
What to focus on first?

Polish and mod completion (add special functionality to bugs and stuff that have been needing it)
Finish and release the MAS Magma Exo-suit
Finish the MAS Scarab-Wasp playertypes
Create more ASN (robotic) playertypes
Finish up and release the currently exsistant but unrelased bugs (the Tremormites, the two spiders, BugMod 3, ect)
Work on the remainder of the wasps
Work on new bugs!
Create more MAS weapons/suits/items/ect

Author Topic: The Bug & MAS Mods (Server coming maybe)  (Read 662662 times)

How far along would you say the pack is until full finish? Just wondering.

How far along would you say the pack is until full finish? Just wondering.
We don't know.
We don't work on this as our job, nor do we have the time to do so.
Kind of hard to predict how much time we can spend on it and some things are even hard to predict as to how much time has to be put in.
Sure, we are not the fastest at all, but does it mean we stopped?

We can't give an exact date.

Giving a date is also quite dangerous as we will make and break expectations.
So yeah, not sure how Army thinks of it, but these are my thoughts.

As to the point of Hanhan, i barely speak with her, let alone play much on the server or anything with her, so don't know how crazy she is.
She is crazy enough to believe in dragons, that's fo sur. :P

I remember a topic I made advertising a dragons vs hunters server I made, and lordician started talking like he believed in dragons as well :[

Do you believe in Dragons... in a young girl's heart. :)

Did you know that there are real life dragons walking around? No joke.

Do you believe in Dragons... in a young girl's heart. :)
Did you know that there are real life dragons walking around? No joke.


I think that me, Jitank, Hanhan, and maybe Armyunit should all make a new map for the Bug VS MAS TDM.

It would be a small town covered in spiderwebs, like this:

Imagine the ramps as spiderweb silk.

Those are not really convincing spider webs to be honest.
They look like normal architecture.
Maybe the spiders did learn human architecture?

The server not being hosted is starting to bug me

The server not being hosted is starting to bug me
Great, someone else trying to be the pun creator. -_-

As for the webbing on the building, it could use more detail to look like real spider webs.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 08:09:17 PM by HanHan13 »

Great, someone else trying to be the pun creator. -_-
I'm serious, no kidding

Those are not really convincing spider webs to be honest.
They look like normal architecture.
That's because it is.
It was built by a guy named Maddix and was not intended for this, I just thought it looked simalier to spiderweb.

I decided to make a spider web just so I could see how well I could make one.

It's not the best spider web imo but you can tell what it is. The spider on the web seems to like it though.

Looks nice but too square.

Looks nice but too square.
That's what I was thinking but I'm not sure how to fix that.