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Messages - Littledude

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 689
Games / Re: Saints Row IV coming out tonight at 12am
« on: August 20, 2013, 12:08:32 AM »
oh no the game wont launch because it says its missing the exec file
hopefully a cache verification will fix it

i got it working just had to delete the appcache folder

this game is a lot of fun so far, I look forward to getting into it when I'm less tired

Games / Re: Saints Row IV coming out tonight at 12am
« on: August 19, 2013, 02:33:09 PM »
i might get it somewhere in the 20th

im not the kind of person who preorders or anything the op said
it was definitely worth preordering on steam because it was on sale and came with extra stuff

Games / Saints Row IV coming out tonight at 12am
« on: August 19, 2013, 01:21:23 PM »
Just thought I'd start up a bit of discussion about the game for those of us who are excited for its release.

I've prepurchased and downloaded the game already so I can start playing as soon as possible.

I downloaded the demo thing that lets you make your character prerelease and I'm loving around with it now.

You can change the pitch level on all of the voice options, allowing for some funny voices. I changed a couple of the female voices to be really deep pitched and they just sound like sassy guy voices.

But yeah I've been waiting for this game to come out and I'm really excited to play it. I haven't really read much about the game but I heard it has like a matrix storyline and when you are using the superpower stuff you are in the matrix.

i don't know about your dad but whenever my parents took away my computer and stuff it only ever lasted for a week or so. But I also was able to still play games a lot cause my parents got home a few hours after i did from school.

Games / Re: I need help on a decision: Dawnguard or Dragonborn?
« on: August 18, 2013, 09:41:54 PM »
i haven't played dragonborn yet but I have both and can say that dawnguard is pretty fun, but once you finish the quest chain there's nothing new to explore, with dragonborn you have a whole new island.
personally i think you should get dawnguard, just because it was the first of the two to come out.

Play Falskaar when you get bored of it
this is actually an interesting looking expansion mod, I'm downloading it now. It seems like a good free alternative to buying dawnguard/dragonborn

Games / Re: A game where you can live a total life of crime.
« on: August 13, 2013, 09:48:17 PM »
i don't know why you're excluding gta and saints row
the first saints row game had a pretty good robbery system in place

Off Topic / Re: Furry Megathread - Fuzzy Butts
« on: August 08, 2013, 11:47:26 PM »
can I ask a serious question without getting into a huge argument?

I just want to know why most outwardly gay people on the internet seem to be furries

How small is your case? An HD 7970 isn't that huge.
i have a 5850 currently which is about 8.5 inches long and there's only a little less than an inch of space left and the 7970 im looking at is about 11 inches long

my current case isn't like a standard size, I bought this computer from ibuypower a few years ago and i'm pretty sure the case wasn't really built with future upgrades and stuff in mind

@littledude if you're planning on getting a 7970, you should definitely wait until the new AMD cards release, supposedly in October. The new cards will be better, clearly, but even if you dont buy a newer card the prices for the older cards will drop.
i probably will wait a while to do this anyway, but I don't think I'd buy the newest gen card. i'm not really on a budget for this since I have the money to play with right now, but I still need to justify buying expensive stuff without really needing it. My current graphics card is fine for playing the games I want to play, the only problem with it is a screw from somewhere in the card fell out a while ago and now something is leaning on the fan as it spins, causing the card to get pretty hot and make an annoying noise sometimes.

Off Topic / Re: PewDiePie.
« on: August 01, 2013, 04:00:35 AM »
i don't see how any of this is a problem, if people like his videos they can like his videos. I personally find them to be horrible, but I just don't watch or even seem to notice them.

Off Topic / Re: Are there any good music programs for windows?
« on: August 01, 2013, 03:57:39 AM »
i just use a folder called music and windows media player.
i don't think i even have itunes installed right now

i plan on upgrading my computer, hopefully I can get away with only buying a new case (current case isn't big enough to fit a new graphics card), a new graphics card, and possibly a motherboard but I'd definitely keep using my mobo if I can.

right now I'm looking at this: for the graphics card, this: for the case, and this:   as a possible mobo, but I really don't know much about mobos.

I'm pretty certain about wanting a 7970, but the case and motherboard are totally tentative

basically I'm just asking if i can still use my current motherboard and processor or if I have to buy new ones. and also for tips on better things to buy and stuff
also I kind of want to do this with all amd parts, so unless you find a better quality and lower priced part by a different brand don't bother suggesting non-amd stuff

dxdiag attached

oh and since it doesn't seem to say in the diag I currently have an asus M4A77TD-pro motherboard

Off Topic / Re: Let's write some good ol' fashion RAP!!!!
« on: July 25, 2013, 01:08:43 AM »
but now you heard the story'bout how i got caught
playing with my stuff but hold that thought
before you disprespect j r-o-c, it could happen to you cause it happened to me
check this stuff out, uh.  check it out
the situation broke out when i smoked too much bud
reached in my drawers, and pulled out my pud
bust open the jar of petrolium jelly
started thinking about donna and nicky and shelly.
in my mind i was hitting, we was almost there.
then the door bust open and forget my moms was there.
don't disrespect  j r-o-c, it could happen to you cause it happened to me

Games / Re: GTA V Discussion Thread
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:01:46 PM »
I'm really hoping this game feels a lot more like san andreas than 4.
judging by what I've seen it will and I'm pretty excited.
It's the only game that I can think of that's coming out soon and I'm really looking forward to

Gallery / Re: Overgrown City
« on: July 11, 2013, 03:59:25 PM »
its nice, but besides the grass and vines you put everywhere it doesn't look overgrown, it needs to be more ruined and stuff

Games / Re: Xbox a New Generation Discussion
« on: June 10, 2013, 04:46:58 PM »
ill probably get the new xbox eventually, especially since it has a blue ray drive, but I don't really play on consoles that often. I really only play on consoles when there isn't a pc version of the game.

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