Random Events No. 10
Sorry these are late. :(
Lotavik: In a final offensive, Lotavik pushes into Tanorul for the last time. Tired of Tanorul's stuff, Saobar and Tasmesova also join in to wreck Tanorul. The offensive is successful, and an entire sweep of Tanorul happens in 10 years. There are no survivors. (NPC: 160% - DOUBLE 80%)
Erinaum: Erinamese traditions, that have been increasingly imposed on the other Ezbataen states, has led to a strong "Erinamization" of the culture. Since civil strife is on the downlow, fertility also increases, and the population climbs to 1.5 million. (POP: 100%)*
Atenisia: Albiton grants Atenisian freedom, but still holds strong economic grasp on the region. While this does not hold complete independence from the Albitonic Economics, it does allow a healthy flow of trade that would not otherwise be seen with complete independence. (ECN: 60%)
Avalonia: Avalonian birth rates exceed the normal under good economic conditions. Population rises to 1.1 million. Additionally, trade has created areas of racial diversity chiefly within Avalonian port towns. (POP: 100%)
Galaumia: Nothing out of the ordinary here.
Aspidis: A reassessment of the military shows that only about 10% of the antebellum military remains, and it seems to be in lack of good organization. (MIL: 20%)
Caprica: Romicia stops being a bitch, and opens up trade once more. Caprica is now connected to the South Spice Road. (POL: 90%)
Varansk: A mojor epidemic wipes out 25% of the population. (POP: 0%)
Hlaohamarr: The barbaric tribes to the west, called "The Aldelgar" that had once harassed Hlaohamarr declare war after a long few centuries to recover from their embarassment. In a quick sweep, they take 30 miles of Hlaomann soil within a year. (NPC: 20%)
Plexia: As a result of the war with the Bequelanss, nearly all the military has been wiped out. (MIL: 0%)
Auria: A shift in the political events in Romicia, Atenisia and Calzone cause many of the Aurian trade interests to fail. (ECN: 20%)
Espovon: Albiton, showing great interest in Espovon, wishes to trade with them.
*If anyone thinks I am skewing my rolls to give myself an advantage, I don't know how I could prove it, other than the fact that I've been giving everyone only one roll, and I just got lucky. I also have a record of all rolls since RE6.