Author Topic: Free looking while in FPS?  (Read 1234 times)

Not if the weapon image's eyeOffset has anything to say about that Actually, i don't think the weapon would follow during free look
Even if the bullet did follow the player's line of sight, the gun is facing forward and the bullet is going sidewards.

Even if the bullet did follow the player's line of sight, the gun is facing forward and the bullet is going sidewards.
magic bullets

But it would look derpy as hell since a gun always faces forward.
ahhh yeah i forgot about that

Even if the bullet did follow the player's line of sight, the gun is facing forward and the bullet is going sidewards.
its already derpy when it happens in vehicles, so in a way its okay for it to be derpy outside them as well

Holy stuff, I literally was thinking about something like this last night.

its already derpy when it happens in vehicles, so in a way its okay for it to be derpy outside them as well

Also happens if you walk up to a railing and use third person to shoot downwards, the bullets/rockets go in 90 degree angle from the muzzle point. It looks handicapped as forget