Author Topic: Zach_The_Hedgehog, furries, fancharacters and that sort of stuff  (Read 4533 times)

Seriously, we don't need your furry asses on Blockland. There are all sorts of places where you furcigarettes can spread your cancer you call fancharacters. They're not original you stupid forgets, they're recolors. Normally I tolerate people who keep this bullstuff and their special interestes private. It's the Sonic fanboys I despise most. You are not creative, you are not original, you are a brat who doesn't have a soul. Don't get me started on the ones that have Youtube orgies. They make gay little videos with their fancharacters and their themes, which are never songs made by the uploader. Green Day does not make your recolor any less awful. Lady Gaga does not make your recolor any less ugly. And then there are people who make research of their stuff, too. I'm lookin' at you, Chris-Chan. I have had it with these sick bastards. Hell, there are even people who make this research public to see on sites like deviantArt. No, I do not like your grey Tikal's ass. Hell, they never learn. They never grow up. Don't say I don't understand the situation. Changing a character's color does not create a new character. It's still a goddamn yellow Sonic. Even if it's your hobby to recolor, your hobby sucks. You're taking what was an original character and stuffting on it, loving it up the ass, killing it, pissing on the grave, digging it back up, and then you forget the goddamn corpse. We do not need your stuff here, you are not welcome. If I had the chance, I'd bust a cap in your ass. Call me an internet tough guy, sure, but I'm only saying how I feel. This whole wall of text is how I feel. I don't care if you have wet dreams about fictional characters, that is loving disgusting. Furries are hypocrites. Chances are most of them are Christians. The bible instructs you to "judge not". And yet the furries go batstuff and blame all their problems on so-called "trolls".
tl;dr (recolor path): Your character is not original and you should feel awful
tl;dr (furry path): "Gays hide their shame. Why can't you?"

Someone forgot their tampon.
Sonic Fanboys are annoying, though.

Someone forgot their tampon.
Sonic Fanboys are annoying, though.
oh my god this OP is longer than usual
Peejster must be angrier than usual

Sonic fanboys are annoying.

Furries are disgusting and so are Sonic fanpeople.

oh my god this OP is longer than usual
Peejster must be angrier than usual
You hit the nail on the head.

This topic is the basic truth idiots can't listen to. Also, inb4furries

You hit the nail on the head.
I'm actually not any angrier than usual
I just felt this was enough of an issue to deserve a lengthy OP.

You guys remember this fun?

This doesn't have anything to do with blockland or a blocklander, So isn't it against the drama rules?

This doesn't have anything to do with blockland or a blocklander, So isn't it against the drama rules?
There are furries who play Blockland. There are Sonic recolors who play Blockland.

This doesn't have anything to do with blockland or a blocklander, So isn't it against the drama rules?
80% of KC are furries and then there's Night Fox runnin' around

Furries are 'k if they don't shove it in your face and unoriginality is annoying. My browser thinks that isn't a word. Isn't it? On the final point I strongly disagree. Neither group mentioned should be bothersome with it and bring it up at every possible opportunity, but I do not think that they should feel like they must hide. Don't harass people about ___ that don't harass you about it.

Furries are hypocrites.
furries go batstuff [...]
Stereotyping is unfair and I shouldn't have to point that out.