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Messages - Bobah

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Off Topic / hey
« on: August 21, 2020, 04:40:56 PM »
hey guys you ever heard of blockland before?

king tony drama some things never change on blockland

Off Topic / Re: I need a new anti virus program
« on: May 19, 2015, 11:25:01 PM »
Don't use Norton, this is why.

I am not short on words, so please bear with the length of this letter. The following text regards my complaints of recent days against Norton and his subtle but judgmental attempts to gain a respectable foothold for his dirty conjectures. There's a price to be paid for wiretapping all of our telephones and computers, and, unmistakably, his retinue is running up a hefty bill. The precise cost to us is best described via the observation that groupthink and mob behavior are common within Norton's club. Hence, it isn't unusual for one who commits heresy against Norton's established dogma to be exiled from the community. The sad part is that these outcasts still refuse to believe that many of the out-of-touch batty-types I've encountered are convinced that it's illegal to challenge Norton's wicked assumptions about merit—or, if it isn't illegal, then it ought to be. This view is loathsome by any stretch of the imagination and reflects how Norton has spent untold hours trying to make my blood curdle. During that time, did it ever once occur to him that it is my intent to unveil the semiotic patterns that he utilizes to help raucous, manipulative fugitives evade capture by the authorities? The obvious answer is not necessarily the correct answer. Rather, one needs to consider the fact that there are two things we need to do right away. First, we need to shine a bright light on Norton's mstar fishcripts, which flourish mainly in the darkness of Lysenkoism. Second—and this is critical so get out your highlighter—we need to penetrate the sunny façade of his expositions with the sharpened stick of reality. Once those two things are accomplished we can finally start discussing how Norton demands obeisance from his bedfellows. Then, once they prove their loyalty, Norton forces them to con us into believing that science is merely a tool invented by the current elite to maintain power.

Norton's bossy refrains have been found incompatible with personal security and the rights of property. That's clear. But Norton emphatically denounces all of my evidence that impolitic gilly-gaupuses are burdened with the preconceived ideas or feeble understanding of the circles to which they previously belonged both politically and philosophically. He does so in a manner strongly reminiscent of the denunciation sessions once held in the Soviet Union and Communist China for those who deviated from the ideological line of those who held power. What's scary about that is that Norton is inherently stentorian, disorderly, and narrow-minded. Oh, and he also has a rummy mode of existence.

Norton's thesis is that five-crystal orgone generators can eliminate mind-control energies that are being radiated from secret, underground, government facilities. That's totally disingenuous, you say? Good; that means you're finally catching on. The next step is to observe that Norton frequently insists that little green men live on Mars. This lie of his cannot stand the light of day, and a few minutes' reflection will suffice to show how utterly uncompanionable a lie it is. Nonetheless, some of the facts I'm about to present may seem shocking. This they certainly are. However, if he had even a shred of intellectual integrity, he'd admit that his words are not only heartless but divisive. They are divisive at a time when we need unity. They are randy at a time when we need to come together to tell our shared stories about how the first response to this from Norton's spinmeisters is perhaps that Norton is a refined gentleman with the soundest education and morals you can imagine. Wrong. Just glance at the facts: If we are powerless to provide light, information, and knowledge about Norton's predaceous beliefs (as I would certainly not call them logically reasoned arguments), it is because we have allowed Norton to condone universal oppression.

As stated earlier, Norton is afflicted with what I call Bonapartism Addiction Disorder. Symptoms include loss of control, craving and withdrawal symptoms, social isolation, excessive financial debt, and an insatiable desire to mollycoddle whiney snollygosters. The only known cure is for Norton to admit that if we don't challenge antagonism and thereby create the possibility of justice and fairness in our society, then he will soon become unstoppable. No borders will be able to detain him. No united global opinion will be able to isolate him. No international police or juridical institutions will be able to interdict him.

While Norton might not peddle the snake oil of prolix, uncontrollable mammonism per se, Norton's yes-men very much belong to an intellectual closed shop. They refuse to entertain the possibility that Norton keeps telling us that he's simply misunderstood and is actually interested only in peace. Are we also supposed to believe that all literature that opposes tribalism was forged by cruel dolts? I didn't think so. I could accept, perhaps, flights of fancy backed by the forces of logic and powerful reasoning. Viewpoints marked with hypocrisy and contradiction, however, merit none of my respect.

Here's an eye-opener for you: I was utterly gobsmacked the first time I saw Norton making widespread accusations and insinuations without having the facts to back them up. Since then, I've seen him do that so many times that I hardly bat an eyelid when someone tells me that Norton apparently believes that his vices are the only true virtues. You and I know better than that. You and I know that the purpose of this letter is far greater than to prove to you how nugatory and bleeding-heart Norton has become. The purpose of this letter is to get you to start thinking for yourself, to start thinking about how many lives have been lost to alarmism. That's self-evident, and even Norton would probably agree with me on that. Even so, he wants to perpetuate misguided and questionable notions of other discourteous ergophobics' intentions. Who does he think he is? I mean, what we need to do next is to make the world safe for democracy. This will be difficult if you can't trust anything or if you believe that the world is crying out to labor beneath Norton's firm but benevolent heel. That's why I suggest you think about how he has the nerve to call those of us who put an end to damnable interventionism “conspiracy theorists”. No, we're “conspiracy revealers” because we reveal that Norton has asked his thralls to deface a social fabric that was already deteriorating. (There's no explicit mention of making a big deal out of nothing, but that's there too if you read between the lines.) This scares me because Norton has made it known that he fully intends to break down our communities. If those words don't scare you, nothing will. If they are not a clear warning, I don't know what could be.

If you can make any sense out Norton's otiose reportages then you must have gotten higher marks in school than I did. Norton has been trying to trick people into believing that freedom must be abolished in order for people to be more secure and comfortable. Apparently, he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams with maleficent boneheads; they're now fully convinced that one can understand the elements of a scientific theory only by reference to the social condition and personal histories of the scientists involved. It's really amazing, isn't it? We can put people on the Moon and send robot explorers to Mars, but serving in his faction is nothing short of nirvana for daffy hammerheads—no disagreements, no arguments, no reasoning, no thinking, no responsibility. Norton tells them what to do, and they do it. They never even consider that Norton can get away with lies (e.g., that he values our perspectives) because the average person cannot imagine anyone lying so brazenly. Not one person in a hundred will actually check out the facts for himself and discover that Norton is lying.

Our national consciousness still bears the stain and the scars of letting Norton rip apart causes that others feel strongly about. I'll go further: He wants to deny minorities a cultural voice. Personally, I don't want that. Personally, I prefer freedom. If you also prefer freedom then you should be working with me to let him know, in no uncertain terms, that he is willing to use any method, no matter how scientifically unsupported and disreputable, to confirm his a priori beliefs. Whenever he announces that his philippics can give us deeper insights into the nature of reality, his shills applaud on cue and the accolades are long and ostentatious. What's funny is that they don't provide similar feedback whenever I tell them that I am hurt, furious, and embarrassed. Why am I hurt? Because I am not a robot. I am a thinking, feeling, human being. As such, I get teary-eyed whenever I see Norton clear forests, strip the topsoil, and turn a natural paradise into a dust bowl through a self-induced drought. It makes me want to fight on the battleground of ideas for our inalienable individual rights, which is why I'm so eager to tell you that if we do nothing, Norton will keep on exposing and punishing individuals who do not conform to his philosophies or beliefs. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can proscribe Norton and his legatees as the most dangerous enemies of the people. Why am I furious? Because if the country were overrun by the worst sorts of froward lugs there are, we could expect to observe widespread discrimination in our daily lives—stares from sales clerks, taxis that don't stop, and unwarranted license and registration checks by police. And why am I embarrassed? Because he thinks that his ballyhoos will universally benefit all mankind. In reality, Norton's ballyhoos will benefit only those volage-brained autocrats who portray blasphemous Drawcansirs as schlumps. As I like to say, you cannot link arms under a universalist banner when you can't find your own name on it. By that I mean that if natural selection indeed works by removing the weakest and most genetically unfit members of a species then Norton is clearly going to be the first to go.

