Author Topic: The Doors of Perception [Machinima]  (Read 8175 times)

I love the part where he's all... oh my god these doors are cool im gonna forget around with them.

Most memorable quote of the movie
Blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah.

That was the Best Blockland Machinima I have seen. Keep up the good work :D

That was fantastic. I actually enjoyed watching it. I think the sound track really made the movie for me, I really enjoyed your use of music. My favorite part was probably when he appeared on stage and everyone was laughing at him, but you did a great job with the bi-plane scene. Nice work, truly great.

That was brilliant. I love your movies alot and i am going to be  exited  when Away At War 2 comes out. 10/10

I love the part where he's all... oh my god these doors are cool im gonna forget around with them.
That's pretty much how Dark described it to me =3

This has got to be the best Blockland video I have ever seen.

Everything about it. Seriously

That was actually really good one of the best blockland videos I'VE SEEN so far

I smirked at the creep Bear at 5:08

I smirked at the creep Bear at 5:08
I did too.  :cookieMonster:
A question with that too, how'd you get the door upside-down and studs facing the sides?

A question with that too, how'd you get the door upside-down and studs facing the sides?
Dark's epic video editing.

Much better than I've seen in other Blockland videos. I'll be looking forward to others from you and him, nice job!