz modeled a gun and shot coolguy32 to death with it, securing their victory to round 3.

Round 2: Poll #15 - Rughugger vs Ayebee123

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