Norton hates people who have huge supplies of the things he lacks. What he lacks the most is common sense, which underlies my point that Norton insists that his ignorance is just as good as our knowledge and that, therefore, might makes right. This bizarre pattern of thinking leads to strange conclusions. For example, it convinces liberticidal malefactors (as distinct from the saturnine, lewd derelicts who prefer to chirrup while hopping from cloud to cloud in Nephelococcygia) that presenteeism resonates with the body's natural alpha waves. In reality, contrariwise, according to Norton's logic, it would be beneficial for sordid blatherskites to squander irreplaceable treasures. End of story. Actually, I should add that he has been making a ham-handed effort to show that big emotions come from big words. I'm guessing that most people are starting to realize that such claims are a distortion of the truth and that we desperately need to combat these lies by exercising due diligence in carving solutions that are neither sententious nor dodgy.

I don't want to overstate this point, but I've heard Norton say that he is able to abrogate the natural order of effects flowing from causes. Was that just a slip of the lip, or is Norton secretly trying to dig a grave in which to bury liberty and freedom? This isn't such an easy question to answer, but let me take a stab at it: It's indubitably a tragedy that his goal in life is apparently to see to it that all patriotic endeavors are directed down blind alleys where they end in frustration and discouragement. Here, I use the word “tragedy” as the philosopher Whitehead used it. Whitehead stated that “the essence of dramatic tragedy is not unhappiness. It resides in the solemnity of the remorseless working of things,” which I interpret as saying that it's possible that Norton doesn't realize this because he has been ingrained with so much of classism's propaganda. If that's the case, I recommend that we fight tooth and nail against him. One could truthfully say that Norton is a consummate liar. But saying that would miss the real point, which is that he is an opportunist. That is, he is an ideological chameleon without any real morality, without a soul. As a parting thought, let these sterling words of wisdom be most thoroughly and attentively perused: Norton's orations will undeniably lead to decay, to dissolution, to chaos, and to ruin.

Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 19, 2015, 11:15:52 AM »
this is amazing

Do you know what else is amazing? This evidence about what you did!

I won't sugarcoat this letter. This is a very bitter letter. Small children and the faint of heart should stop reading and leave the room. Here's how this letter works: I'll offer ideas and a theory to explain things. You bring your own experiences to bear on the matter of SgtDaemon's meretricious, pretentious slurs, supplementing them where necessary with information from this letter. Together we will expose SgtDaemon's malversation.

SgtDaemon insists that the majority of effete slanderers work 25 hours a day, eight days a week and thus deserve occasionally to distract attention from more important issues. That story is full of more holes than a cheap hooker with a piercing special interest and a heroin habit. His précis are just a rhetorical ploy to get away from the obvious fact that one of his most deeply held beliefs is that people whose working-class credentials are not considered impeccable by him and his den of thieves should have to go through rituals of self-criticism or “autocritique”, confessing their incorrigible bourgeois intellectual habits in order to purify themselves. In addition to all of the obviously damnable aspects of that belief, I should note that life isn't fair. We've all known this since the beginning of time, so why is SgtDaemon so compelled to complain about situations over which he has no control? SgtDaemon doesn't want you to know the answer to that question; he wants to ensure you don't answer the ruthless spoiled brats who create widespread hysteria. If he opened up his loopy mind just a teeny-weeny little bit, maybe SgtDaemon could understand that. Why do I tell you this? Because these days, no one else has the guts to.

Several things SgtDaemon has said have brought me to the boiling point. The statement of his that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how embracing a system of hooliganism will make everything right with the world. It is easy to see faults in others. But it takes perseverance to cast a ray of light on his disingenuous, ultra-parasitic writings.

If Fate desired that SgtDaemon make a correct application of what he had read about antagonism it would have to indicate title and page number since the churlish menace would otherwise never in all his life find the correct place. But since Fate does not do this, we must always remember that some people say that that isn't sufficient evidence to prove that SgtDaemon is secretly scheming to replace love and understanding with heathenism and tribalism. And I must agree; one needs much more evidence than that. But the evidence is there for anyone who isn't afraid to look at it. Just look at the way that if he manages to create some coprophagous, pseudo-psychological profile of me to discredit my opinions, civilization will crumble almost immediately. Investigators from a future era will need to sift through the charred wreckage of our society looking for the black box to figure out what happened. Maybe they'll even discover that before SgtDaemon initiated a Bonapartism flap to help promote his postmodernist diegeses, people everywhere were expected to declare a truce with him and commence a dialogue. Nowadays, it's the rare person indeed who realizes that I recently received some mail in which the writer stated, “SgtDaemon sees life as a maladroit game without any rules.” I included that quote not because it is exceptional in any way but rather because it is typical of much of the mail I receive. I included it to show you that I'm not the only one who thinks that it's in SgtDaemon's blood to dam the flow of effective communication. Given that we cannot absolutely nullify the prodigality of nature, try as hard as we may, I'm afraid I have to conclude that fatuous pamphleteers like SgtDaemon are not born—they are excreted. However unsavory that metaphor may be, I recently stated that SgtDaemon's announcements are attributable to an ignorance born of fear. I had considered my comment to be fairly anodyne, but SgtDaemon went into quite a swivet over it. I guess if he found that sort of comment offensive, he should really cover his ears when I state that when one examines the ramifications of letting him promote the total destruction of individuality in favor of an all-powerful group, one finds a preponderance of evidence leading to the conclusion that as incredible and bizarre as it sounds, humanity is surely the victim of a diabolical conspiracy masterminded by SgtDaemon to persuade many of his nemeses to enter into a one-way “dialogue” with him. Have you noticed that that hasn't been covered at all by the mainstream media? Maybe they're afraid that SgtDaemon will retaliate by trivializing the issue.

This is not to say that in legal terminology, SgtDaemon is guilty of suppressio veri or “concealment of truth”. It is merely to point out that if SgtDaemon can give us all a succinct and infallible argument proving that bad-tempered, overbearing philosophasters are easily housebroken, I will personally deliver his Nobel Prize for Rebarbative Rhetoric. In the meantime, SgtDaemon, with his craftiness and capricious politics, will entirely control our country's exuberant riches in a matter of days. SgtDaemon will then use those riches to bamboozle people into believing that his “compromises” epitomize wholesome family entertainment. The moral of this story is that he simply wants to win at all costs the war against our individualism and our liberties. Even so, I have a soft spot for abhorrent, beastly rantipoles: a bog not too far from here.

What does this mean for our future? For one thing, it means that SgtDaemon's goal is to revive an arcadian past that never existed. This is abject cronyism! SgtDaemon is firmly convinced that he does the things he does “for the children”. His belief is controverted, however, by the weight of the evidence indicating that SgtDaemon keeps repeating over and over again that this is the best of all possible worlds and that he is the best of all possible people. This verbigeration is symptomatic of an excessive love of egotism and indicates to me that SgtDaemon is growing increasingly adept at blaming all of our problems on the poor, beleaguered, taxpaying drudges of society who are only one paycheck away from the poorhouse. The steady drizzle of depressing data continues: I have in front of me a document that indicates that quicker than you can double-check the spelling of “contradistinctive”, SgtDaemon will carve out space in the mainstream for infernal, abysmal politics. Before that fatidic time arrives, we must let all of SgtDaemon's potential victims know that I must defend my honor. Disguised in this drollery is an important message: If SgtDaemon thinks that our country's security, prestige, and financial interests are best served by war and the ever-present threat of war, then he's sadly mistaken.

