
Do you really want an AC-130 that will probably never finish?

Yes Please! I'll give you cookies!
Ok I guess
Not at all u idiot u suck crap!

Author Topic: AC-130 Mod! That needs modders and people to help now or I suck at everything!  (Read 16964 times)

So basically your trying to get people to mod and script an C-130 so you can beta test it and release it?
Wrong, were trying to get people to mod and script an C-130 or make their own AC-130 so they can test it and other people to so the maker/modifier can release it, upto them if they wanna give credit to us.

bump, we have more ac-130 topics out, this is sure to happen

Edit: i think ima dl blender and see what i can do. ive been edeting scripts lately, it looks easy.

Edit*: I cant open models, guest ima be a dedicated scripter using applescript.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 09:03:26 PM by tomcat^ »

1. You cant make it since you can't code , nor model.

See, there's these things called Community Projects. Didn't know if you heard about them, they're brand new.

lol your team is 10 noobs getting the mod early testing a non-existant add-on and an idea guy at the top.


7 out of 20 people are totall jerks...
just a fun fact.
btw hope this works out well :)

Step up if you want to help this but I might as well close it down if nothing happens. So act quick.

dont, just keep bumping

Okay. But someone needs to step up here if they want it!

No. Just no. I don't want to be walking in a forest getting an epic killstreak when all of the fracking sudden, "BBBBWWWWWAAAAAAGGGGMMMMM!!!" Theres an amazing thing called "An airstrike" you throw it and its ovar powered.

No. Just no. I don't want to be walking in a forest getting an epic killstreak when all of the fracking sudden, "BBBBWWWWWAAAAAAGGGGMMMMM!!!" Theres an amazing thing called "An airstrike" you throw it and its ovar powered.

No. JUst stfu.
The difference is the airstrike has a delay. 2. you can throw it very far can you? 3. is it controllable?

BTW: my brother, the head modeler and sctiprter for video games in USC agreed to help me, he will make it and script it from scratch and i have to intentions of mass-releasing it. why would i mass release if there are guys like him that dont want it? im only giving it to a select group.

No. JUst stfu.
The difference is the airstrike has a delay. 2. you can throw it very far can you? 3. is it controllable?

BTW: my brother, the head modeler and sctiprter for video games in USC agreed to help me, he will make it and script it from scratch and i have to intentions of mass-releasing it. why would i mass release if there are guys like him that dont want it? im only giving it to a select group.
Can I get it?

Decals I can make.

I can't promise modeling though.

OK I will add you! Thanks!

No. JUst stfu.
The difference is the airstrike has a delay. 2. you can throw it very far can you? 3. is it controllable?

BTW: my brother, the head modeler and sctiprter for video games in USC agreed to help me, he will make it and script it from scratch and i have to intentions of mass-releasing it. why would i mass release if there are guys like him that dont want it? im only giving it to a select group.

Turns out he cant do it, dont ask why :/