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Topics - ToxicFlash

Pages: [1] 2 3
Drama / Getting DoS;ed, Help Please
« on: November 29, 2008, 11:26:52 AM »
Can Anybody Help Me To DoS An IP, Send me PM and Ill Give you The IP....

User was banned for this post

Help / How To Get Your Username On RTB Mod Manager
« on: November 23, 2008, 07:21:51 AM »

Put The Details Down, Then Restart Blockland, Then, TADA

Help / PortForwarding, Cant Get Any Easyer, Help!
« on: November 21, 2008, 01:38:51 PM »

Netgear, Confusing router, Help people, Please

Suggestions & Requests / Event Copy And Paste Alike
« on: November 19, 2008, 01:51:19 PM »
You have an event, right, And its the same as the other one, But Long, So instead, you can Tick Something at the side to Copy it then Press a Bind Key, Then it copy'd, I'd Love if sombody made it

General Discussion / Latest Blockland ID
« on: November 16, 2008, 08:18:26 AM »


Sorry, Im Happy !!!

Suggestions & Requests / Clear all vehicles command
« on: November 10, 2008, 10:39:35 AM »
Can Somebody make????  :panda: :panda:

AoT General / Error On AOT (No Helping) :/
« on: November 09, 2008, 06:25:25 AM »
I Cant Connect, Help, i did run as admin ....
Code: [Select]
//-------------------------- 11/9/2008 -- 11:28:16 -----
Processor Init:
   Intel (unknown, Pentium Pro/II/III family), ~1.60 Ghz
     (timed at roughly 1.61 Ghz)
   FPU detected
   MMX detected
   SSE detected
Math Init:
   Installing Standard C extensions
   Installing Assembly extensions
   Installing FPU extensions
   Installing MMX extensions
   Installing SSE extensions
Input Init:
   keyboard0 input device created.
   mouse0 input device created.
   DirectInput enabled.

--------- Parsing Arguments ---------
setModPaths: invalid mod path directory name: 'editor'
setModPaths: invalid mod path directory name: 'characters'
--------- Loading Common ---------
setModPaths: invalid mod path directory name: 'editor'
setModPaths: invalid mod path directory name: 'characters'
Loading compiled script base/main.cs.
Missing file: base/defaults.cs!
Loading compiled script base/client/defaults.cs.
Missing file: base/server/defaults.cs!
Loading compiled script base/client/prefs.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/prefs.cs.
--------- Loading MODS ---------
Missing file: characters/main.cs!
Error: Unable to find specified mod: characters
Missing file: editor/main.cs!
Error: Unable to find specified mod: editor

--------- Initializing FPS ---------
Loading compiled script base/client/init.cs.
Missing file: base/server/init.cs!
Loading compiled script base/data/init.cs.
Loading compiled script base/data/terrains/grassland/propertyMap.cs.
Loading compiled script base/data/terrains/fwar/propertyMap.cs.
Loading compiled script base/data/terrains/test/propertyMap.cs.
Warning, overwriting material properties for: grass
Loading compiled script base/client/canvas.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/audio.cs.
<input> (0): Unable to find function initServer

--------- Initializing: Client ---------
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/customProfiles.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/message.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/mission.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/missionDownload.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/actionMap.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scriptDoc.cs.
Video Init:
   Accelerated OpenGL display device detected.
   Accelerated D3D device detected.
   Voodoo 2 display device not detected.

Activating the OpenGL display device...
Activating the OpenGL display device...
Setting screen mode to 800x600x32 (fs)...
Changing the display settings to 800x600x32...
Creating a new full-screen window...
Acquiring a new device context...
Pixel format set:
  32 color bits, 24 depth bits, 8 stencil bits
Creating a new rendering context...
Making the new rendering context current...
OpenGL driver information:
  Vendor: Intel
  Renderer: Intel 945GM
  Version: 1.4.0 - Build
OpenGL Init: Enabled Extensions
  ARB_multitexture (Max Texture Units: 8)
  EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic (Max anisotropy: 4.000000)
OpenGL Init: Disabled Extensions
  NPatch tessellation

Loading compiled script base/ui/defaultProfiles.cs.
Loading compiled script base/ui/ConsoleDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/ui/InspectDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/ui/InspectAddFieldDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/ui/LoadFileDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/ui/SaveFileDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/ui/MessageBoxOkDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/ui/MessageBoxYesNoDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/ui/MessageBoxOKCancelDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/ui/MessagePopupDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/ui/HelpDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/ui/RecordingsDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/ui/NetGraphGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/metrics.cs.
Loading compiled script base/ui/FrameOverlayGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/messageBox.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/screenshot.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/cursor.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/help.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/recordings.cs.

