Author Topic: Request: Immersive first person player type.  (Read 1982 times)

Doesn't work.Tried adding "player." to the start of it, no error, but it didn't work either.
It's a datablock field.
Code: [Select]
PlayerStandardArmor.renderFirstPerson = true;

Some variables don't work if applied after datablock creation, wouldn't that be one of them? I was only showing the one you'd need to put in.

Comin' out of my inactivity to suggest editing the player model and animations so the camera is a bit further back in the head and make it so the top half of the blockhead doesn't move up and down to look around. Then just make it into a player type. Is there any reason this wouldn't work?

Holy stuff, idea get.
Comin' out of my inactivity to suggest editing the player model and animations so the camera is a bit further back in the head and make it so the top half of the blockhead doesn't move up and down to look around. Then just make it into a player type. Is there any reason this wouldn't work?
After reading this, I remember darkstars model of the player.

what if when you looked up, down, it was your neck/upper body that was simply "bending"- A few more pollies and it would be possible.

use that mod by jookia and add thirdPersonOnly = 1; to whatever playertype you're using n there you go

Press the zoom key, it breaks.

no but seriously, you cannot look down without bending over. the blockhead can only look straight ahead.

Did he just say "immerse"?  I thought that meant to dunk something in a liquid.

Found this all the way in Page 6.

When a player looks down, they bend forward, HOWEVER, the first person 'eye' does not actually follow the head, instead, just points downward where the head would be as if they're looking straight.

Let me MSPaint this up so you can understand with pictures:

When a player looks down, they bend forward, HOWEVER, the first person 'eye' does not actually follow the head, instead, just points downward where the head would be as if they're looking straight.

Let me MSPaint this up so you can understand with pictures:

             Yes, I understand that but like what The Corporation said, adding a few more pollies to the player model's neck and not fixing the camera in a fixed position would be possible as a playertype. If you understand me, there is another way I want it, look down, jet with show jets in first person, if you just render those legs you will be able to see it since your camera is in a fixed position not directly mounted to the head.

Yes someone make a prototype

If anyone has something like this, please upload to mediafire and send it to me please.