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Messages - Inap

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Drama / Re: zedrow - lying once again here we go
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:15:11 PM »

havent worked on them in a bit

Drama / Re: zedrow - lying once again here we go
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:09:41 PM »
well its your music so i would assume that they would be stored somewhere on your computer

is that enough?

Drama / Re: zedrow - lying once again here we go
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:05:42 PM »
Well, you did more than steal an addon, you are a compulsive liar. AFAIK, you don't even care that we're general starfishs to you.
actually i do you cunt
how the forget do i get proof?

Off Topic / Re: bored what do
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:03:15 PM »
ur mom

Drama / Re: zedrow - lying once again here we go
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:44:54 PM »
How is it in the past if you're lying right now.
How am I lying about you dipstuffs hating on everyone? You people cant be nice for once. I get it, I stole an addon. I know. But holy stuff cant you asses be nice for once?

Off Topic / Re: post your speedtest vIDK
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:22:48 PM »
I have Time Warner Cable running off that same exact server and I get 110 down, 90 up and Ping is around 10
fuk u
also do the pingtest on

Music / Re: can someone make this a music file for blockland
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:21:17 PM »
Yeah, if badspots finds a song longer than at most 30 sec IIRC he'll kick down your door and ban you with his mighty ban hammer of death
no, all he said is not full songs cause they'll sue him or some stuff and also anything super long (like 2-3 mins) cause its too long to load isnt accepted

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Mini tank player
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:18:10 PM »

i cant, just no

just stop

Drama / Re: zedrow - lying once again here we go
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:09:56 PM »
tbh i didnt work on setton that much
the songs are mine

you friends act like im the only person in the world thats ever stolen an addon
get over it
its in the past

User was banned for this post

Add-Ons / Re: [Emote] Nope.avi
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:48:03 AM »

for (%i = 0; %i < 4; %i++)
    %player.playThread(%i, "headUp");


Where/what do you enter? I tried entering that into the console but it doesnt work.

Off Topic / Re: ✵✴ - Forumer of the Day - ✴✵ - DAY XX
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:37:11 AM »
day xxx pls

Off Topic / Re: post your speedtest vIDK
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:35:27 AM »

rip download and upload speed

Gallery / Re: [VIDEO] Colors
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:32:43 AM »

Forum Games / Re: Posts Against Blockanity
« on: February 20, 2015, 09:44:55 PM »
gay, I, die, richard

You suck _____.

Forum Games / Re: Different profile picture.
« on: February 20, 2015, 09:41:32 PM »
A decepticon from Transformers. NOT MICHAEL BAY

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