Author Topic: Children with things they don't/shouldn't have.  (Read 7442 times)

One of my biggest pet peeves would probably be children having items they shouldn't have or do not need.

It being Easter weekend i had my 11 year old cousin come over for dinner. She just got a Iphone for her birthday. Now it's not the price that shocks me it's the fact that she has this...

First off i don't remember being 11 and needing a cellphone.. or even needing anything on the iphone it has offer.

I asked her why she asked for a phone in the first place and her answer was "Because everyone wants a cellphone". I checked her call history and it had about 12 calls from home and 4 unknown numbers received. She had made 8 calls. All this in the past 2 months. Now i myself only got a cellphone when i was about 17 and never saw a real reason to needing one until i was older.

Now this is just my example. I'm constantly seeing very young kids with things they don't need or shouldn't have. Some cases its the parents fault for buying it for the kids.. it's just weird to see how generations are changing.

Anyone else care to add to this :), and hell if your pretty young and you have something you know you don't really need but have feel free to tell us about it :P

(Please don't turn this into a flame war... also no one cares about the luxurious things you have and want to flaunt off).
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 06:09:38 PM by Jess »

Agreed, I have seen two nine year olds sitting in the park together, using their blackberries to text eachother. It's 9 AM and i have made 2 calls, one is to a friend and the other, a bussniess call, and these kids, (I was in the park with my dog for 2 hours), were texting and calling over 10 calls and probably 1000 words. I remember when my little brother, Anthony, got a cell phone, it's a funny story actually, he wanted it so bad for his birthday, but my parents thought it would be too much of a hassle, so I bought it for him and decided to pay the first month. I yelled at him at the end of that month screaming:

I got an iPhone when I was 11, because it was actually faster than my home computer at the time. I used it a lot. And I got my Macbook I was 12, and it's great. I use what I ask for :u

To be honest, the problem isn't little kids with stuff that they don't need, it's people in general. Everybody wants what they don't need, but if they buy it themselves it seems more reasonable.


Warning - while you were reading 2 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post. This message sickens me.

inb4 Children of the Corn...

Well, personally its better to get something early.. Specially in a bad situation. Some things need time until they are used alot.

ITT - Butthurt old lady is butthurt because, she was poor as a child.

Teenage mothers are popping up fast, kill them all before they destroy our society with their uneducated filth.

Teenage mothers are popping up fast, kill them all before they destroy our society with their uneducated filth.

I'm sorry. My fault.

In seventh grade I saw someone with a Blackberry.

Also, I have an Android phone with a data plan that my parents pay for (I payed for the phone) but the difference is I actually use all of my phone's capability for real stuff.

I agree with you entirely btw. I think kids getting cell phones really young is a product of the over-protective parent generation. It also might have something to do with children being spoiled since they were born.

See, I have nice stuff but I paid for all of it. I think that's how I'm going to raise my kids: A modest allowance ($5 a week) and then tell them if they want more money, than they find jobs. I have three jobs, one of them being a summer only job, and this is how I buy nice stuff. I bought a bass at the end of last summer, an iPod two summers ago, an iHome last summer, my phone near Christmas of last year, and I'm funding my new computer purchase 100% with money I've worked for. Part of the cure to "kids having stuff they don't need" is giving the kids money and then enabling them to make their own decisions. If my parents bought my bass, I wouldn't have a personal stake in it and I might've stopped playing a long time ago.

I have a 50. cal pistol.

I still don't use one. I'm 14. It can come in useful if I'm going out and my parents want to contact me to see where I am (I gain their trust, they let me do more stuff).

Otherwise, loving go out and actually socialize with your friends. If they live far away, good, you need excercise you fat forget.  :cookieMonster:

ITT - Butthurt old lady is butthurt because, she was poor as a child.