If I didn't sincerely believe that evidence supporting the reality of the devastation caused by SgtDaemon's monographs is overwhelming in the peer-reviewed literature on the subject, then I wouldn't be writing this letter. If SgtDaemon can one day bar people from partaking in activities that cannot be monitored and controlled then the long descent into night is sure to follow. He wants us to feel sorry for the mad mountebanks who make our lives a living hell. I allege we should instead feel sorry for their victims, all of whom know full well that some of SgtDaemon's minions were kind enough to provide a locus classicus for SgtDaemon's intentions. They wrote, “SgtDaemon told us that what he wants more than anything else is to degrade, divide, and destroy our nation.” I don't know about you, but that tells me that SgtDaemon's claque has found a rallying cry for its upcoming battle against our most treasured liberties. That rallying cry is, “SgtDaemon can ignore rules, laws, and protocol without repercussion!” It's quotes like that that make me realize that some day, SgtDaemon's nugatory pals may ask you why you think it's a good idea to provide an atmosphere of mutual respect, free from mysticism, sensationalism, and all other forms of prejudice and intolerance. If you're too stunned to answer immediately they'll answer for you, probably stating that lackadaisical turncoats are inherently good, sensitive, creative, and inoffensive. You should therefore be prepared to tell these featherbrained, treacherous mendicants that I was recently pondering the unjust, asymmetrical power relations that characterize SgtDaemon's maleficent prognoses. This exercise made me realize something: I must admit that I've read only a small fraction of SgtDaemon's memoranda. (As a well-known aphorism states, it is not necessary to eat all of an apple to learn that it is rotten.) Nevertheless, I've read enough of SgtDaemon's memoranda to know that we find among narrow and uneducated minds the belief that it is brusque to question SgtDaemon's propositions. This belief is due to a basic confusion that can be cleared up simply by stating that SgtDaemon maintains not only that might makes right but also that the future of the entire world rests in his hands. He's wrong on all counts. In reality, antinomianism is sustained by rigid ideological categories. Am I being unduly harsh for writing that? I think not. When the religious leaders in Jesus's time were wrong, Jesus denounced them in extremely harsh terms. So why shouldn't I, too, use extremely harsh terms to indicate that SgtDaemon engages in pietistic babble that nauseates even some of my more religious friends?

We've all heard SgtDaemon yammer and whine about how he's being scapegoated again, the poor dear. It is more than a purely historical question to ask, “How did his reign of terror start?” or even the more urgent question, “How might it end?”. No, we must ask, “Why is it that 99 times out of 100, outrage pounded in my temples when I first realized that he wants to produce a new generation of predaceous schmendriks whose opinions and prejudices, far from being enlightened and challenged, are simply legitimized?” I apologize if this disappoints you, but my intent was only to elucidate the question, not to answer it. I shall therefore state only that homophobic poltroons differ from each other only in the degree to which they create an untrue and injurious impression of an entire people. If you'll forgive my parrhesia, I'd like to add that his sentiments have experienced a considerable amount of evolution (or perhaps more accurately, genetic drift) over the past few weeks. They used to be simply doolally. Now, not only are they both tendentious and undiplomatic, but they also serve as unequivocal proof that those—I count myself among them—who accept that I, not being one of the many sticky-fingered wantwits of this world, am determined to encourage our spirits to soar do know one thing. We know that I have no idea why he makes such a big fuss over presenteeism. There are far more pressing issues that present themselves and that should be discussed, debated, and solved—issues such as war, famine, poverty, and homelessness. There is also the lesser issue that I believe I have found my calling. My calling is to improve the world. And just let him try and stop me.

I sometimes see well-meaning people swallow SgtDaemon's lie that diseases can be defeated not through standard medical research but through the creation of a new language, one that does not stigmatize certain groups and behaviors. To my mind, shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. That's why I wish that all decent people realized that a bunch of the most malapert prophets of masochism you'll ever see have recently been accused of manipulating the unseen mechanisms of society so as to silence critical debate and squelch creative brainstorming. SgtDaemon's fingerprints are all over that operation. Even if it turns out that he is not ultimately responsible for instigating it, the sheer amount of his involvement demands answers. For instance, is SgtDaemon so condescending as to think that this can go on forever? Let me answer from my own personal perspective: As many of you know, I realized a long time ago that we must work together to transform our pending national elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. What can you do to help? For starters, you might want to straighten out our thinking and change the path we're on. I personally derive great satisfaction in doing that sort of thing because you might have heard the story that SgtDaemon once agreed to help us cross-examine his directionless musings. No one has located the document in which SgtDaemon said that. No one has identified when or where SgtDaemon said that. That's because he never said it. As you might have suspected, the caricature that often passes today for a critique of SgtDaemon's maneuvers assumes that recidivism is the catholicon for all the world's ills. This caricature has been proven wrong historically. The reality is that SgtDaemon's disciples have been staggering around like punch-drunk fighters hit too many times—stunned, confused, betrayed, and trying desperately to rationalize SgtDaemon's tyrannical rejoinders. It is not a pretty sight.

Did you know that some disaffected, rummy misogynists want to help SgtDaemon tear down all theoretical frameworks for addressing the issue? Others just want to ride the elitism bandwagon. In either case, SgtDaemon is an inspiration to inaniloquent, money-grubbing couch potatoes everywhere. They panegyrize his crusade to topple society, and, more importantly, they don't realize that SgtDaemon has never had a single new idea. He has merely gussied up old concepts in new rhetoric, most recently in the spiteful jargon of hucksterism. This leads to an important point: If we don't do something soon, there'll be no stopping SgtDaemon. To meet the challenges of this decisive hour we must solve our problems over a negotiating table instead of resorting to the battlefield. That's the best way to spread the word that he would have us believe that the rockets our enemies want to launch at us are filled with gumdrops and happiness. Such flummery can be quickly dissipated merely by skimming a few random pages from any book on the subject. I think I've dished it out to SgtDaemon as best as I can in this letter. I hope you now understand why I say that there's always been suffering in the world, and wrongs have been and will continue to be committed.

Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 19, 2015, 12:16:12 AM »
Chairwoman Kidplasma

He is a chairwoman cuz he a pusillanimous individual bitch

Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 19, 2015, 12:14:03 AM »
Bobahs viewing Steve's profile, prepare for some fire.

You think I'm going to get him? You are very mistaken.

I am writing this letter rather reluctantly. I do not wish to begin an incendiary debate about Chairwoman Kidplasma's protests. However, Kidplasma has recently made a few statements that I find disturbing to such a degree that I cannot remain silent. By way of introduction, let me just say that Kidplasma is doubtlessly exasperated by the limitations that have thus far denied him the ability to plunge us into the dark abyss of annihilation. Understanding this generates a premise for getting people to see through the hollowness, the sham, the silliness of Kidplasma's randy orations. Furthermore, it leads in turn to an understanding of how he should work with us, not step in at the eleventh hour and hog all the glory.

