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Messages - Alkatjo

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 ... 357
yeah lets just ask the minority of jews in national socialist Germany to vote for no concentration camps
what a strawman.
there are situations where a minority doesn't have the means to electorally do something because, guess what, they are a minority.
Executive Order No. 10925, also known as affirmative action.
it's super unfortunate for minority communities to have to be constantly reminded of how the government used to support their enslavement and a majority of the people around them defend a monument to that and hundreds of years of this have made the situation worse.
it's also unfortunate that the ""political groups"" that run these current peaceful, meaningful, and inclusive protests are also harboring some of the most tribal and bigoted people. I mean, look what loving happened the second day of CHAZ/CHOP. Segregated growing zones, tents, blocks exclusively for blacks.

The irony here is so heavy you could cut it with a knife. Please do not defend mediocrity.

Monuments are left behind to establish history and prevent rehashes of the past. Putting them in museums only lessens the impact or the point of the statue being in a public space. These objects are here to inspire critical thinking. If a long-deceased figure in a public park upsets you, then that's on you, not the statue. You have a problem, removing the statue won't fix it. There are other alternative actions than violence against property and violence against state.

Off Topic / Re: george floyd
« on: June 06, 2020, 02:48:03 AM »
Third week of LEO and this stuff happens. Would a lovely start to my career.

Edit: Also it's been a while, how are you guys?

Games / Re: What Garry's Mod playermodel did you use?
« on: December 23, 2019, 11:38:58 PM »

chuckles the cheat

Games / Re: Pokemon Sword and Shield - The good and the bad
« on: November 28, 2019, 04:05:42 AM »
Personally i loved pokemon during my earlier years, but as i grew older i strayed from the series because i had less and less time to get invested in pokemon. I remember criticizing the designs of black/white and coming to love them years later, now i take a good look at some of sword/shield's designs and i can't help but think that the majority of the pokemon created were created by different artists from the last games.

I've played all of the games, with the exception of eevee/pikachu. Here are my gripes with pokemon as of now.

Pokemon has lost it's "soul".
I've been reading into this, but over the years the flavor and definition of pokemon hasn't resonated with long time fans such as myself. Sure we get new pokemon, and a new story every once in a while is nice, but it isn't the same. This wasn't a long time change either, I'm willing to state that pokemon started to stagnate for a lot of people after black/white 2. The game was made much much easier for players in the later titles. Some argue that it's just the transition to 3d, but i disagree. A lot of neat designs came out of the later titles like sun/moon, but the core gameplay loop of the new games is altered in a way that is uncomfortable. HMs were slowly faded out, they were a pain sure, we can all agree that they took up vital moveslots, but they were essential for unlocking and exploring later parts of the game. It made you going back worthwhile, it gave the areas we explored in the first half of the game a second purpose. HMs are useless now anyways because a typical pokemon journey today consists of a linear path with little variation. The older titles gave you freedom of choice to explore and battle gym leaders in no particular order.

The Introduction of a party-wide XP share destroys any aspect of training your team. Leveling your team used to take thought and strategy. Now any moron with a type advantage can steamroll an entire section of the game and the rest of their team gains levels without even participating. That's not challenging, that's intended laziness. There's not even an option to turn off XP share (UNLESS YOU PLAY X/Y, BUT THE GAME NEVER NOTIFIES YOU OF THE OPTION IN THE KEY ITEMS POCKET OF YOUR BAG). If there was a difficulty option with XP share on AND off, i wouldn't have a problem with it. It forces you to think critically about your party and their stats (even though a large % pay no attention to their pokemon's EV/IVS anyway). I digress, as of sword/shield, there's absolutely no way of turning off XP share. Its hard baked into the loop now.

The introduction of mega evolutions was great, but they are (for now) thrown away for gigantamax. I don't really have an opinion on gigantamax, it's just a silly gimmick to give people some eye candy.

Also, something extremely nitpicky, but the starters loving suck. I'm not going to beat around the bush, they all lack expression and character. Like, from an artists standpoint, that's a really poor first impression of the rest of your roster. Also something else, why are all the final evos of starters anthropomorphic? I've noticed this throughout some of the more recent titles, your starters are either all bipedal or all human shaped. This wasn't an issue in past games, usually you had two on all fours and one bipedal or vise versa. They may have stood on two feet but they were different enough from people to actually still be considered pokemon.

Cinderace could literally be a guy in a loving fursuit, and none of us would be the wiser.

One final note. It doesn't help that sword/shield is a demo of what we were actually supposed to receive. Anyone skeptical about sword/shield would be interested to know that the success of pokemon go prompted gamefreak to make a mobile pokemon game with the intention of linking it with go. That game was sword/shield, but the success of eevee/pikachu also prompted gamefreak to port the game over to the switch. This was all planned from the beginning of pokemon let's go. If the switch pokemon game flopped, they would exclusively make games for mobile, but luckily it didn't and sword/shield seem to be doing well given the needed criticism.

I still stand by my statement that the heartgold/soulsilver/platinum games are the definitive pokemon titles that stay true to the formula without adding in a bunch of random bullstuff to pad time.

