Author Topic: Irk89's Building competition  (Read 3990 times)

Irk89's having a build competition in RTB of course

Date: November 11th Saturday 2006 at 12:00 PM and ends at 3:00 PM

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« Last Edit: November 02, 2006, 05:48:09 PM by masterlegodude »

It looks like if you win, you don't have a 100% chance of getting Retail.  If you are the best build, who the heck are you competing against for a drawing?

Yea please tell us. Who else is there. Or is there going to be another Competition with a theme or something...?
People eat launch at 12PM don't they? Retail Blockland? WhenTF is that coming out, and where?

Hey don't ask me these questions, Irk89 told me to "Advertise as much as you can, i want a big turn out" I think it went like that, hold on, lemme go to the RTB forum and see

Quote from: Irk89
Now that i've finally gotten around to creating a topic for our server, here it is!  The Official Free Build Dedicated Server that has been hosted for over a year now.  (off and on).

Our server is based completly on Freedom of Building.  We're a tight knit of admins as well as a tight knit community.  Feel free to join us and enjoy the freedom of your builds.

You can always find our editor wand password at available to all members.

And here's his other message

Quote from: Irk89

Click here to sign up!

Bleh: There will be more than one competition running at the same time.  The winners of these will be put in the draw to win a copy of retail (when it comes out, obviously)

Here's my official news release, if you're too lazy to look at my forums.

So far there is no other competitions and no other people entered in the drawing.  There will be 1 or 2 building competitions (in which none have existed yet). If there is only one competition, the winner of that will automaticly win the retail blockland, provided by me.

If there are multiple winners (team based win) or there are multiple competitions, there will be a drawing, and 1 of the winners will win the retail blockland.

There will probably be 2 competitions at this point, and you can only win once.  Therefor if you win one of the competitions you have a 50% chance of winning the retail.  (unless your in a team and your chances will be lower).

Hope this clarifys what the picture didnt say, or misled.

OK. If we win the drawing, how will we get the Retail Blockland sent to us? Or do we have to pay for shipping?

You have to pay to get shipped a download link now? What is the world coming to.

It's bonkers this world. But that's irrelevant. Who'd enter to get entered into a draw? You'd probably say someone who nobody's ever heard off and not send it to anyone! (Sent as in, given a DL link)

Well firstly if you don't already know me, I'm hoster of !Free Build Dedicated and my forums are at and my personal website  I'm not going anywhere.  Secondly i dont think we will even be able to buy a box set of blockland.  It would be sold on, and just like any other game (i assume) you get a product key and a download link.  I intend to purchase 2 copies, (1 for me and 1 for the winner). if you can think of a better way to do it, please tell me.

Uh, that's what we said Mr. i'll-contradict-myself-and-see-if-these-guys-notice!

ok... why are you going to spend money on some other guy for building something? there has to be a catch

mabie he steal your build for his own

He's probably say someone who nobody's ever heard off and not send it to anyone! (Sent as in, given a DL link)
I must quote myself this often huh?

Thats what a lot of drawings do, unless they're live drawings.  I've seen people do that on random MMORPG's, and they make a lot of money off of it.