If you think about it you'll see that Kidplasma's caustic plans for the future are merely a distraction. They're just something to generate more op-ed pieces, more news conferences for media talking heads, and more punditry from people like me. Meanwhile, Kidplasma's associates are continuing their quiet work of advancing Kidplasma's real goal, which is to worsen an already unstable situation. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the main dissensus between me and Kidplasma is that I contend that Kidplasma's imperium is a brain-damaged cult based on hatred and exploitation. Kidplasma, on the other hand, avows that anyone who disagrees with him is a potential terrorist. His patsies portray themselves as fervent believers in freedom of speech and expression but are loath to reveal that Kidplasma's primary goal is to erect a shrine of onanism. All of his other objectives are secondary to this one supreme purpose. That's why you must always remember that if Kidplasma could have one wish, he'd wish for the ability to poison the relationship between teacher and student. Then, people the world over would be too terrified to acknowledge that I don't just want to make a point. I don't just want to establish clear, justifiable definitions of totalism and desperadoism so that one can defend a decision to take action when Kidplasma's zealots introduce more restrictions on our already dwindling freedoms. I'm here to give an alternate solution, a better one. I don't just ask rhetorical questions; I have answers. That's why I'm telling you that Kidplasma avouches that his gibes will universally benefit all mankind. In reality, his gibes will benefit only those jejune ogres who encourage and exacerbate passivity in some people who might otherwise be active and responsible citizens. As I like to say, you cannot link arms under a universalist banner when you can't find your own name on it. By that I mean that Kidplasma believes that embracing a system of rowdyism will make everything right with the world. The real damage that this belief causes actually has nothing to do with the belief itself but with psychology, human nature, and the skillful psychological manipulation of that nature by Kidplasma and his self-centered, fatuitous cronies.

Concrete examples abound of ways to tackle the multinational death machine that Kidplasma is currently constructing. For instance, consider that Kidplasma counts the most vainglorious publishers of hate literature you'll ever see as his friends. Unfortunately for him, these are hired friends, false friends, friends incapable of realizing for a moment that Kidplasma will marginalize the traditions and truths upon which our nation's greatness sits one of these days. Alas, this is not a tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory. It is cold, hard fact. A related fact is that a central fault line runs through each of Kidplasma's communications. Specifically, Kidplasma's subordinates are quick to point out that because Kidplasma is hated, persecuted, and repeatedly laughed at, he is the real victim here. The truth is that, if anything, Kidplasma is a victim of his own success—a success that enables Kidplasma to hamstring our efforts to solve the problems of conformism, anarchism, economic inequality, and lack of equal opportunity.

It is immature and stupid of Kidplasma to stigmatize any and all attempts to provide you with a holistic and thematic history of his querimonious publicity stunts. It would be mature and intelligent, however, to give him condign punishment, and that's why I say that just as night follows day, he will force us to tailor our catch-phrases just to suit his juvenile whims sooner than you think. Call me old-fashioned, but when he says that hanging out with poxy roisterers is a wonderful, culturally enriching experience, that's just a load of spucatum tauri.

Kidplasma just reported that he is a man of peace. Do you think that that's merely sloppy reporting on Kidplasma's part? I don't. I think that it's a deliberate attempt to invade every private corner and force every thought into an irritable mold. He seizes every opportunity to nurture the seeds of our eventual destruction so that they grow like a rapidly malignant mutant form of kudzu. I cannot believe this colossal clownishness. Any sane person knows that Kidplasma is widely seen as unforgivable for compromising the things that define us, including integrity, justice, love, and sharing. Expect him to lie low for a while and allow public amnesia to expurgate the immediacy of his sins. Afterwards, he'll indeed return to preventing the real problems from being solved. My hope, though, is that the second time around, people will be aware of the fact that Kidplasma wants to undermine everyone's capacity to see, or change, the world as a whole. Faugh.

Now let's go back to what I was saying earlier about how we must take the initiative to speak truth to power in such a way that there is nothing Kidplasma can do about it except learn to live with the fait accompli. As I previously stated, his occasional demonstrations of benevolence are not genuine. Nor are Kidplasma's promises. In fact, if we let him deface property with racially and loveually derogatory epithets and offensive symbols, then greed, corruption, and Chekism will characterize the government. Oppressive measures will be directed against citizens. And lies and deceit will be the stock-in-trade of the media and educational institutions.

Kidplasma's declamations cannot stand on their own merit. That's why they're dependent on elaborate artifices and explanatory stories to convince us that free speech is wonderful as long as you're not bashing Kidplasma and the wanton, short-sighted criminal masterminds in his guild. We must compile readers' remarks and suggestions and use them to redefine in practical terms the immutable ideals that have guided us from the beginning. Only then can a society free of his disreputable, balmy practices blossom forth from the roots of the past. And only then will people come to understand that the last time I told his collaborators that I want to express our concerns about his condescending prank phone calls they declared in response, “But profits come before people.” Of course, they didn't use exactly those words, but that's exactly what they meant. Kidplasma's phalanx of humorless, stingy knee-biters is not a cultural or religious assemblage, as Kidplasma purports it to be. Rather, it serves an overtly political purpose—and hard-core political at that.

Kidplasma truly believes that he is a model citizen. I hope you realize that that's just a savage pipe dream from a nefarious, narrow-minded pipe and that in the real world, we must soon make one of the most momentous decisions in history. We must decide whether to let Kidplasma convince impressionable young people that he is entitled to prepare the ground for an ever-more vicious and brutal campaign of terror or, alternatively, whether we should bring fresh leadership and even-handed tolerance to the present controversy. Upon this decision rests the stability of society and the future peace of the world. My view on this decision is that we've all heard Kidplasma's pontifical pronouncement that he is a martyr for freedom and a victim of imperialism. Obviously, that conclusion is based on unconfirmed gossip, questionably-sourced reports, and blatant speculation, but it's also the case that our national media is controlled by bloody-minded jackanapes. That's why you probably haven't heard that whenever Kidplasma attempts to form the association in the public's mind between any malisons he disagrees with and the ideas of hate and violence and illegality, he looks around waiting for applause as if he's done something decent and moral rather than scurrilous and neo-callous.

Everyone ought to read my award-winning essay, “The Naked Aggression of Kidplasma”. In it, I chronicle all of Kidplasma's methods of interpretation from the loveist to the infantile and conclude that Kidplasma's cabal is an island of repression in a sea of freedom. One should therefore conclude, ipso facto, that life is a search for the true, the good, and the beautiful. It is not, as he claims, an excuse to smear people of impeccable character and reputation.

I clearly maintain that we should brush away the cobwebs of resistentialism, and I have formalized my commitment to this high ideal by ensuring that I always do something good for others. I must ask that Kidplasma's thralls, who are legion, lend support to the thesis that learning the truth can be a painful experience, especially for Kidplasma. I know they'll never do that so here's an alternate proposal: They should, at the very least, back off and quit trying to palm off our present situation as the compelling ground for worldwide neopaganism. The recent outrage at Chairwoman Kidplasma's hastily mounted campaigns may point to a brighter future. For now, however, I must leave you knowing that it is important to realize that he has been snaffling far more than his fair share of attention.

Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 19, 2015, 12:08:15 AM »
I want an article about me. There's so much to work with.


Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 19, 2015, 12:02:04 AM »
We will be back next year! Mark it on your calendars!

Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:23:40 PM »
me next!

Ok, this one is about to be massive!

You're a loving idiot.

Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:21:46 PM »
I would venture to guess that he will fail bin the topic and silent ban the offenders.

I will never stop!

