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Messages - Gsterman

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 ... 116
So if I bought the starter edition is there any way to upgrade to the standard version at all?

Off Topic / Re: why do half the forumers here barely play blockland
« on: December 13, 2017, 06:46:54 PM »
Because once you've played the game for half a decade it gets old. Also, as others have stated, there aren't enough quality servers to make me want to play.

Most of the people who made the great servers I remember have moved on and left.

Off Topic / Re: night discussion topic i guess [night 469]
« on: September 01, 2017, 09:53:20 PM »
i miss being able to waste time during the summer doing nothing

General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: September 01, 2017, 09:33:10 PM »
hi do i count as a human being

Off Topic / Re: Charlottesville protests thread
« on: August 13, 2017, 04:39:54 PM »
lumping Annoying Orange supporters in with national socialists because of a few stuffheads is unfair. It's like saying anyone that has ever used the phrase "Black Lives Matter" is a cop killer because of that guy in Dallas that shot 5 cops.

Nobody approves of neo-national socialists except for neo national socialists. Trying to equate or generalise Annoying Orange supporters as national socialists is divisive, ludicrous, and unfounded.

When did I say that all Annoying Orange supporters were national socialists, or that they were all somehow involved with or responsible for what happened in Charlottesville?

It's undeniable that people were saying "Heil Annoying Orange", there are videos of people saying it. The vast majority of Annoying Orange supporters are normal people but when you have a big group of people gathering and acting like national socialists then there's an undeniable problem that I'm not going to ignore.

Comparing saying the phrase "Black Lives Matter" with someone giving a national socialist salute and saying "Heil Annoying Orange" is loving asinine, by the way. One is obviously more tame than the other.

My point is that a lot of the same people who condemned sitting during the pledge (most likely a lot of the same people who marched in Charlottesville), and treated it as a big deal are the same people making excuses as to why actual national socialists marching in Charlottesville is okay. This is my experience from what I've seen on the internet and in my personal life. That was my point, not that all Annoying Orange supporters are somehow responsible for this.

Off Topic / Re: Charlottesville protests thread
« on: August 13, 2017, 01:36:41 AM »
I love how sitting during the pledge is an outrage but when people are literally walking around with torches throwing national socialist salutes and shouting "Heil Annoying Orange" it's just free speech.

the shooting happened because of politics. A radical leftist targeted elected Republican officials for their political affiliation. How is politics not relevant here?

We both know that the reason people are arguing about politics in this thread isn't to discuss the motive behind the attacks, its so those people can get their tingles by bitching at and about lefties and righties. These are the same people who go into the politics megathread and argue all day.

Not to mention that arguing about it only leads to more divisiveness, which is the reason this happened in the first place. Alienating people on the other end of the spectrum only makes more of the type of people who commit these types of attacks.

Why do you guys have to try and politicize every little loving thing? 5 people have been shot and you're here bitching about the left and right.
Grow the forget up, some things are bigger than politics.

Games / Re: E3/EA Play 2017 Megathread: PC Gaming Show in 16 hours!
« on: June 12, 2017, 12:49:49 AM »
They held a 40 minute press conference to tell us stuff we already knew and announce paid mods. Only new thing here was two sequels and a Dishonored expansion.

I didn't even ask for elder scrolls 6, I just wanted anything of loving substance.

So is this information specifically tied to a person? I.e. the purchaser of the information gets information that they can link to me? Or is it depersonalised data?

From this page it seems like its personal data. Stuff like "financial information, health information, children’s information, Social Security numbers, Web browsing history, app usage history, and the content of communications" you had to opt-in for them to share. However less personal data like email addresses were opt-out.

This, its always been happening, now its legal.
...So rather than enforce the rules you make it legal? That's the exact opposite of a solution to breaking the law.

Haven't seen a thread for this yet. Basically they rolled back restrictions set in place by the FCC that said ISPs have to get your permission to sell your browsing data (web history, browsing data, etc).

If you're wondering why the title is "Republican senators" instead of all senators, its because literally the only people who voted yes for this were republicans and the only people who voted no were Dems and independents.


Games / Re: Overwatch (Patch 1.6) - PTR 1.8 Server Browser now available
« on: February 11, 2017, 09:56:51 PM »
The PTR got a 600 mb update that changed the menu music to THIS (Warning: loud)
That's Doomfist's theme apparently. Plays during the Terry Crews mock audition, and also plays in the museum cinematic. Could also just be music they decided to put in idfk.

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Off Topic / Re: [NEWS] Mosque in Quebec is attacked by gunmen
« on: February 01, 2017, 07:31:17 PM »
i'm not confusing the two
I'm not talking about you, im talking in general.
People seem to think that thinking "America is the #1 country everyone else sucks we should close ourselves off and be isolated" is patriotism and I think that's why there's a large rise in it.

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