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Messages - Keanu73

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Drama / Re: kokonut/maxymax13 - obsessive nitpicking
« on: August 20, 2019, 10:47:37 AM »
the best you could do is apologise but you're still banging on about it

Drama / Re: kokonut/maxymax13 - obsessive nitpicking
« on: August 19, 2019, 06:15:29 AM »
weeeelll instead about being an ass about how someone's first model sucks maybe be constructive instead
i thought you were B e t t e r max

Off Topic / Re: the tf2 economy just crashed
« on: August 04, 2019, 04:11:45 AM »
you made it sound like only the people who unboxed one unusual gets to have it marketable.


Off Topic / Re: the tf2 economy just crashed
« on: August 03, 2019, 03:47:12 AM »
well boys we did it
Quote from:
On the evening of Thursday, July 25th, a bug was introduced that allowed some older crates to grant an Unusual hat on every opening. We fixed the bug the following morning and decided to trade-lock the hats from the bugged crates while we evaluated the situation.

Over the past week, we have been discussing ways to address this situation with the goal of minimizing the impact on the TF2 community as a whole, while preserving the experience of customers who had simply opened a crate, made a trade, or purchased from the market on the 25th, unaware that a bug produced their item.

During our investigation we discovered that a small number of accounts acquired these hats and a smaller portion of those accounts acquired an exceedingly large number of them. Based on this, we've decided that if you currently own one of these Unusual hats, the first one added to your account will be made tradable. Any other Unusual you have received due to the bug will remain permanently trade locked. If you decide that you would rather not have these trade-locked hats on your account, you may instead elect a full refund on any number of them.

The number of Unusual items being made tradable represents about one month of the regular Unusual drop rate.

A few of you were concerned that you had done something wrong by opening a bugged crate, and proceeded to delete your hats. While we appreciate the concern, you didn't do anything wrong, so hats from bugged crates deleted before the tradable date will be restored to your accounts with the same restrictions described above.

Item tradability, restoration, and the refund support page will be made available in about a week's time. Refunds will be the full price paid for any hats, crates or keys bought on the Steam Community Market or Mann Co. store. We will post an update when that exact date becomes available.

We apologize for the inconvenience of this incident, and we’ve added safeguards to prevent incidents like this in the future.

tl;dr the first unusual that people unboxed is tradeable but the rest are trade-locked
in a week or so you can funnily enough get a refund for these trade-locked unusuals, and you can even get a refund for the bugged crates and the keys you purchased

General Discussion / Re: Did Badspot completely abandon this game?
« on: August 02, 2019, 05:50:47 AM »
I wish that there was a better solution to keep the terrain and interiors code and fix them up. The problem lies within Torque Game Engine that hasn't been updated since 1.5.2 in May 2007. I hope someday that a new game will popup that is similar to Blockland with sandbox building to gain that popularity again this game once had.


Off Topic / Re: what day will blf end on?
« on: July 31, 2019, 01:25:11 PM »
you already ended it

Off Topic / Re: profile pictures that you'd never forget
« on: July 31, 2019, 11:18:43 AM »
well this died quickly

Off Topic / Re: the tf2 economy just crashed
« on: July 27, 2019, 04:12:47 AM »
ok for now they made the unusual drops from these crates untradable for the time being

Off Topic / Re: the tf2 economy just crashed
« on: July 26, 2019, 03:24:24 PM »
update: after 19 hours valve finally took the wool out of their eyes and disabled trading + community market buying/selling for tf2 items temporarily
(and the tf2 twitter has finally made a tweet after 1 year and 4 months)

Off Topic / Re: the tf2 economy just crashed
« on: July 26, 2019, 10:02:52 AM »
im so mad i aint got any of those crates

i had an #82 but i made a sell order for it and someone bought it before i could cancel it

Off Topic / Re: the tf2 economy just crashed
« on: July 26, 2019, 09:48:29 AM »
I have a bunch of old crates, which are guaranteeing Unusuals?

from what i'm seeing the bugged crates are #1-#18, #61, #82, and #85
if they sell over 0.03 then they're probably bugged (although apparently crates #19-#21 are fake bugged crates)

EDIT: #61 not #62

Off Topic / Re: the tf2 economy just crashed
« on: July 26, 2019, 08:01:03 AM »
mines over 500 usd, my value is mostly from rare promo items and stranges

jesus christ

Off Topic / Re: the tf2 economy just crashed
« on: July 26, 2019, 06:37:37 AM »
imagine still caring about tf2 economy in 2019

i have a £40 inventory stupidly

Off Topic / the tf2 economy just crashed
« on: July 26, 2019, 06:33:57 AM »
it took them 8 days to come to a solution
we need to rescue these poor souls

well boys we did it
tl;dr whoever unboxed 1 unusual can trade it but if they unboxed any more than that then they're trade locked
in a week or so you can funnily enough get a refund for these trade-locked unusuals, and you can even get a refund for the bugged crates and the keys you purchased

update: after 19 hours valve finally took the wool out of their eyes and disabled trading + community market buying/selling for tf2 items temporarily
(and the tf2 twitter has finally made a tweet after 1 year and 4 months)

ok for now they made the unusual drops from these crates untradable for the time being

some pretty old crates suddenly 100% guaranteed unusuals (#1-#18, #61, #82, and #85), and a couple of people spotted this bug and started unboxing in the masses, quickselling these unusuals
word spread around and mid-tier unusuals that are on average £50 have suddenly dipped to almost the price of a key (£2), and demand for the bugged crates have soared
the economy got so bad that one of the main trading sites and (along with had to disable unusual banking
sell your crates if you want and look through the list of now-cheap unusuals but nobody knows how valve will clean this up

edit: apparently people are saying that they've been trade-banned for buying/selling bugged crates/unusuals but nobody is really certain at this point; trade these items at your own risk
valve will either have to rollback all the item trades or they might just sit back and watch like they did when the untradable gift wrap glitch was about

Off Topic / Re: profile pictures that you'd never forget
« on: July 25, 2019, 10:46:48 AM »
ok time to see whos the old guys in here:

anyone remember that one avatar of the guy smashing a keyboard getting progressively more angry until he starts bleeding and banging his head onto it

i know the picture i just dunno who used it

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