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Messages - Randomness

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General Discussion / Re: the new version21 of blockland vote
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:28:42 PM »
i want baspot to read this topic i mean if he doesnt know and he finds out hes gonna be pissed

You are a scourge to the Blockland community. Your ignorance just ticks me off about how you believe Badspot is always behind terrains and interiors staying over the shadow and shaders update.

Also, your lack of understanding what LAG is also upsets me. You cant have a nuke with no lag.

Drama / Re: Okiver alt "Ellinia" - Malicious software posted
« on: June 11, 2012, 09:26:30 PM »
I have other methods of ID lookup. I wouldn't have downloaded this anyway.

Sometimes I think you guys take stuff over the Internet way too seriously. Nobody can hurt you over a monitor. ...I think.

But this is the Drama forum... so... there's my two cents.

No, don't go and change the code that I posted.

Code: [Select]
function getBlocklandID()
return getLAN_BLID();
return getNumKeyID();

getLAN_BLID() is a default function and is the proper way to do it, in case Badspot ever changes the LAN ID from 999999.

I just check if the ID is 999999 so it can safely assume Badspot hasnt changed all LAN IDs being the same, then an else if which does what I require.

This way I dont need to update my code.

Code: [Select]
%host = getNumKeyID();
if(%host = 999999)
  echo("Halting because Badspot wont fix all LAN IDs being 999999. Poopie.");
else if([list of IDs here, cut out for security reasons])
  echo("Authorization Detected. Booting.");
  warn("Security blacklist prevents unauthorized blockland players from booting this addon! WILL NOT BOOT!");

Anyways, here was my current attempt to fix this.

Code: [Select]
package plantLots
        function LOLPLACEHOLDERSmallLotBrickData::OnAdd(%this,%brick,%a)
    echo("Debug: ", "Hey I know this works!");
%brick.getDatablock().triggerDatablock = LOLPLACEHOLDERLotTriggerData;
%brick.getDatablock().LOLPLACEHOLDERBrickType = 1;
%brick.getDatablock().trigger = 0;

But I can see now this didnt work because Im not good at this sort of thing. I probably screwed up lots.

Maybe I can just get someone over IRC to help me out with this bug... be warned, its supposed to be a private oriented mod with good reasons.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: No-Emitter "Zone"
« on: June 03, 2012, 04:40:40 PM »
The point of "no-zones" was to allow rain-free houses or other such visual effects so it would add to the overall appeal of a build.

Its not essential, and its not like Kompressor would ever pay attention to this forum, so I guess these are dead dreams.

I think now comes the moment of truth; something that has been bothering me since Day 1 of this programming project.

Some of the custom bricks in this add-on use "trigger" datablocks. (aka you walk on them and they activate) I've been having a problem where when you load these bricks, they do not load their respective triggers. This is a problem also seen in the dead CityRPG mode, but now Im having this issue too.

Is there any hope of fixing this?

Suggestions & Requests / Re: No-Emitter "Zone"
« on: June 03, 2012, 01:44:59 AM »
Good point. Didnt think of that.

Suggestions & Requests / No-Emitter "Zone"
« on: June 03, 2012, 01:10:15 AM »
This is a bit of a suggestion related to visuals and not functionality, but it is something I wanted to see.

You know how a generic weather script makes a rain emitter all over the map but the rain still shows underneath a brick as if inside a house or similar structure?

Well I was thinking of an easy way so that emitters are cancelled so that they stop in relation to their origin point.

Let me make this easy to understand: You have an emitter brick or origin point, (say the skybox just for simplicity...) but we'll go with a brick for this example.

              ||[ NO-ZONE ]
              ||[ NO-ZONE ]
X ------> ||[ NO-ZONE ]

In relation to the brick's emitter direction and position, a brick in its path would act as an invisible no-emitter zone ceiling. The No-zone is as long as the emitter is originally and is not obstructed by any other brick. Perhaps its an "emitter" itself, but an anti-emitter.

For a brick's no-zone to be generated it must:

1] Be in the brick's emitter direction
2] Be in range of the emitter effect (hopefully with the way emitters work, "infinite" emitters are patched to prevent infinite no-zones)
3] Be completely "solid"

The criteria for rule 3 is only supposed to prevent bricks or other such custom bricks like a grill (which has holes, hurr) from stopping the emitter with a no-zone.

ADDENDUM: The no-zone only cancels emitters that hit the brick it is in relation too. This prevents situations such as:

              ||[ NO-ZONE ]
              ||[ NO-ZONE ]    <------- X
X ------> ||[ NO-ZONE ]

Also, it is entirely dependent on the brick's raycasting.

Discuss. Hopefully, I didn't leave anything out.

Is this for dedi servers too?

I guess that was kinda stupid.

Right.. new question.. (sheesh this must be my 3rd.)

How to fetch the host's BL_ID in script? The other topic doesnt help me.

Yes, I meant $=. I didnt go back to edit my post so now I look stupid. Great.

Thanks anyway.

Topic Locked.

...Topic Unlocked, because it appears I cant code worth a crap.

Is there an easy way to clear the client's ghost brick via script? I've searched this sub-forum and found nothing related to what I needed.

The category and sub-category are stored on the datablock.

%brick.getDatablock().category and %brick.getDatablock().subCategory should work.

Oh thank god, I fixed it. The line I needed was %col.getDatablock().category = "JVS". Thank you.

I was working on a little something and I feel like I came to a roadblock. For what I need to do, I need to pull the category name from a brick (getCategory, sort of) and store it in a variable to compare it to something which to me seems a little sloppy but it works.

Can anyone elaborate more on this? I feel like the solution is simple and I'm an idiot.

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