Author Topic: i start high schools today :c  (Read 3177 times)

Remember: Stay away from the kid who does drugs, do all your homework in class if possible, and start planning for your future career.

No do the drugs it is fun and you will be cool.

get ready for the freshmen hunt  :cookieMonster:

I'm going into my Sophomore year of High School. You got nothing to worry about, do you work and keep a positive work ethic and you'll fly through the year.

*shrug* Maybe you have a sweet ass?
they all want that tiny unprotected Argentinian ass obviously

My advice:
-Get a 4.0 (not as hard as working as a plumber for 40 years)
-Do clubs and stuff so that your resumes and college applications don't appear as dry as you actually are
-'High School drama' is fiction. Hang out with friendly people who share your interests and you will be fine.
-Do your homework because it is probably 10-15% of your grade
Badspot should sticky this post as a PSA for all the forumers in high school.

You have friends from middle school right? What's the big dealio?

they all want that tiny unprotected Argentinian ass obviously
you're one to talk

just chill out and try and be sociable. you will make friends just fine, i'm weird as forget and i managed

also do NOT forget up your GPA

get that stuff high

straight As

I don't have straight As 'cause I suck at history and I took Advanced Physics this year (still got a B though).

Might have gotten an A in Adv. Physics if my mom used a normal grading system, but she completely eliminated "pluses"; therefore, A is the highest I can get.

No do the drugs it is fun and you will be cool.
is it bad that i can safely say drugs have definitely helped me become a more enjoyable cool person that people like

because 10th grade me is so much cooler than 9th grade me

I start in a month. I cant wait.

why are you starting so early i start in september