Author Topic: When Did You Start Shaving?  (Read 3307 times)

15, slightly visible peach fuzz
this isnt a true mustache
my facial hair is an insult to mustache kind

I noticed that my leg hair is turning light blonde, like my regular hair color was as a baby, could this mean that my facial hair may be that same color? My hair color now is reddish-blonde during the summer, a dark blonde during the fall, a lighter blonde during the winter, and during the spring it's a light strawberry blonde color.

I noticed that my leg hair is turning light blonde, like my regular hair color was as a baby, could this mean that my facial hair may be that same color? My hair color now is reddish-blonde during the summer, a dark blonde during the fall, a lighter blonde during the winter, and during the spring it's a light strawberry blonde color.
Possibly but it may just turn brown.

For me I have red body hair and I already know that my facial hair will turn red if I let it grow.