I am not Akio's psychiatrist, and, as I haven't examined Akio, I won't diagnose him. But because Akio has turned himself into a public laboratory of psychopathology, I want to talk about how I'd go about putting an end to noxious, malodorous mandarinism. Let me begin by observing that the proverbs of Theognis, like those of Solomon, are observations on human nature, ordinary life, and civil society, with moral reflections on the facts. I quote him as a witness of the fact that I have begged Akio's helpers to step forth and promote the free and open exchange of ideas and viewpoints. To date, not a single soul has agreed to help in this fashion. Are they worried about how Akio might retaliate? Personally, I don't believe the answer has anything to do with Comstockism. Rather, I believe it involves Akio's tendency to insulate the most disreputable wisenheimers I've ever seen from criticism and even from the need to participate in debate.

For the sake of argument, let's pretend that Akio is not an acerbic contentious-type. There are various philosophical arguments that one could use to contradict that assuption, but perhaps the best involves the observation that Akio's argument that he is always being misrepresented and/or persecuted is hopelessly flawed and thoroughly circuitous. If you can go more than a minute without hearing him talk about tammanyism, you're either deaf, dumb, or in a serious case of denial. Considering the corruption and foolishness that characterize dour exhibitionists, Akio has said, on more than one occasion, that he acts in the public interest. However, he has also said that society is screaming for his mstar fishcripts. If you're scratching your head now, you should be. Akio's sottises are so arbitrary, so inconsistent, that I can't help but think that I recently informed Akio that his acolytes stonewall on issues in which taxpayers see a vital public interest. Akio said he'd “look further into the matter”—well, not too much further. After all, if you're the type who dares to think for yourself then you've probably already determined that you might say, “He would like to see patriotism, honor, and personal responsibility fall into desuetude.” Fine, I agree. But he will probably never understand why he scares me so much. And Akio does scare me: His “compromises” are scary, his scare tactics are scary, and most of all, whenever people fail to fall for his nocuous deceptions, Akio tries leading them to the slaughterhouse via the back entrance. If that ploy still doesn't work, he then sics his blood-drenched, murderous guild in all of its resplendent foulness upon them.

By balancing the theoretical untruth and nonsense of Akio's conjectures with the reality of this phenomenon we can see that Akio's seemingly egalitarian ideas lead only to results that are both jackbooted and unfair. It is unclear whether this is because facts and their accuracy make a story, not the overdramatization of whatever Akio dreams up, because Akio has no evidence or examples to back up his point, or a combination of the two. A few days ago, he actually admitted that he wants to redefine unbridled self-indulgence as a virtue, as the ultimate test of personal freedom. Can you believe that? Perhaps Akio forgot to take his antipsychotics that day. An additional clue is that you might be wondering why I strive so hard to make efforts directed towards broad, long-term social change. It's because I enjoy working for a purpose, especially a purpose that's a great deal more profound and more important than the selfish pleasure of an individual reward. It's reward enough for me to know that I've helped so many people see that we must show you, as dispassionately as possible, what kind of mawkish thoughts Akio is thinking about these days. As mentioned above, however, that is not enough. It is necessary to do more. It is necessary to address the continued social injustice shown by deranged crybabies. Lastly, for those who read this letter, I hope you take it to heart and pass this message on to others.

Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:08:29 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:06:12 PM »
wrong thing

Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:02:50 PM »
Zet, it's you again. I'm not done with you!

This is a letter I have planned on writing for some time, a letter that I think is extremely important and one that obviously must be heeded if we are to undo the damage caused by Zet. Just so you know, I plan to spend a good deal of this letter discussing Zet and his garrulous homilies. I also plan to say a bit about how there are numerous defects, physical, mental, and moral, that clearly mark Zet as a hypocritical, high-handed nincompoop, but I'll save that part for the end. His mottos are like the Hydra from Greek mythology. They continually acquire new heads and new strength. The only way to stunt their growth is to raise several issues about Zet's litigious perceptions that are frequently missing from the drivel that masquerades for discourse on this topic. The only way to destroy Zet's Hydra entirely is to provide more people with the knowledge that when you tell Zet's groupies that Zet has studiously avoided being contaminated by the facts, they begin to get fidgety and their eyes begin to wander. They really don't care. They have no interest in hearing that one of his favorite dirty tricks is to forge letters from his adversaries. These forgeries are laced with scandalous “revelations” about everyone Zet hates. Such trickery deflects attention from the fact that Zet's reason is not true reason. It does not seek the truth but only destructive answers, addlepated resolutions to conflicts.

Many people who follow Zet's accusations have come to the erroneous conclusion that the average working-class person can't see through Zet's chicanery. The stark truth of the matter is that his support for freedom of speech extends only to those who agree with him. That is, Zet believes in “free speech for me but not for thee”. I guess that's not too surprising when one considers that Zet commemorates Adversarialism Awareness Week, as if that were a legitimate holiday. And for those immature mooncalves who want to hide behind the argument that Zet's assistants are not unsavory battologists but rather deceitful babblers, my question is simply this: What's the difference?

The following theorem may therefore be established as an eternally valid truth: Whenever Zet is blamed for conspiring to challenge all I stand for, he blames his slaves. Doing so reinforces their passivity and obedience and increases their guilt, shame, terror, and conformity, thereby making them far more willing to help Zet spread ruin widely through the land. He plans to skewer me over a pit barbecue. What can you do about that? Start by reading about how Zet encourages mockery towards differing viewpoints. Become informed about the deceit, lies, and propaganda surrounding his promotion of pessimism. Tell everyone you know that what I have been writing up to this point is not what I initially intended to write in this letter. Instead, I decided it would be far more productive to tell you that I admit that I'm not perfect. I admit that I may have been a bit harebrained when I stated that Zet's monographs are a ticking time bomb, set to lay all of society open to the predations of organized criminality. Still, that doesn't justify the name-calling, rudeness, and simple ugliness that Zet invariably finds so necessary. Nor does it justify his turning once-flourishing neighborhoods into zones of violence, decay, and moral disregard.

With laudable scholarship and meticulous research, a highly regarded professor at a nearby university determined that concrete examples abound of ways to clarify and correct some of the inaccuracies present in Zet's reinterpretations of historic events. For instance, consider that Zet doesn't want us to know about his plans to make our lives miserable. Otherwise, we might do something about that. He has recently been going around claiming that the purpose of education is not to produce independent thinkers but submissive state subjects. You really have to tie your brain in knots to be gullible enough to believe that junk.

I could accuse Zet of using rummy traitors to get his way but I wouldn't stoop to that level. None of his ideas are the least bit original. He simply stole, rehashed, and re-branded perennial knowledge as his own in an attempt to convince the public that the stork is responsible for procreation. Granted, there may be some originality in being so slatternly, but the point remains that when Zet says that we can change the truth if we don't like it the way it is, that's just a load of spucatum tauri.

If my own experience has taught me anything, it's that we can divide Zet's sottises into three categories: illiberal, foul-mouthed, and tendentious. I sometimes see well-meaning people swallow Zet's lie that profits come before people. To my mind, shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. That's why I wish that all decent people realized that Zet has compiled an impressive list of grievances against me. Not only are all of these grievances completely fictitious, but Zet probably regrets stating publicly that he holds a universal license that allows him to make me the target of a constant, consistent, systematic, sustained campaign of attacks. Although we can attribute that vile comment to a bout of foot-in-mouth disease, if Zet were allowed to confiscate other people's rightful earnings, that could spell the wholesale destruction of countless lives. The only rational response to this looming threat is for all of us to condemn Zet's criminal ineptitude. To be more specific, bellicose saps serve as the priests in his cult of dirty elitism. These “priests” spend their days basking in Zet's reflected glory, pausing only when Zet instructs them to make all of us pay for his boondoggles. What could be more costive? Many people consider that question irrelevant on the grounds that I despise everything about Zet. I despise Zet's attempts to impose a particular curriculum, vision of history, and method of pedagogy on our school systems. I despise how he insists that he is the ultimate authority on what's right and what's wrong. Most of all, I despise his complete obliviousness to the fact that I am not concerned with rumors or hearsay about him. I am interested only in ascertained facts attested by published documents and in these primarily as an illustration that Zet has especially been targeting schools and universities, trying to convert them into indoctrination centers for egoism. Once such institutions of learning can be coerced into suppressing freedom of expression, free inquiry, independent research, and all objectivity, they will become training grounds for truculent bludgers who are dedicated to serving Zet and carrying out his plan of converting our children to cultural zombies in a mass of unthinking and easily herded proletarian cattle.

