Author Topic: Chick in my school killed herself  (Read 16818 times)

Because it is sad, people feel like they could of done something but they didn't. Like someone said a long time ago on these forums, the human body was not built to die. It creates a feelin of shock when it occurs.

Because it is sad, people feel like they could of done something but they didn't. Like someone said a long time ago on these forums, the human body was not built to die. It creates a feelin of shock when it occurs.
It was built to live... But it always dies. Nothing can go on forever.

It was built to live... But it always dies. Nothing can go on forever.
'Cept richard Clark. He will live forever. :o

The existance of life is so strange. It boggles the mind.

a lot of Self Delete topic have been made so people die around those who play blockland.

apparently she was raped

Oh, sorry. I just wanted to try it.

You should have talked to her and tried to comfort her if he was public about it.

good god another life claimed by  increased idiocy in this world. poor girl r.i.p. :(

She was going to die anyway. She thought "OMFG IF I KILL MYSELF EVERYONE WILL FEEL SAD AND I WILL BE MIZZED BAI EVERYWAN!!!!! ROPE PL0X!!!!" which is the most stupidest thing you can do, live with life is all I say. and she porbally wanted attention to get over her being raped.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 11:37:35 AM by Superlolman »

:\  You butchered the word 'probably'.

Unless she was harmed or tormented during her rape, why would she kill herself over it?  Nobody would exclude her, and her parents wouldn't be mad at her, it even gave her free attention.
And a free climax :\

If only the man who raped her yelled SURPRISE! first none of this would have ever happened  :panda:

These suicidal people have serious balls. I could never get myself to jump when I know that a rope would strangle me. Or even jumping off a building on purpose. :(

You may disagree, but I think that Self Delete is an extremely selfish way to go; think of how there parents feel, they will probably blame themselves. Also think how this affects her friends, family, and the whole community.

You know, she could of had close friends/relatives.
How do you think they feel?
"Aw, it's just another death, who cares."
How'd you like it if someone close to you died?

Hehhehhehehe It turned from a sad thing to everybody arguing ;) you deserve a cookie! :cookie: