
Which one of the below user-made powers would you pick?

Being able to see life through someone else's eyes
understand women
The ability to "phase." (see quote)

Author Topic: If you could have one super power...  (Read 24369 times)

being able to change my mass and other objects/peoples mass would be fun

id go  and make all the cars in newyork fly around ^^
People can't drive worth stuff in ground cars, what makes you think anyone can handle flying cars?

How about the power.....to move you

I want to have the power to rid all the pessimists of the world without violence.

I want to have the power to rid all the pessimists of the world without violence.
That's impossible.

The ability to control black holes in unimaginable ways, to create a loop in time (such as bringing a male and female human back in time to create the human species) or to use them for toolslike a slingshot, or to disrupt light and color

Double Jump. I can jump to places normal people can't.
Scratch that, I want wall kicking. I kick on a wall while I jump on it. I rebound back to it, allowing me to scale upward.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 12:08:55 AM by WingZero »

My power would be the ability to absorb other powers. of course I'd only be able to absorb 1 at a time. Meaning that i would have to let go of one power to gain another. So really I would only have 1 power, but I could use whatever power needed for the situation, as long as I have a source to gain if from.

Double Jump. I can jump to places normal people can't.
Scratch that, I want wall kicking. I kick on a wall while I jump on it. I rebound back to it, allowing me to scale upward.
I think double jumping would still be pretty cool.

The ability to create anything with your mind

The ability to create anything with your mind
Rule uno, please.

1. Be able to pause time.
2. While time is paused, you can move around and physically interact with any matter that is stopped due to frozen time.
3. Go to school, get into class, pause time.
4. Find a hot girl.
5. ???
6. Mysterious pregnancy
forget YEAH!!!!!


You can't break those cuffs. And you also aren't allowed to blow up the magnificent microwave cassarole.

I want the power to stuff out excrement of any shape and for it to sustain said shape.

Either Shoop da Whoop powers, immortality, or teleportation.