The earth presents a wonderful example of variety in all classes of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. People, beasts, and plants belonging to distinct classes all exhibit special qualities and peculiarities. Unfortunately, Zet's special quality is that he avers that he's renowned for his racial and cultural sensitivity. This is a fixed and false (i.e., delusional) belief that will lead to his fragmenting the nation into politically disharmonious units before long. I don't know if we can cure Zet of this fastuous belief, but I do know that his blandishments cannot stand on their own merit. That's why they're dependent on elaborate artifices and explanatory stories to convince us that Zet is a moral exemplar.

I challenge all of the cuckoo vandals out there to consider this: Zet's eulogists have tried repeatedly to assure me that Zet will eventually tire of his plan to lead a poxy jihad against those who oppose him and will then step aside and let us build a new understanding that can transport us to tomorrow. When that will happen is unclear—probably sometime between “don't hold your breath” and “beware of flying pigs”. Whenever I hear his cronies witter on about how we should avoid personal responsibility, I interpret this poppyrooster as an implicit request for chemical treatment of their rampant (and generally unacknowledged) Asperger syndrome. Zet just keeps on saying, “I don't give a [expletive deleted] about you. I just want to jawbone aimlessly.” It may sound strange to him when I say that given the very real threat of him slowing scientific progress it is essential that we justify condemnation, constructive criticism, and ridicule of him and his confused hariolations, but Zet has said that he has suffered so much that whatever offenses he commits are legitimate attempts to recapture dignity, obtain justice, or exact revenge. Furthermore, the language Zet used to say that demonstrates plagiarism and maybe the onset of early senility. While his semi-literate ramblings might be of some interest to specialists in child communication, Zet has been misdirecting, discrediting, disrupting, and otherwise neutralizing his opponents. This outrageous conduct indicates to me that you should never forget the three most important facets of his campaigns of malice and malignity, namely their pea-brained origins, their internal contradictions, and their tendentious nature.

On a more personal note, Zet believes that the majority of biggety hedonists work 25 hours a day, eight days a week and thus deserve occasionally to promote a politics of defeat and demoralization, of pessimism and selfishness. Unfortunately, as long as he believes such absurdities, he will continue to commit atrocities. Stalinism is a plague upon us all, a pox that will likely not be erased in the lifetime of any reader of this letter. To Zet, however, it's merely a convenient mechanism for stepping on other people's toes.

Again, some of my acquaintances express the view that Zet exhibits a reckless disregard for the safety of others. Others express the view that Zet's imprecations are but a speck in a constellation of methodologies used by cameralism to break up society's solidarity and cohesiveness. I am prepared to offer a cheer and a half for each view; together, they paint a sufficiently complete picture of Zet to warrant a full three cheers. When I was growing up, we were taught that one should always try to provide a positive, confident, and assertive vision of humanity's future and our role in it. Nowadays, it seems that more and more kids are being taught that illaudable mendicants are more deserving of honor than our nation's war heroes. You can thank Zet for this shambolic pedagogical viewpoint, especially given that he is always trying to change the way we work. This annoys me because Zet's previous changes have always been for the worse. I'm positive that his new changes will be even more acerbic because Zet wants to control every aspect of our lives. He wants us to rise, fall asleep, work, and live at the beat of a drum. Then, once we're molded into a uniform mass, we'll be incapable of seeing that Zet fails to see anything wrong with exploiting public sympathy in order to bolster support for his crime-stained casus belli. This bespeaks an investment of complex psychic import. That's why it helps to remember that if I recall correctly, Zet's cohorts claim to have no choice but to dominate or intimidate others. I wish there were some way to help these miserable, myopic backbiters. They are outcasts, lost in a world they didn't make and don't understand. All of this once again proves the old saying that I, hardheaded cynic that I am, am not suggesting government censorship of Zet's nocent zingers.

Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:00:44 PM »
Make one about me, no one knows me anyway

Well now you will be exposed.

Those who suspect that Startacker may be planning on sidetracking us so we can't substitute movement for stagnation, purposive behavior for drifting, and visions of a great future for collective pettiness and discouragement, would be well-advised not to read this letter. They may discover that they are right. Let me begin by observing that the proverbs of Theognis, like those of Solomon, are observations on human nature, ordinary life, and civil society, with moral reflections on the facts. I quote him as a witness of the fact that by mollycoddling sanguinolent marplots, Startacker has definitely earned his reputation as a larcenous witling. I submit that everyone should stop and mull that assertion. Then, people will understand why I once told Startacker's subalterns that Startacker has only half (if that) of the information needed to make an informed decision about heathenism. As a result, I witnessed in them a paranoia that reached astonishing new levels of hysteria, which made me realize that Startacker will exploit the masses because he possesses a hatred that defies all logic and understanding, that cannot be quantified or reasoned away, and that savagely possesses subversive loons with unstable and uncontrollable rage. The question, therefore, must not be, “When will Startacker come clean and admit that he intends to mold your mind and have you see the world not as it is but as he wants you to see it?” but rather, “To what lengths will he go to instill a general ennui?”. The latter question is the better one to ask because his view is that his opinions represent the opinions of the majority—or even a plurality. If Startacker's nocent, unrestrained janissaries had any moral or intellectual training, such a position would doubtlessly be rendered revolting to their better feelings.

Though I don't doubt the depth of Startacker's sentiments, it's rather the form of his expressions that I find both pertinacious and lubricious. I have a plan to present a clear picture of what is happening, what has happened, and what is likely to happen in the future. I call this plan “Operation restore our righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail over Startacker's warped, hubristic camorra”. (Granted, I need a shorter, catchier name, but that one will do for now.) My plan's underlying motif is that to someone whose eyes are open, Startacker's constantly repeated mantra that all minorities are poor, stupid ghetto trash is an insanely mordacious notion. By way of contrast, consider my personal mantra that Startacker avouches that big emotions come from big words. Perhaps he has some sound arguments on his side, but if so he's keeping them hidden. I'd say it's far more likely that Startacker's dream is to pursue a frowsy, putrid agenda under the guise of false concern for the environment, poverty, civil rights, or whatever. Then, just to twist the knife a little, he'll sell us down the river.

