Author Topic: i start high schools today :c  (Read 3243 times)

i start school on the 26th for orientation and then 27th is the actual first day

I start on the 1st of September as a 9th grader. My school will be a sorta unusual one, where like the main thing is to make sure no one feels stress ever
Like there is no suprise tests, only students deemed non-starfishs can join* and the first month is like a 'get to know your classmates and stuff' month

that means I'm cool rite??? B)

My school will be a sorta unusual one, where like the main thing is to make sure no one feels stress ever
Like there is no suprise tests

Yeah I remember when they told me that and never kept their promise about any of those things.

I start September 3rd get on my level skrubs

forgetin Canadian healthcare how do you get like 50 trillion days off

forgetin Canadian healthcare how do you get like 50 trillion days off
blame stephen harper

high school is middle school in denial
don't sweat it

i thought forumers like nal and op were older than me and a higher grade.

nal is also a sophomore what

high school is middle school in denial
don't sweat it
Until you hit Junior year, then its stressful stress of stressington.
Then its all fine Senior year as I've heard