Author Topic: peejster GROW UP!  (Read 41754 times)

I think bush is cheating on his wife :o

did you count them or are you just saying that, no wait, it's obvious what he did
i have counted them when i was about 10 when i went a bike ride all around town keeping it in my head was hard!

couldn't you have just brought some paper?

Won't work.
This kid is the epitome of stupid.

That's some epic vocabulary thar.

couldn't you have just brought some paper?
forgot to do that at the time!

i have counted them when i was about 10 when i went a bike ride all around town keeping it in my head was hard!
Did I ever tell you about the time that stupid kid down the street miscounted all the buildings in the village?

Did I ever tell you about the time that stupid kid down the street miscounted all the buildings in the village?

...Go on :3.

Did I ever tell you about the time that stupid kid down the street miscounted all the buildings in the village?
no, can we hear more?

by the way masterockets why are you asking me this staff?

I didn't ask you about a staff silly :3
/magick mage

It was a cold day. I had just finished my fish and chips with tea, when that young muppet 2 houses over kept going up and down our street on his bicycle, counting all out houses 5 times over. It was odd, considering the most buildings we have is 275.