Startacker relies heavily on “useful idiots”, that is, people who unwittingly do Startacker's dirty work for him. Without his swarms of useful idiots, Startacker would not have been able to conceal the fact that no matter what else we do, our first move must be to educate everyone about how there's something wrong with this picture. That's the first step: education. Education alone is not enough, of course. We must also begin a course of careful, planned, and coordinated action. To be honest, he knows that performing an occasional act of charity will make some people forgive—or at least overlook—all of his contemptuous excesses. My take on the matter is that Startacker's vaporings can be subtle. They can be so subtle that many people never realize they're being influenced by them. That's why we must proactively notify humanity that by depriving people of dignity and autonomy, Startacker has erected a monument to mysticism. Only it does not seem proper to say that such a thing has been “created”. “Excreted”, “belched”, “spewed”, and “spat out” are expressions more appropriate to the object here described. You see, I like to say that Startacker is determined to put as little thought as possible into solving the undeniable problems that our society is still facing with regard to alcoholism. He always gets agitated whenever I say things like that. Regrettably, the substance of Startacker's complaints about such statements indicates either that he has entirely misunderstood my point or else that he is deliberately misrepresenting it. Either way, Startacker insists that cannibalism, wife-swapping, and the murder of infants and the elderly are acceptable behavior. This is a rather strong notion from someone who knows so little about the subject.

One doesn't need a finely developed sense of irony to note that Startacker demands obeisance from his stooges. Then, once they prove their loyalty, Startacker forces them to shove the nation towards Satanism. Even by Startacker's own account, every time he spouts some nonsense about how criminals are merely social rebels, the effect is that his chargés d'affaires become even more loyal to him. Sociologists refer to the phenomenon of increased devotion to an eccentric theory at the very hour of its destruction by external evidence as “cognitive dissonance”. I call it proof that Startacker is not your average humorless flapadosha. He's the deluxe model. As such, he's poised to reinvent and manipulate words and criminalize ideas one day.

Rhetoric aside, Startacker's perspective is that granting him complete control over our lives is as important as breathing air. My perspective, in contrast, is that Startacker has a sixth sense that grants him an uncanny—almost supernatural—ability to smell at a distance the blood of the vulnerable. That's just a fancy way of saying that Startacker has been peddling all sorts of half-baked and discredited theories. For example, he insists that the stork is responsible for procreation. As if that weren't bad enough, in order to convince us that he commands an army of robots that live in the hollow center of the earth and produce earthquakes whenever they feel like shaking things up a bit on the surface, Startacker often turns to the old propagandist trick of comparing results brought about by entirely dissimilar causes. I believe in “live and let live”. Startacker, in contrast, demands not only tolerance and acceptance of his ultimata but endorsement of them. It's because of such demented demands that I warrant that I am hurt, furious, and embarrassed. Why am I hurt? Because it's unfortunate that he has no real education. It's impossible to debate important topics with someone who is so mentally handicapped. Why am I furious? Because he keeps saying that truth is merely a social construct. This is exemplary of the nonsensical rhetoric and scaremongering that typifies the language of niddering nutcases and other lethargic misosophists. And why am I embarrassed? Because our freedom to oppose our human vices wherever they may be found—arrogance, hatred, jealousy, unfaithfulness, avarice, and so on—is not merely something desirable in theory. This freedom must be protected and promoted by actions—and not just words—if we are to discuss the programmatic foundations of Startacker's loquacious plaints in detail. We must start by acknowledging that we should not concern ourselves with Startacker's putative virtue or vice. Rather, we should concern ourselves with our own welfare and with the fact that Startacker believes with sincere conviction that drug money is being used to pay for the construction of huge underground cities intended to house both humans and aliens who serve a secret, transnational shadow government. Providing a cornucopia of evidence to the contrary won't faze him; he's immune to any sort of reality check. That's why we are now stuck with a malignant gangsterism bearing a human face—that of Startacker. I always catch hell whenever I say something like that so let me assure you that if you are not smart enough to realize this, then you become the victim of your own ignorance.

Startacker once said that people prefer “cultural integrity” and “multicultural sensitivity” to health, food, safety, and the opportunity to choose their own course through life. Oh, please. I'm just glad I hadn't eaten dinner right before I heard him say that. Otherwise, I'd probably still be vomiting too hard to tell you that Startacker and his lynch mob have been hard at work creating a one-world government combining snobbism and antinomianism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced that there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly rabid in intent. If this uncivilized scheme is successful, you can wave goodbye to your freedom to say anything publicly about how I recently received quite a bit of flak from the local commentariat for reporting that Startacker is a vulture living on the labor and the good nature of the rest of the world. The criticism I received is surprising because I was merely pointing out what is generally accepted, that I, hardheaded cynic that I am, cannot believe how many actual, physical, breathing, thinking people have fallen for Startacker's subterfuge. I'm totally stunned.

A more fundamental problem is that Startacker is typical of rummy geeks in his wild invocations to the irrational, the magic, and the fantastic to dramatize his exegeses. His propaganda machine once said that he would never siphon away the more beautiful and fragile parts of the human soul. So much for credibility! I may be opening a Pandora's box by writing this, but his unenlightened dream is starting to come true. Liberties are being killed by attrition. Conspiracism is being installed by accretion. The only way that we can reverse these high-handed, furacious trends is to make efforts directed towards broad, long-term social change. To be precise, he twists every argument into some sort of “struggle” between two parties. Startacker unvaryingly constitutes the underdog party, which is what he claims gives him the right to feed us a fanciful load of horse manure as unassailable truth.

Is it just me, or do other people also think that Startacker hopes that by clever arrangements he may succeed in saving his threatened power? I ask because Startacker really struck a nerve with me when he said that genocide, slavery, racism, and the systematic oppression, degradation, and exploitation of most of the world's people are all utterly justified. That lie is a painful reminder that Startacker is widely seen as unforgivable for putting our liberties at risk by a froward and catty rush to acquire public acceptance of his bad-tempered strictures. Expect him to lie low for a while and allow public amnesia to expurgate the immediacy of his sins. Afterwards, he'll unmistakably return to turning back the clock and repealing all the civil rights and anti-discrimination legislation now on the books. My hope, though, is that the second time around, people will be aware of the fact that Startacker should have been placed long ago in a locked psychiatric unit. I would have committed him to such a facility under the justification that he wants to issue a flood of bogus legal documents. It gets better: He actually believes that you and I are objects for him to use then casually throw away and forget like old newsprint that's performed its duty catching bird droppings. I guess no one's ever told him that he cannot be tamed by “tolerance” and “accommodation” but is actually spurred on by such gestures. Startacker sees such gestures as a sign of weakness on our part and is thereby encouraged to continue violating values so important to our sense of community.

It has been said that Startacker's ideologies are enmeshed in particularism. I believe that to be true. I also believe that his primary goal is to force us to do things or take stands against our will. All of his other objectives are secondary to this one supreme purpose. That's why you must always remember that Startacker's rantings are rife with contradictions and difficulties; they're entirely obscene, meet no objective criteria, and are unsuited for a supposedly educated population. And as if that weren't enough, Startacker knows exactly where he wants his nemeses. He wants to put them in the lowest-paying jobs. He wants to put them outside the equal protection of the law. He wants to put them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. And then he expects them to sing his praises? The reality is that anyone who has spent much time wading through the pious, obscurantist, jargon-filled cant that now passes for “advanced” thought in the humanities already knows that Startacker uses people and destroys lives without compunction. What may be news, however, is that if we let him shake belief in all existing institutions through the systematic perversion of both contemporary and historical facts, then greed, corruption, and unilateralism will characterize the government. Oppressive measures will be directed against citizens. And lies and deceit will be the stock-in-trade of the media and educational institutions.

If the human race is to survive on this planet, we will have to exercise due diligence in providing light, information, and knowledge about Startacker's mendacious ebullitions. As I like to say, some of my acquaintances express the view that it is morally unjustifiable for Startacker to sully my reputation. Others express the view that Startacker is an antisocial tadpole swimming in a stentorian pond. I am prepared to offer a cheer and a half for each view; together, they paint a sufficiently complete picture of Startacker to warrant a full three cheers. Last but not least, Startacker is intentionally being detestable.

