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Messages - Jeep

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Off Topic / Re: Got my driving permit and getting new car (Pix on 4)
« on: January 13, 2013, 01:08:24 AM »
That's not me tho, lol.
Pictures or it didn't happen. You know that.

Off Topic / Re: What happens when you hit a semi-truck.
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:59:34 AM »
car's jimmies: brown townly ass-rustled into the sun
You have a very interesting outlook on things.

Off Topic / Re: Got my driving permit and getting new car (Pix on 4)
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:57:11 AM »
That was a lie perpetuated by an idiotic media looking for a story. The cars that made it to market would never have caught on fire.

The whole thing was started because one of the cars being used for collision testing had been overcharged AFTER the battery casing was damaged. So yes, if you crashed a Chevy Volt and then destructively overcharged the battery, it would set fire. Although I'd much rather an electric car catch fire from a collision than a gasoline-powered one.

The volt was too expensive, being more than $50,000 at it's cheapest, and from the awful press it got. It was still an incredible vehicle.
For $50,000 miles, you can go 50 miles on electricity, then be just like the 10k car sitting next to you. The cars were prone to catching on fire. The chargers were the issues. They were also prone to breaking randomly, and were EXTREMELY unreliable vehicles. There would be issues such as not being able to make it up a hill.

Off Topic / Re: Got my driving permit and getting new car (Pix on 4)
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:33:52 AM »
Wow. I would think the Camaro would be alot more, especially since it has the SuperCharger n' stuff.

The Camaro was actually going to be my original car but my dad ended up wanting to get something more up-to-date with good airbags, safety etc.
Well, neither car will be cheap. I would have went for an 03 - 04 Acura. I've physically witnessed a Blazer land on top of an 04 Acura (after hitting a school bus), and the Acura driver got out unharmed.

Plus, with the 03-04, insurance would be a TON cheaper than either the Camaro or the 08 car.

Off Topic / Re: Find pictures that sum up Blockland
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:27:23 AM »

Off Topic / Re: Got my driving permit and getting new car (Pix on 4)
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:25:55 AM »
Insurance would be higher than the 08..I would think... Its a Sports Car with a Supercharger in it. Has close to 500HP.
The insurance would be more on the 08. The Camaro wouldn't be exactly cheap, but would still amount to a lot less than the Acura would.

Off Topic / Re: Find pictures that sum up Blockland
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:24:46 AM »
blood/gore isnt real its fake. I took the picture myself with haloween supplies and shopped text onto it
Did a Google Image search on it, and found multiple results with the same image. Reported.

Off Topic / Re: Got my driving permit and getting new car (Pix on 4)
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:22:51 AM »
There you go. That's a car that is realistic, and you can actually have fun with.

Off Topic / Re: Got my driving permit and getting new car (Pix on 4)
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:21:09 AM »
beleive me
i can afford it just fine
I didn't say you couldn't? Though, the emphasized believe me strikes me as arrogance.

Off Topic / Re: Find pictures that sum up Blockland
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:17:59 AM »
[img ]http://i49.tinypi[/img]
Nice gore you got there.

Off Topic / Re: Got my driving permit and getting new car (Pix on 4)
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:16:37 AM »
(before you ask im a good driver and insurance isnt that loving expensive, hell i can pay for it myself)
A Monte Carlo would be a great solution when it came to insurance (liability assuming). Gas and maintenance is where you might strike out. Insurance on an 08 car with a new driver will be much different than a Monte Carlo with a relatively experienced driver.

Does it matter? We can afford it just fine.
You have a lot to learn, my friend. A lot.

Off Topic / Re: Got my driving permit and getting new car (Pix on 4)
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:12:08 AM »
I mean, We bought it because my dad's work is making him use his personal car now (he used to be allowed to use it for personal use as well). So we had to buy a new car anyway. Me and him both decided on what car. So for the year I have my permit, we will basically share it. Then when I get my license he will just buy himself a new one, or the other way around.
Regardless, he bought the car for you. It is intended for your use, and he will use it occasionally. It wasn't a responsible idea to buy you a car on your permit. He should have waited until you got your license if he was bent on buying it. The chances of you getting into an accident on your permit are as high as they get. And when your dad puts you on insurance and sets this to your primary car, the premium is going to be at minimum $300 per month.

You'll be paying $3,600.00 a year on insurance alone in a best case scenario. If you get into the slightest accident, your premium will be jacked up substantially, and you're going to end up paying in the upwards of 4,000 dollars a year just because you had an 08 car.

If you say that the money doesn't bother you, then you have no aspect of money management. I'm not saying this to be a jerk. It's the reality of this situation.

I'm still thinking about a Chevy Volt because of stuffty $4+ gas prices in California.
Chevy stopped making them within a year of their inception because they were so unreliable (and fire prone). Try the Cruze w/ EcoBoost.

Thanks, My father and I restored it. 5 Speed Manual with 100K miles.
Still counts. You put work into it.

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