Author Topic: President Annoying Orange - total forgetbag, revealing private information  (Read 9650 times)

that had to be the most lame forum Self Delete i have ever seen

he just posted the most vulgar things he could find, could of been more creative

it's not the lamest I've seen, but it's really not that great

I find it weird some of us are reporting the spam yet simultaneously telling the spammer they could have done better, like he's being rooted on

so why exactly do you care that this is "child research" and not the fact that hes spamming some persons info for no real reason
hillkill, the dude worried about something that can't possibly by illegal unless he downloaded or shared it
Y-you two are being sarcastic right

yeah i worded that pretty wrong

the vagina wasnt child research, literally just a random picture of a pusillanimous individual he puled from the internet

Unless hillkill became even more of a creep and shared that stuff/downloaded it IF it was CP, it's not illegal. He can't be arrested for it. However, it is good to point out that the vagina had labioscopy and most likely isn't illegal.

But, he's worried about it specifically, which can only harn the spammer. There was no actual CP in any of the accounts.