Author Topic: Release Date Estimate  (Read 17651 times)

Me wanna test it too, but he hasn't givin' it to me yet, so i believe it's the same for you :P

and koden asked before you

If you could see the above post then you have tested.

But the final version is available for mac, right?

lol, at first i got all exited about the relase and im like omg only 2 weeks till retail, then i looked more closely and it said February not January lol  :cookieMonster:

Little snippet for your site.   :cookieMonster:

Code: [Select]
&lt;script language="Javascript"&gt;&lt;!-- //Custom Inline Javascript Countdown //Script by //<a class="linkification-ext" href="" title="Linkification:"></a> //if(navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { //document.write('&lt;layer id="clock"&gt;&lt;/layer&gt;'); //} //if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1){ //document.write('&lt;span id="clock"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;'); //} upclock(); document.write('&lt;span id="clock"&gt;'+timeString+'&lt;/span&gt;'); //if(navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { //document.write(timeString); //}

function upclock(){
  targetMonth = 2; //the month of the target. See comment on localTime.
  targetDate = 11; //the date of the target. See comment on localTime.
  targetHour = 0; //the hour part of the time of the target, in 24 time. See comment on localTime.
  targetMinute = 00; //the minute part of the time of the target. See comment on localTime.
  targetSecond = 0; //the second part of the time of the target. See comment on localTime.
  targetYear = 2007; //the year of the target. See comment on localTime.
  localTime = 0; //set to 1 if countdown is to an event in the browser's local timezone (such as the new year). If set to 0, all targetSomething variables must be in UTC.
  roundSeconds = 0; //set this to 1 to round to the nearest second.

  textIntro = "There are "; //this is the text shown before the time remaining if the target hasn't passed.
  textClose = " until you go buy BL Retail." //this is the text shown after the time remaining if the target hasn't passed.
  passedMessage = "ZOMG BUY PLX."; //this is what is shown if the target has passed.
//You shouldn't need to edit anything below this line notzero = 0; hasPassed = 0; upInterval = 500; today = new Date(); if(localTime == 0) { today = new Date(today.getUTCFullYear(), today.getUTCMonth(), today.getUTCDate(), today.getUTCHours(), today.getUTCMinutes(), today.getUTCSeconds(), today.getUTCMilliseconds());} targetDate = new Date(targetYear, (targetMonth - 1), targetDate, targetHour, targetMinute, targetSecond); milliSeconds = (targetDate - today); if (milliSeconds &lt; 0){hasPassed = 1;} seconds = parseInt(milliSeconds / 1000); milliSeconds = milliSeconds - (seconds * 1000); minutes = parseInt(seconds/60); seconds = seconds - (minutes * 60); hours = parseInt(minutes/60); minutes = minutes - (hours * 60); date = parseInt(hours/24); hours = hours - (date * 24); if (roundSeconds == 0) {seconds = cent(seconds + (milliSeconds / 1000)); upInterval = 100;} if (date != 0){notzero = notzero + 1;} if (hours != 0){notzero = notzero + 1;} if (minutes != 0){notzero = notzero + 1;} if (seconds != 0){notzero = notzero + 1;} if (date == 0 ){date = ("");} if (date == 1 ){date = (date+" day");} if (date != 1 &amp;&amp; date &lt; 10 &amp;&amp; date &gt; 0){date = (date+" days");} if (date &gt; 9){date = (date+" days");} if (minutes != 0 || seconds != 0 || hours != 0){ if (date != 0 &amp;&amp; notzero &gt; 2){date = date+", ";};} if (minutes == 0 &amp;&amp; seconds == 0 &amp;&amp; hours != 0){date = date+" and ";} if (hours == 0 ){hours = ("");} if (hours == 1 ){hours = (hours+" hour");} if (hours != 1 &amp;&amp; hours &lt; 10 &amp;&amp; hours &gt; 0){hours = (hours+" hours");} if (hours &gt; 9){hours = (hours+" hours");} if (seconds != 0 || minutes != 0){ if (notzero &gt; 2 &amp;&amp; hours != 0){hours = hours+", ";};} if (seconds == 0 &amp;&amp; minutes != 0){hours = hours+" and ";} if (minutes == 0 ){minutes = ("");} if (minutes == 1){minutes = (minutes+" minute");} if (minutes != 1 &amp;&amp; minutes &lt; 10 &amp;&amp; minutes &gt; 0){minutes = (minutes+" minutes");} if (minutes &gt; 9){minutes = (minutes+" minutes");} if (seconds != 0 &amp;&amp; minutes != 0 &amp;&amp; notzero &gt; 2){minutes = minutes+",";} if (seconds == 0 ){seconds = ("");} if (seconds == 1){seconds = (" and "+seconds+" second");} if (seconds != 1 &amp;&amp; seconds &lt; 10 &amp;&amp; seconds &gt; 0){seconds = (" and "+seconds+" seconds");} if (seconds &gt; 9){seconds = (" and "+seconds+" seconds");} if (hasPassed == 1){textIntro = passedMessage;date = "";hours = "";minutes = "";seconds = "";textClose="";} timeString = textIntro+date+hours+minutes+seconds+textClose; } function doclock() { upclock(); clock.innerHTML = timeString; } setInterval("doclock()",upInterval); function cent(amount) { // returns the amount in the .99 format amount -= 0; amount = (Math.round(amount*100))/100; return (amount == Math.floor(amount)) ? amount + '.00' : ( (amount*10 == Math.floor(amount*10)) ? amount + '0' : amount); } //--&gt; &lt;/script&gt; &lt;NOSCRIPT&gt; Countdown can only be viewed with Javascript enabled. &lt;/NOSCRIPT&gt;

Ah, a countdown to February the 11th?

Masterlegodude, why is your Avatar the secondlife symbol?
(Sorry for off topic).

Cause i play it, and i find it confusing yet fun :P

Edit: I'll get a screenshot sooner or later
« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 05:52:42 PM by masterlegodude »

Cause i play it, and i find it confusing yet fun :P

Edit: I'll get a screenshot sooner or later
I used to play it, but my account got banned. I was a great builder and a moderate scripter. I'm trying to get unbanned right now.