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Messages - Bicky

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 ... 21
well ok just to cover myself i also enjoyed new vegas and disliked fallout 4

do i get castrated in this thread if i disclose my unconditional love for fallout 3

Off Topic / Re: I'm a highly qualified mathematician, AMA
« on: August 08, 2017, 04:42:26 PM »
what are you doing? a levels/six form? more gcses? i can't remember how the UK school system works anymore lmao

Off Topic / does anyone on blf ride the 2 wheel life?
« on: August 07, 2017, 10:26:23 PM »
just wondering cause i bought a suzuki gn125 (uk bike power laws suck for young people), but it's still hella fun to ride. is it true in america that there are no real power restrictions which are based on age? riding a 600 at 18 would be sick.

physical access is root access
words to live by yo

Off Topic / Re: New AMD PC Locking Up After BIOS Screen
« on: July 18, 2017, 09:25:24 PM »
boot into windows safe mode my boy.

otherwise, mess about making a bootable windows media (can be done for free) and use it's repair tools

Games / Re: Games you are looking forward to
« on: July 17, 2017, 06:31:54 PM »
project cars 2 cause i like sim racing and project cars 1 was pretty good imo

Off Topic / Re: High Performance Driving Events
« on: July 17, 2017, 05:16:59 PM »
what's the difference between this and a standard track day?

Off Topic / Re: are there HDMI to USB-A converters
« on: July 17, 2017, 03:13:22 PM »
i'm assuming you want to connect the computers output to another monitor (which uses hdmi), but you have no available ports besides a usb? then you want a usb to hdmi connector. look for the 3.0 ones for high bandwidth/higher resolutions.

there is confusion because hdmi to usb is the wrong way round. you want to output from usb to hdmi to connect the computer to the monitor.

Capaldi? No, Everything after David Tennant left was stuff.
christopher eccleston or nothing kid

im sure drunk driving affects a minority but making drunk driving illegal is definitely a must
that brown townogy isn't even remotely comparable?? the majority has no benefit to drunk driving. i'm sure the majority of the world (maybe bar muslims, religious friends, and relationships) quite enjoy a bit of research every now and then.

just because some dumb british mum allows her 13yo to browse researchsites freely and get addicted doesn't mean that the goverment needs to censor everything, and forget over the majority with some nanny state crap. and trust me, the UK goverment has been trying to pull off this bullstuff for years, and somehow the population is handicapped enough to go along with it.

i mean, david cameron tried to get all ISPs to block researchsites by default, requiring you to ring up your isp and tell them to stop censoring you. i guess it didn't work very well tho lmao

anyhow, my point still stands. pls try countering it without using a dumb brown townogy that makes no sense.

Those children who spend more time playing games might be slightly likelier to be hyperactive and to get into fights. But violent video games seem to have no effect on behavior, according to British researchers.

The researchers also said they discovered that kids who played video games for less than an hour a day were more likely to be less aggressive and rated as better-behaved by their teachers.
the article constantly counter acts itself? I can clearly see the section you are referring to but the entire article seems to refute that claim after stating it once.

so you're saying because it affects the minority we need to forget over the majority?

i mean, david cameron tried to get all ISPs to block researchsites by default, requiring you to ring up your isp and tell them to stop censoring you. i guess it didn't work very well tho lmao

he is obviously using a 4k monitor

lmao the age of consent in the uk is 16 anyway so why do you need to be 18 to watch research?

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