Author Topic: "WHEN" will V21 be released?  (Read 4013 times)

Thank the lord I got Blota before it was removed...

Thank the lord I got Blota before it was removed...
What GUI is that?

What GUI is that?
It's Blota.
The thread owner removed the link though :(

Don't worry about these name callers, Greifer. Them getting all excited like this is a normal natural response to you saying something so mind breakingly stupid, and then following it up with so many more equally stupid statements.

The version numbering system seems to have confused you. This is clear. It's not your fault, as this sort of thing has been going on since v20. But here's how it happened:
- The "Shadows and Shaders" update was announced during v19. Badspot had not released the launcher yet, so versions were still numbered exclusively as simple digits - v1, v2, v3, v12 etc. This was because the game was not updated very often back then - Badspot liked to fix bugs in bulk, because the terrain code got in the way of everything. This is also the reason we were stuck with no player join sound for the whole of v10.
- The launcher was released as v20. This was technically the last simple digit version. From here on, updates became a lot more regular and updates were counted as revisions in the console: r123, r213, r215 etc. The main menu still read v20 however.
- Then, the shadows and shaders update was released. Incidentally, it was never actually regarded by any of the creators as "v21" at the time. I think all it actually was was r692 or something. However, it was promised as v21, and it does say "v21" in the console at startup, and also on the website,, even though the menu now displays a build number. On that premise, if we go by what the menu displays (if you bother to read it, I don't), there was never really a v21. v21 was r692. We still got it, all of it. Terrain was expected to be removed. At the time of writing, putting it back into the game has never been mentioned by any dev.
- As for "v21" being displayed on the website and in the console - well, I think that's just because Badspot didn't want to confuse people. He promised a v21 before he brought in a proper revision based organisation system, and he couldn't just leave "v20" written on the website, nor could he put some wierd-ass revision number in there. v21 was what we were expecting the update as, and v21 was what we got. There is no second part coming at any point in the new future, but that doesn't mean we won't get some revision that brings back terrain in a much nicer looking way. I'm especially interested in being able to scale the floor of the map and sculpt it while the server is running. I think that might be a nice addition.
- Oh, and by the way, Blockland is indeed software. However, the shadowing and shading mechinisms are actually regarded as "technology" by most as they use a complex and application-independent system.

Does that answer your question?

EDIT: Also, while we're at explaining wierd stuff, why are the people who do this sort of thing always the son of some sort of computer programmer person? My dad's a doctor, for forget's sake. I know more about technology than most, but if you asked me to do open heart surgery, I wouldn't claim to know how everything works and ignore those who say i'm doing it wrong.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 11:40:31 AM by chrisbot6 »

Yes it does but considering these are versions after the v21 update, when will v22 come out?