Author Topic: Advertisements in videogames  (Read 2276 times)

Some of the locations you could be asked to drive people to were literally KFC and Pizza Hut.
i literally never actually taxi'd in the game i only did minigames and free-roam haha. guess that's why i never saw

the dreamcast and arcade versions had them for sure but everything else im not so certain

product placement is better than dynamic ads

didn't 2142 pretty much install adware for those billboards?

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 had real life movie on the posters in game that actually changed with upcoming movies. I remember they had Tropic Thunder on there around the time it was coming out.

I have no problem with realistic games incorporating advertising into their world space (like the Burger-King NFS example or the NBA example), so long as it makes sense and doesn't distract or take away from the game experience (like a pop-up ad).

In some cases I really like it, as I feel more in tune with the world (for lack of a better phrase).


but yes, anything that appears between loading times/doesn't stop gameplay is fine by me. what i do hate though is when you're trying to mash restart right after dying but the game predicts that, pops up an ad right before you hit it, and then you end up clicking the ad instead. really goddamn annoying, but admittedly smart strategy in getting people to click ads.

i wish ads were as silly as they are in grand theft auto games

I feel you with the realism advertisements. Personally, because I played S4 League a lot when I was younger, I REALLY got into sportlike arenas, but still with FPS mechanics?

I would love to see a game like CS:GO, with futuristic sportslike arena maps, where there's like advertisements around the walls, a huge crowd at the sides like in Rocket League, commentators (maybe)? and lots of neon, haha.

i've always thought ads within games were super funny

I like games where the advertisement is really just background detail like a restaurent being pizza hut. And not in your face. I dont want the pizza hut sign on the restaurent to eat me for a special event or that its directing all of the games attention to it.

Anarchy Online was the first game where i saw adverts.

I don't mind ingame billboards or actual stores being ingame especially if the game is trying to take place in a real life world like NFSU2. I don't see how having places like Best Buy, Autozone, or Burger King in the game is any different from having the vehicle and part manufacturers in there.

Now there's games like which have product placement like the Mercedes-Benz DLC in Mariokart 8 which clearly doesn't belong in the cartoony world of Mario, but only exists because of some weird deal Nintendo had with the company. Not to say that this bothers me, but its really weird in this type of situation. Of course a little fake advert in a game's world shouldn't bother anybody too much at all. That said, the ad in BF4 is pretty dumb though to be fair its not too intrusive considering you have to select the advert first to view it in the first place (from what I'm gathering anyway).

Pop-up ads are a huge no no and are bad especially if I already paid for the game. Like seriously that kind can turn people off the game real easily.