Author Topic: Name origins?<Where is Heedicalking?!>  (Read 9558 times)

Yeah I noticed a little too late XD
ONTOPIC: Ancient Greek inventor.

My name: My actual name, minus the surname... Which is Ni... No, I won't complete that...rape

ONTOPIC: Ancient Greek inventor.
Yeah that sounded familiar.

BTW I like %100 star fish Beef, don't you?

I use a few different names across the internet.

On Blockland, I'm Illidan. Stolen from WC3.

On other sites I'm ElOso. A nickname given to me by my girlfriend.

On World of Warcraft, I'm Osomir. Oso from the nickname, mir was jacked from the dwarves/elves from TES' "XXXXmer."

World of Warcraft
Isn't that one of the most addictive and costly games on the internet?

My name has numbers in it so that my username handle can be referenced across multiple applications. No name mix ups to be found.

Isn't that one of the most addictive and costly games on the internet?
only if you're a tool, yeah lol

i havent played wow in weeks

Sorry to disappoint, but I just made mine up one day, doesn't mean anything. 
*mysterious smilely* ;o


I remember a similiar thread from a time ago.

i've been using phflack for years...

iPod-well an iPod
memorizer55-i memorize songs off my iPod(dur)

:-)=An emoticon to keep people from suicidal thoughts.

My name on BL is Rushinino, And for some reason I forgot why I did it, I wanted a name like Rontodo or Niliscro so I just combined them and made that name up :S now it doesnt like like they were combined.

Dalek happens to be my real name.


At least try googling them first.  Bushido is the Samurai's code of conduct.  It isn't an original name, but pretty neat nonetheless.