Off Topic / Re: rlcbm: virtual timeclock buddy!
« on: November 21, 2019, 12:24:55 AM »
me and rlcbm go way back. i don't know what his deal is with you guys, but i can strike a conversation with him and he'll act normal for the most part.

at least he isn't like old furling lmao.

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: November 14, 2019, 03:38:05 AM »
Dude's obviously on the spectrum. Inspiration is a natural trait people long for. Journeymen stonemasons and artists won't create anything out of the blue, they need a starting point. This is normal for blossoming the creative thought process.

What guitar is doing isn't creative, or natural. It's plagiarism, stealing, theft of ideas. His defense is that this is all just a coincidence, which is blatantly bullstuff. Anyone could see that. Guitar can't formulate his own ideas or create his own process to create, so he assimilates Jayce's ideas and claims them for affirmation.

He holds himself well in public for an autist, but on the inside he's probably screeching.

Off Topic / Re: pride month 5 thread
« on: October 05, 2019, 11:14:07 PM »
okay yeah your whole spiel about activists is just projection lmao. especially when you use arguments as idiotic as this. you don't want to learn you just want to yell at trans/non-binary people about how they're wrong
that couldn't be farther from the truth. is it wrong for me to help people stop being funneled into a system they don't belong in? have you seen some of the echo chambers produced by the non-binary and trans community?

and that last bit was me trying to play on the irony of that argument. maybe i should've been more concise, so sorry if that got taken out of context.

Off Topic / Re: pride month 5 thread
« on: October 05, 2019, 10:39:25 PM »
yeah that's the entire point of transitioning; it rectifies the dysphoria. it wouldn't be allowed if it didn't work.

some people do struggle with feeling "fake". i can't speak for them. at some point you have to say "forget it, close enough" and be happy with what you've got.
That's...actually kind of the answer i was looking for. I think i understand now, kind of.

Off Topic / Re: pride month 5 thread
« on: October 05, 2019, 10:31:18 PM »
gotta love the anti-sjw intellectuals who refuse to learn basic psychology/sociology concepts then act like it's all a conspiracy to push an agenda, rather than concepts that have decades upon decades of research behind them
I'm aware of the terminology and psychology behind it, it's my damn job lol. And what about this is a conspiracy? What agenda am i trying to push? Also these concepts and ideals preached about within this thread weren't vocally present before the 1990s. They existed, they were known about, but it wasn't the focal point of society. So, why all of a sudden the outrage?
by people who don't understand the difference
I guess the french and germans can't understand the concept of love and identity, since their language only uses a singular word and definition for both.
also gender transition is the best treatment for gender dysphoria. literally the exact opposite of what you said is true
how so? does the transition help rectify their dysphoria, even if it's kind of a lie?

Off Topic / Re: pride month 5 thread
« on: October 05, 2019, 10:04:06 PM »
literally no "activists" where involved, they separated the definitions because it makes sense to if you can't see the obvious cultural aspects of gender then you are just ignoring reality

for example: "playing with toy trucks = boy" thing is an aspect of culture and is completely arbitrary, as all the other different gender sepecifc things, the definition of love it literally just what kind of biological features or traits you have. there's an obvious difference and if you can't see it you might be blind
Again, love and gender are often used interchangeably.

The doctrine of non-binaryism holds that biological love has nothing to do with gender, that gender exists along a continuum, and that the differences between the lovees are socially constructed. Babies are born as blank slates, and the extent to which they identify as male or female depends on their environment. Evolution plays an insignificant, if any, role in love differences, and even the obvious differences in reproductive function are incidental to people's self-identity. (Confusingly, transgender activists often argue that their gender identity is hard-wired, and that children who identify as the other love were "born that way.")

It seems ridiculous to have to argue this, but the science is settled. The two biological lovees (and there are only two) are broadly (though by no means perfectly) coterminous with gender.

love and gender are coterminous. You can be a boy and play with dolls, that does not make you a girl, that does not identify you as a girl, you are a feminine male. A girl can play with action figures, that does not make that girl a boy, that girl is a masculine male. These identifiers and labels misconstrued everything associated with this topic.

shut the forget up lmao

Edit: I'd like to clarify that i'm not bashing transgender-ism, transloveualism, or anything like that. I'm literally here to understand why people go through with "genderswapping" when it literally does nothing but harm.

Off Topic / Re: pride month 5 thread
« on: October 05, 2019, 09:46:31 PM »
That was before "activists" got in to the science of gender. It was simply 'masculine' & 'feminine'. Hence 'masculine female' & 'feminine male'. It was never meant to use in place of love identifiers.

Off Topic / Re: pride month 5 thread
« on: October 05, 2019, 09:34:05 PM »
I'm going to need at least three reputable sources that can back that up. From an accredited field study or author of medication, medical science, psychology, neuroscience, or psychobrown townysis.

Because at my medical university, terminology like that doesn't exist.

Off Topic / Re: pride month 5 thread
« on: October 05, 2019, 08:20:47 PM »
also there's growing evidence that trans people's brains more resemble the typical brain structure/activation patterns of their desired gender
While this is true, you can't rewire the brain to think that just because you've underwent therapy and had considerable changes to your body, that you're any different from once before. You're still genetically and fundamentally that previous gender.

Off Topic / Re: pride month 5 thread
« on: October 04, 2019, 09:36:28 PM »
This entire thread needs to be nuked.

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