
If there was add-ons, would you download?


Author Topic: Gravity Cat's Add-On Dump - Particle_ItemSparkles released!  (Read 2080215 times)

Smart explosives but they're PRIVATE

*rage spiral*

i got the d weapons and for some reason when someone shoots the camera moves and when i die it zoom in. is there a way i can fix that? :panda: :cookie:

It might be another mod you have such as killcam or something, other wise its probably screen shake when you shoot.

nvm he got banned awhile ago
« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 11:56:21 PM by Badger »

I got a idea for you Gcat

lazer default style weapons?

Stratofortress did, with his havoc.

Where can i download the Havoc?

Where can i download the Havoc?
It was never finished/released.

I got a idea for you Gcat

lazer default style weapons?
nooooooo. We are saving up for spesh marines!

gravity cat is of sleep

Wake me up when he releases the Hind.

Wake me up when he releases the Hind.
Oh my god that would be awesome.

Would be nice if Gravity Cat used the code from the F-18 so switching weapons is easier and the flares would also decoy missiles fired from the F-18.

Oh my god that would be awesome.

Would be nice if Gravity Cat used the code from the F-18 so switching weapons is easier and the flares would also decoy missiles fired from the F-18.
Sounds clever.

why use someone else's script when he could make something superiour on hia spare time?

grav, i think i've found a bug/glitch with the d-weapons.
i'm getting recoil when other people shoot when i host. is this meant to happen?

i'll post console log when i get home :P

console log attached
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 10:23:26 AM by MunkeyCheez »

why is this still going

how long has it been since gravvy did anything

why is this still going

how long has it been since gravvy did anything

bout 28 days counting 1 day if you're in my timezone.