
ARES is back!

16 (23.5%)
16 (23.5%)
7 (10.3%)
29 (42.6%)

Total Members Voted: 68

Author Topic: ARES - OHAY IM ALIVE!  (Read 524278 times)

stuff he's right. w/e you're on the list now.
My ID is the 9600, I bought this game when I was 7.

My ID is the 9600, I bought this game when I was 7.
That would make you.... 7.
This is a bad point of this clan, you have to say things 10 times to get acknowledged

Should I host?

Ace is handicapped enough to get banned without us knowing his ID
Ike is 8
Bloxxer left when you said so that makes him k.


Im 11.
No you're not.
I've had Blockland for just about a year. My ID is 8917.
You're most likely 8.

No you're not.
I've had Blockland for just about a year. My ID is 8917.
You're most likely 8.
I reckon he's 6.

Im in the player list.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 01:15:45 PM by AceX10 »

Im in the player list.
You don't know my in-game name HURRRRRRR

Originally started in early 2009, ISBC merged with the emergent clan ASI. However, after six months of inactivity, ASI collapsed. Comr4de, the lovey courageous leader of the ISBC, decided that He was a disappoint with these actions. He promptly decided to make this thread, and therefore restart the ISBC. Later, after many spam pms involving a certain phone company, Com changed the name. And then he changed it again. And also we piss chrono off a lot.


March 5, 2010 \|/Name change.
January 4, 2010\|/ All people notified of their participation in the upcoming clan contest have responded. SCV good to go, sir.
November 26, 2009\|/ BIG NEWS TODAY

Clan Add-Ons:

  • Bolter Rifle-Fixed.
  • ION Sword
  • ION server projector (PM this to me Mak!)
  • Do not speak of ASI. You may call them the walruses.;3
  • Have fun!
  • Do not spam ARES servers, via chat OR by bricks. Three strikes, and you're out.
  • Clan tags don't have to be worn all the time, but try to wear them on clan servers.
  • Respect your fellow members and other players.
  • Do not Threadstuff in the clan's thread. You will be given two warnings, and then a suspension of membership. Three suspensions and you're out.
  • Intentionally damaging/vandalising someone's build will not be tolerated from now on.

App Info:
  • Must be at least 750 bricks
  • If you build an app on our server, you must have three yes's from anyone over the rank of captain. If you post it on the forums, you need a majority vote.
  • Do not create spam events. If you want to make a weapons system, make sure it has a cooldown time.
  • No mininukes. Period
  • Props may not be used.
  • If you're apping for events, be sure that it is something unique. We have enough pong games.
  • You may app with weapons or vehicles, but to do so, PM me first. I will give you an assignment, and you will make it. There are exceptions, but only at my discretion.
  • Your ship must have a specific class. See my guide for more info.
  • No zombies, unless it's the bug mod.


*-stuffpost warnings
 :nes: -stuffpost suspensions to date.

  • Fleet Admiral Comr4de - ID 11152
  • Admiral Tingalz - ID 11532
  • Admiral Gadgethm

Building/Eventing Group:

  • Admiral Comr4de - ID 11152
  • Admiral Gadgethm - ID 9317
  • Commodore Tingalz/qwepir :nes: - ID 11532
  • Admiral Sue the cake - ID 8590
  • Captain Rathgarf - ID 9810
  • Captain StarHawk - ID 3623
  • Captain Kyzor - ID ????-
  • Commander Hugams: ID ????
  • Commander Tophat - ID ????
  • Commander Chefkokkie - ID 5893
  • Lieutenant Showdown - ID 13663
  • Warrant officer Ethan the Great - ID ????
  • Warrant officer Sebster - ID 3844/li]
Modding group:

Note: We are only accepting modelers who can do vehicles.
I cannot PM so please stop PMing me to se what to do in order to app. I will post pictures of what we need, so check the OP.

  • Commander Quark - ID 8287
  • Lieutenant Tingalz - ID 11532
  • Commodore Sue the Cake - ID 8590
  • Commodore Gadgethm - ID 9317
  • Commodore Heedicalking

Cool Bros (misc.)
  • Captain Irishbandit - ID 9041
  • MackTheHunter - ID ????
  • Lieutenant Skip - ID 807

Marine Corps

How to Join:
  • Join whoever is hosting my dogfight and score 25 or more in a round.
  • Show me your combat skills on my server, one on one.

  • Watcher in the Myst: ID ????


  • Pancake: ID 15028 Reason: Spamming app server. 9034 Bricks of windows.
     Yes, that's over 9000.
  • the mod: ID 17201 Reason: He crossed a very fine line, and insulted something he didn't understand. He also spammed the chat asking for admin and was a general douche.
  • supermarioguy: ID 10770 Reason: Blatant and obvious theft of the ION clan build.
  • AceX10:ID 17958 Reason: Constant dumbassery in thread.

Add-on blacklist:

  • Ion cannon. Yes, it's out there.
  • Mininukes. I hate them.
  • Fireworks launcher. It can crash servers.

Rank System


I decided that a rank system will be implemented to make organization for clan builds easier. The ranks are listed in order of power from top to bottom.

  • Fleet Admiral-Access to all clan addons and administrative powers.
  • Admiral-Access to all clan addons and can cast votes upon clan apps, and assists in the administration of the clan.
  • Commodore-Same as Captain, but has some administrative powers.s
  • Captain-Access to ION Sword(Get the joke?) granted, and can now cast votes upon apps.
  • Commander-Higher rank than lieutenant.
  • Lieutenant-Access to Bolter Rifle Granted
  • Warrant Officer-Basic clan enmities.
  • Petty Officer-GRUNT.
  • Ensign(Honorary members assisting with clan builds)
If you are unhappy with your rank, show me you can do things in your area that are deserving of a promotion.
So now you know why people have ranks added to their names.

Clan Builds

In order to suggest a clan build, you must have already started on it. That way we can have a good idea of what you are looking for.

Nova-Class destroyer
Our current clan build, started during the flarg activity.
It has ten AA turrets which can overheat, four medium cannons, four rocket pods, and a single heavy cannon in front.

This clan is dumbassery.