Author Topic: Client Environments  (Read 2379 times)

Is it possible to be able to change environment settings client sided so that only specific people see set lighting/shadows?

An event system that sets a saved preset environment for the client would be great for more realistic environments set to particular zones. You could go from a snowy area to a beach in the same server without interfering with any other players experience.

You could go from a snowy area to a beach in the same server without interfering with any other players experience.
I was thinking of "Your character is sad, so it's rainy", but that works too.

Tack on everything proposed in this thread and you have an amazing idea.

I want this. A lot.

...Does anyone know if its possible though?

I'll like a client day/night cycle. Could be useful.

...Does anyone know if its possible though?
I will check it.

...Does anyone know if its possible though?
Did a little poking around and I'm pretty sure it's not possible without a client-sided add-on.

These are the only functions related to environments:
Code: [Select]
virtual Script saveEnvironment() {}
virtual Script dumpServerSkyBoxList() {}
virtual Script dumpLighting() {}
virtual Script validateEnvironmentObjects() {}
virtual Script serverCmdEnvGui_SetVar() {}
virtual Script setGround() {}
virtual Script updateWaterFog() {}
virtual Script setWater() {}
virtual Script parseEnvironmentFile() {}
virtual Script setSkyBox() {}
virtual Script serverCmdEnvGui_ClickDefaults() {}
virtual Script serverCmdEnvGui_RequestCurrentVars() {}
virtual Script serverCmdEnvGui_RequestLists() {}
virtual Script buildDayCycleList() {}
virtual Script buildSunFlareList() {}
virtual Script buildGroundList() {}
virtual Script buildWaterList() {}
virtual Script buildSkyBoxList() {}
virtual Script buildEnvironmentLists() {}
virtual Script serverCmdEnvGui_RequestCurrent() {}
virtual Script loadDayCycle() {}
virtual Script dumpClientSkyBoxList() {}
virtual Script clientCmdSetVignette() {}
virtual Script clientCmdEnvGui_ListsDone() {}
virtual Script clientCmdEnvGui_AddDayCycle() {}
virtual Script clientCmdEnvGui_AddSunFlare() {}
virtual Script clientCmdEnvGui_AddGround() {}
virtual Script clientCmdEnvGui_AddWater() {}
virtual Script clientCmdEnvGui_AddSky() {}
virtual Script clientCmdEnvGui_ClearLists() {}
virtual Script clientCmdEnvGui_SetVar() {}

Code: [Select]
class EnvGuiServer {
virtual Script AddToResourceList() {}
virtual Script PopulateEnvResourceList() {}
virtual Script SendVignette() {}
virtual Script SendVignetteAll() {}
virtual Script fillAdvancedVarsFromSimple() {}
virtual Script readAdvancedVarsFromSimple() {}
virtual Script getIdxFromFilenames() {}
virtual Script SetAdvancedMode() {}
virtual Script SetSimpleMode() {}

There isn't a function to send environment data to the client. trace(1); didn't help much either as the other thing that went between the server and client that was recorded was information about vignettes.

tl;dr: It doesn't appear to be possible without a client-sided add-on, even so I have no idea if it'd actually work.

A client sided add-on that does this would be perfect. If someone could compile this, it'd be much appreciated.

That's a shame there is no function for this kind of thing though.
One should totally be added..
Hint hint.. administration...

If someone figures this out, it would fix the problem of deep interiors being as bright as outside shadows (or outside shadows being dark as a cave, depending on what your priority is) and could make large servers very interesting (go into a dark forest, ambient light is greenish; the time of day or weather changes as you progress through a challenge or adventure)

RTB Kept spamming my console and I found something like XML stuff (No idea what is it)

Well, I will try to get more info.

I found something like XML stuff (No idea what is it)
That is rtb