OpenAL Driver Init:
   Vendor: Creative Labs Inc.
   Version: OpenAL 1.0
   Renderer: Software
   Extensions: EAX 2.0, EAX 3.0, EAX Unified, and EAX-AC3

Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/audioProfiles.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/profiles.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/defaultGameProfiles.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/PlayGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/MainChatHud.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/MessageHud.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/playerListGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/playerListGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/mainMenuGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/mainMenuGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/mainMenuGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/aboutDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/joinServerGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/loadingGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/endGameGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/optionsDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/remapDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/StartupGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/InventoryGUI2.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/CreateCharacterGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/LoginGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/WarningBoxGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/respawnGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/respawnArenaGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/manualjoin.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/filtersGui.Gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/loginGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/CreateCharacterGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/InventoryGUI2.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/filtersGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/manualjoin.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/JoinServerGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/dialogGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/dialogGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/client.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/game.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/missionDownload.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/serverConnection.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/loadingGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/optionsDlg.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/chatHud.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/messageHud.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/playGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/centerPrint.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/clientCmd.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/SelectNetworkGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/SelectNetworkGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/SelectDetailGui.gui.
Missing file: base/client/scripts/SelectDetailGui.gui!
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/VoiceMenuGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/VoiceMenuGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/statusGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/statusGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/bankGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/bankGui.cs.
Missing file: base/client/ui/tradeGui.gui!
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/tradeGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/craftMenuGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/craftMenuGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/craftGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/craftGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/craftDownloadGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/craftDownloadGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/postOfficeGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/postOfficeGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/saleGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/saleGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/autoUpdateGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/autoUpdate.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/changePasswordGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/changePasswordGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/parchmentGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/parchmentGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/writeParchmentGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/writeParchmentGui.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/brickSelectorDlg.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/brickSelectorDlg.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/default.bind.cs.
Compiling base/client/config.cs...
Loading compiled script base/client/config.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/escapeMenuGui.gui.
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/nohudgui.gui.
Binding server port to default IP
UDP initialized on port 0
Unable to locate audio profile 'AudioStartup'
Engine initialized...
NOT enabling debug...
*** Load Main Menu
base/client/scripts/autoUpdate.cs (34): Unable to find object: 'patchTCPobj' attempting to call function 'disconnect'
base/client/scripts/optionsDlg.cs (245): Unknown command onAction.
Setting screen mode to 800x600x32 (w)...
Killing the texture manager...
Making the rendering context not current...
Deleting the rendering context...
Releasing the device context...
Destroying the window...
Changing to the desktop display settings (1280x800x32)...
Creating a new window...
Acquiring a new device context...
Pixel format set:
  32 color bits, 24 depth bits, 8 stencil bits
Creating a new rendering context...
Making the new rendering context current...
Resurrecting the texture manager...
base/client/scripts/mainMenuGui.cs (35): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'delete'
Adding a pending connection
Sending Connect challenge Request
Sending Connect challenge Request
Sending Connect challenge Request
Sending Connect challenge Request
Sending Connect challenge Request
   keyboard0 input device created.
   mouse0 input device created.
base/client/scripts/mainMenuGui.cs (35): Unable to find object: '2463' attempting to call function 'delete'
Adding a pending connection
Sending Connect challenge Request
   keyboard0 input device created.
   mouse0 input device created.
base/client/scripts/mainMenuGui.cs (35): Unable to find object: '2469' attempting to call function 'delete'
Adding a pending connection
Sending Connect challenge Request
Exporting client prefs
Exporting client config
Exporting server prefs
Shutting down the OpenGL display device...
Making the GL rendering context not current...
Deleting the GL rendering context...
Releasing the device context...

Suggestions & Requests / Smaller Car Spawn (In Crouchy Spaces)
« on: November 08, 2008, 12:50:32 PM »
Can Somebody make this brick please, i'd Love you if you did ^.^

Gallery / Funny picture
« on: October 22, 2008, 02:49:12 PM »
Hope you Put this On Failing Stuff.

Help / How do i make an Automatic Joining minigame?
« on: October 22, 2008, 01:02:45 PM »
The subject says it all.

Help / Need help with The UltimateChallenge Mod?
« on: October 22, 2008, 12:46:52 PM »
On this is shoud say a Map_Ultimate_Challenge, tick it and then itll work, Enjoy

Help / how do i do multicoloured Cars
« on: October 20, 2008, 11:51:58 AM »
Can anybody tell me the event for the multi coloured car please

Help / Where do you save CrossHairs?
« on: October 18, 2008, 02:18:56 PM »
Can somebody tell me please

Darren :D

Help / I Cant stop attacking
« on: October 18, 2008, 07:06:21 AM »
Can you tell me the console typin Like Jet(); and Jump(); i need badly.

Off Topic / A few Fail Signs.
« on: October 16, 2008, 04:34:19 PM »

Post More. Make A laugh

Pages: [1] 2 3