Off Topic / Re: Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 18, 2015, 10:58:07 PM »
Write one about me, too.

Ok, but you aren't gonna like it.

I am angry. Angry that events have transpired that lead me to write this statement. Let's review the errors in Akio's statements in order. First, the best gauge of the value of my attitudes, the sincerity of my convictions, and the force of my will is the hostility I receive from blockish vendors of heathenism. There appears to be some disagreement in the community regarding the number of times that Akio has been seen annihilating a person's personality, individuality, will, and character. Some say once; some say five times; some say a dozen times or more. The point is not to quibble over numbers or anything like that but rather to clarify that I, speaking as someone who is not an adversarialism-prone weirdo, would never take a job working for Akio. Given his rude, intellectually challenged campaigns of terror, who would want to?

What frightens you more: Akio's morally repugnant, hubristic denunciations or the fact that Akio lies routinely—even under oath? If you were to ask me, I'd say the latter but only because our attempts to create bridges between marginalized people and then extensions outward to broader constituencies have so far served only as a divertissement for Akio and his serfs. It follows from this that there is not much demand for independent thinkers in his band. But it goes further than that; he fails to comprehend and practice the teachings of his religion. More precisely, Akio conveniently forgets his religion's messages of peace, love, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness—or, at best, misremembers them as an edict to subordinate all spheres of society to an ideological vision of organic community.

I have always been an independent thinker. I'm not influenced by popular trends, the media, or even so-called undisputed facts when parroted by others. Maybe that streak of independence is what first enabled me to see that Akio does not tolerate any view that differs from his own. Rather, he discredits and discards those people who contradict him along with the ideas that they represent. I deeply believe that it's within our grasp to give you some background information about him. Be grateful for this first and last tidbit of comforting news. The rest of this letter will center around the way that our battle with Akio is a battle between spiritualism and anti-intellectualism, between tradition and subversion, between the defenders of Western civilization and its enemies. With the battle lines drawn as such, it is abundantly clear that if Akio wants to be taken seriously, he should counter the arguments in this letter with facts, not illogical panaceas, personal anecdotes, or insults.

Should we blindly trust such judgmental, boisterous babblers? By refusing to act, by refusing to lead Akio to resipiscence, we are giving Akio the power to establish a world government complete with a world army, a world parliament, a world court, and numerous other agencies that hand over the country to meretricious, power-hungry dimbulbs. We must stop him now. Neville Chamberlain's 1938 capitulation to Riddler at Munich demonstrated that appeasement just puts off a final reckoning and gives an enemy time to gain strength. That's why it is imperative that we build a new understanding that can transport us to tomorrow.

Still, we shouldn't jump to conclusions, even though it is a known fact that if my memory serves me correctly, every time Akio spouts some nonsense about how we should be grateful for the precious freedom to be robbed and kicked in the face by such a noble creature as he, the effect is that his representatives become even more loyal to him. Sociologists refer to the phenomenon of increased devotion to an odious, vilipensive theory at the very hour of its destruction by external evidence as “cognitive dissonance”. I call it proof that Akio's histrionics are a sociopolitical tragicomedy. On the one hand, they alter, rewrite, or ignore past events to make them consistent with Akio's current “reality”, but on the other hand, they distract people from making a serious brown townysis of the situation. The most entertaining part, though, is that it has been said that some day, Akio will turn his back on those who need him the most. I, for one, believe that to be true. I also believe that he's a pretty good liar most of the time. However, Akio tells so many lies, he's bound to trip himself up someday.

Akio's devotees are not technically lusk, dastardly sluggards but rather randy ragamuffins. I proclaim that there is a small—yet not entirely insignificant—difference. We must always be mindful of the special needs of the least privileged members of our anti-Akio movement. We need even their help to shoo Akio away like the annoying bug that he is. He wants me to stop trying to exercise due diligence in contributing to the intellectual and spiritual health of the body politic. Instead, he'd rather I react, on cue, to the trigger words that he has inserted into my mind by dint of endless repetition. Sorry, but I don't accept defeat that easily.

So, is Akio a professional simpleton or merely a well-meaning amateur? I guess it just boils down to the question: How shrewish can Akio be? We must indeed ask ourselves questions like that before it's too late, before Akio gets the opportunity to ensure that there can never in the future be accord, unity, or a common, agreed-upon destiny among the citizens of this once-great nation. Rigid adherence to dogmatic purity will lead only to disunity while we clearly need unity to present a noble vision of who we were, who we are, and who we can potentially be. He once tried convincing me that we'll be moved by some heartfelt words on the glories of Leninism. Does he think I was born yesterday? I mean, it seems pretty obvious that I, for one, have a dream, a mission, a set path that I would like to travel down. Specifically, my goal is to carry out the famous French admonition, écrasez l'infâme!, against Akio's accusations. Of course, some people I know say that he is a bad role model for children. Others argue that I hold Akio's probity in question. At this point the distinction is largely academic given that he would have us deliver the atrocities of caciquism to the world. May God, in his restraining mercy, forbid that we should ever do this most obstinate and sinister thing!

Akio's ploys are based on hate. Hate, conformism, and an intolerance of another viewpoint, another way of life. I can no longer get very excited about any revelation of Akio's hypocrisy or crookedness. It's what I've come to expect by now. Essentially, engaging Akio in intelligent debate is far from easy. The last time I saw someone try, furious hatred, frenzied personal attacks, emotionalism, and defiance of reason and fact were all on display in spades, and they were all directed at this one, poor, frightened person. I wish Akio would more calmly accept the fact that he has once again been putting increased disruptive powers in the hands of disorganized hermits. Although for him, this behavior is as common as that of adulterous politicians seeking forgiveness from God and spouse, I must ask that his plenipotentiaries embrace the cause of self-determination and recognize the leading role and clearer understanding of those people for whom the quintessential struggle is an encompassing liberation movement against the totality of sadism. I know they'll never do that so here's an alternate proposal: They should, at the very least, back off and quit trying to spread hatred, animosity, and divisiveness.

Griping about Akio will not make him stop trying to move love-crazed sesquipedalianism from the jaded fringe into a realm of respectability. But even if it did, he would just find some other way to create a regime of warped Jacobinism. As far as he's concerned, facts and evidence are subordinate to, and mediated by, a “discourse”. There are no right or wrong answers, just competitive discourses. If that's the case, then perhaps Akio would like to explain why he disbelieves that our national media is controlled by what I call contemptible goof-offs. That's why you probably haven't heard that many, many people have been hurt by Akio for daring to knock some sense into him. In fact, there are so many such people that even listing their names would take more space than I can afford in this letter. In their honor, though, I will say that Akio has stated that everyone who fails to think and act in strict accordance with his requirements is a crafty jerk. I find such declaratory statements quite telling. They tell me that ill-natured beggars spread rumors, gossip, and stories that are undeniably false. That said, we mustn't lose sight of who the real enemy is: Akio and his infelicific hirelings.

If I withheld my feelings on this matter, I'd be no less spineless than Akio. Someone just showed me a memo supposedly written by Akio. The memo spells out his plans to cashier anyone who tries to deal with him appropriately. If this memo is authentic, it tells us that Akio thinks it would be a great idea to encourage a deadly acceptance of intolerance. Even if we overlook the logistical impossibilities of such an idea, the underlying premise is still flawed. This is not the same as saying that unlike him, I believe in individual responsibility, the rule of law, and fair play, although that, too, is true. Akio hates us with a hatred so steady and deadly that it consumes in him all sense of time and place. So I give you this letter. I hope it helps.

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