Author Topic: The scariest dream I've ever had  (Read 6037 times)

I was in my hometown of philadelphia, me and my best friend and my mom were going home from a restaurant. I start talking to my mom about buying a game off of steam. I told her about sales and stuff and beneifts about having a paypal account.
It was really dark outside so it was hard to see infront of me.
We were driving and then all of a sudden, a licker which was colored black and wild as hell was running straight for our car, it jumped and hit us and I was yelling like hell.
then i said: SPEED UP SPEED UP!!!!
and my mom sped up and another one hit us, then there was like a stuffload of those things chasing us.
It was scary as forget

The scariest dream I've ever had was only a couple days ago.

I dreamt I was an Avatar. No joke. ._.

My only scary dreams are dreams I have no control over.
I always expect my dreams to turn out how I want them since its me in my head seeing things anyway.

My only scary dreams are dreams I have no control over.
I always expect my dreams to turn out how I want them since its me in my head seeing things anyway.
i had no control over it as i am not aware its a dream >.>

The scariest dream I've ever had was only a couple days ago.

I dreamt I was an Avatar. No joke. ._.
Airbending avatar, or Pandora avatar?

Anything that doesn't seem real or seems like your in a game or movie you recently watched or played, its a dream.
Anyway, in your case, I could turn those things chasing you into rabbits and make it quite lighter, that is, if I find I have that certain degree of control at my bidding.

Spears being hurled at you from time to time?

coincidentally, whilei n the dream  was talking to my mom about a sale on zombies games :cookieMonster:

Kapturrith uses avatar change!
It was super effective!

Kapturrith uses avatar change!
It was super effective!

Samus vs. Mecha Drago...


i dont know why but i have these dreams that im a stick figure and the mouse thing drags me across the room and i hurt real bad :(

This morning i had a dream that bee's and wasps swarmed me and made honey cones all over my body and more were coming out of them, i kept knocking them off but more came and then i was like forget dis and woke myself up

Day before that i enjoyed a slow motion close up of my mum dying


Another dream i also had many times (maybe 20+) until i was 11 or so, Which is too confusing to explain. But it always ended up with me waking on my knee's in the hallway

I always hate that jerking feeling when you force yourself out of a dream.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 01:42:57 PM by tails »