Author Topic: Most unliked insects  (Read 2222 times)

That's the only reason I hate Canada, my home country. Well, that and the leader is a moron.

I hate fire ants, all they do is mass produce and destroy plant life and other life and they are dangerous.

any bug/insect that flies creeps the stuff out of me

Ants, because I was watering the garden to make some quick cash, and I guess an ant climbed up my leg, because my balls started hurting worse than that time I was KICKED there.

any bug/insect that flies creeps the stuff out of me
same here...i have arachniphobia. is that too advacned for idiots out there? will this description for you idiots out there...i hate spiders

also dandy-long legs...i hate them for existing...walking like its gonna bite you.

Actually, anything with over 4 legs is freaky for me.