Author Topic: Worst Servers in Blockland  (Read 10110 times)

Yeah, those are the worst for one, really obvious reason. rammers.

Hopefully Superkart fixes all of this.
isnt ramming part of the game?

Knife DM's and variants

Any server with "WIP" in the title.
If you're going to work on your server while people are playing your server, dont host your server.

Any server with "WIP" in the title.
If you're going to work on your server while people are playing your server, dont host your server.
Ever heard of play testing or open beta?

servers with spammy builds

Bad ones:
love rps, Family rps (most of them), Most rps (I host fairly decent ones)

Seriously some bad servers out there eh?
Also: Any server where Spam and badmins roam.

Good one: (mostly ones that My pals say are good)      |
Rex the Hunter's servers.                                               |

Bad ones:
love rps, Family rps (most of them), Most rps (I host fairly decent ones)

Seriously some bad servers out there eh?
Also: Any server where Spam and badmins roam.

Good one: (mostly ones that My pals say are good)      |
Rex the Hunter's servers.                                               |

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