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Messages - Bravo

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I think being a pool lifeguard is pretty easy. A lot of people I know become pool lifeguards before ocean.  I'm an ocean front lifeguard and I had to take an 82 hour course which is probably the hardest thing I've ever done. You have to run miles and swim miles every day. Theres also cliff rescue and spinal stabilization rescue training.
Do you have to take a medical course?
My agency requires an EMT cert, which is pretty hard too.

Edit: something important to know is that if someone is drowning and you don't rescue them on purpose, like it's your worst enemy or your mom's ex boyfriend etc., you can be sued for a forgetton for gross neglect.

Off Topic / Re: Reading Thread (AKA Educate Yourself cigaretteet)
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:59:00 PM »
Read an epic titled We the Drowned, i guess it's a classic in europe but not many people have heard of it here.
It's the best book I've ever read. Spans from the early 1700s to the end of world war two and contains pirates and awesome war stories.

Hopefully it's something like the GameCube, or at least an actual console where the main attraction isnt motion control.
I was thinking of buying another GameCube just so I can play windwaker and ocarina of time.

Add-Ons / Re: TotalRPG - Full featured RPG event system
« on: March 16, 2015, 04:57:13 PM »
Been waiting for something like this for a very long time. Great job!

Is there any way you could implement a simple levelup event that gives the player a bit more maximum health each level?

The water splash sound is the same as the sound in  puzzle pirates

Off Topic / Re: Level 18 Achieved
« on: March 05, 2015, 12:24:02 AM »
Woah it's my birthday too.

Happy birthday

I go to bed at like 730-8pm on weekdays, but stay up till around 2 or 3 on weekends partying.

circumscizion was invented by the jews in world war two to make their richards look bigger

Off Topic / Re: Whitest things to say
« on: February 11, 2015, 07:41:05 PM »
how dare you put my champagne in a tumbler!

Games / I found some art that could be a concept for an epic game
« on: February 04, 2015, 08:16:47 PM »
I came across this page on a pretty cheesy site entitled "12 Zodiac Signs Reborn as Horrifying Monsters", and immediately realized how epic a game could be if it was based around these monsters. I was thinking like a Dark Souls/Shadow of The Colossus type game.
If someone made a game where you had to defeat these 12 monsters, I would immediately buy it.

Here's the site

Here's some of the cool ones -




Got lucky today

Off Topic / Re: What games do you think have the best music?
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:33:36 AM »
The elder scrolls. I really liked morrowind

How often do you do these and what drugs do you usually do? Like I am already aware that you don't smoke anymore but just curious like out of that list which one's you frequent.

I don't really frequent any drugs, I've mostly just done them once to see what it's like. Sometimes I'll trip on holidays or occasions though.

i know you guys probably hate me because of my past in this thread
but this question was brought up during my social studies class

is marijuana really a gateway drug?
forget yes

smoking weed ticked a box in my head that i was no longer 'drug free', and led me to research other drugs which eventually led to my use of alcohol, acid, mushrooms, molly, and cocaine. it was the first thing i ever did.

Off Topic / Re: Bricked My loving Phone
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:59:34 PM »
bricked my old LG, i told them it just stopped working (tried rooting it and completely broke). I kept turning it on and off till the battery drained and it showed nothing when powered up, then sent it in and said i'd made no adjustments and that the phone was almost new. Got a new phone completely free, never heard anything about rooting.

Call customer support and say the same thing, pretend to be an idiot and just say "It stopped working". It might work for you too.

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