Author Topic: Server Hacked.  (Read 11439 times)

Chrono you flaming friend.

excuse me I don't like you calling Chrono that

also you have a small snake

Last time I check Blockland was not Hackable. Its "Hijackable" but not Hackable.

Unless a real hacker, hacked into you're computer and messed with the Pref files then joined you're server and did stuff.

I had nothing to do with this however the add-on did.
Its you're fault for downloading such a obvious Expilot.

excuse me I don't like you calling Chrono that

also you have a small snake

Wow your definitely not a flamer.


OP is a massive idiot, says "O LOEL I GIT HACKED!111!1!!" and then when asked for proof "Y WUD I TAK SCRENSHOT OF PROOF? THAT SILLY OLEOLEOELOELE"

basically this is a massive waste of everyone's time, he's clearly an incoherent sack of lard that can barely piece together loving sentences, let alone use correct "your / you're"

and by the way you stupid forget,

your = possessive, YOUR bed, YOUR apple, YOUR tiny snake

you're = you are, YOU'RE a loving idiot, YOU'RE wasting my time


also you have a small snake
Wow, don't you just love maturity.

Also I have never seen hacking before on this game for 4 years... Spartan118 sure did a okay job at making me believe it was possible but I still believed someone just told him the admin pass. Until Naughty(Soon to Be) told me he didn't have a admin pass, and theres no reason for him to lie about that.

So heres what i figure....
  • He somehow figured out Ibans Exploits
  • Some Add-on he was using made it possible for Spartan to do this.
    • Some kind of script?

Iban was an idiot on making his Expilots. Setting it to the public without a checker is a forgettarded idea.
Unlike Azj, Azj made a checker. Smart Expilot maker he is.


Nuff said.

Wait what..? You said Chrono was flaming??? He was one of the few not flaming o.0

He's actually quite brilliant.
I do believe someone forgot to take his pills.

also you have a small snake

This may be offtopic but people with a smaller snake have more love in life. Don't be live me? look at the 2 biggest populated areas in the world.

This may be offtopic but people with a smaller snake have more love in life. Don't be live me? look at the 2 biggest populated areas in the world.

I know, I'm just trying to get a reaction out of him. (it worked for White Tiger)

I do believe someone forgot to take his pills.

you mad cuz you white!

You're an idiot.

they left by the way
the people who cared about your opinion

He's actually quite brilliant.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm. I assume it is but I won't point any fingers.

Here's my password:
Admin Pass: wHqvjDPLpkqFr6851psw5bI01Vz9i 8M0Vnvc9srv2W9Bru297Z

Superadmin Pass: 3DTT6pgAcAM8TIE3f7fyPFd29061r s27UMZBJ1Valx5Z6gO2xK
Admin Pass: 29gf5SfMdeWZL0jQA696CkOUB5VF8 t8aMVmMRkQXesQeORSr8m

Superadmin Pass: a4chUtxtOPdK3Gd0W2ewL7t5bsz4D sj1U6U9UGT8DvzCEYN7hd
Admin Pass: c43Io47IlKH4V2Ku7sW44p8RSbiuj 0x7q8KPV79hP7GwwuT5Vb

Superadmin Pass: 89L0RTbBTH1nWZ7K19uHNICo4uyOS zA88IqeVo53t6C984qV6L
Admin Pass: 44hfT0zGC48cA4vGOBl2Bmd83DQqx AnK0IvJqNO09bjHX6z1N9

Superadmin Pass: 9AUdRYXcCy0K1CMma8pP8676QGzNc ORyJi0iCUmRpb87X39BiQ
I'm not typing random letters in, I have a generator.
I should add spaces, dashes, slashes, !@#$%^&*(), so on. Wat, just a sec   .   .   .
Admin Pass: @p1u(V#2obkU0! 3orZ7 g42%GM*MU**ZwFIcydTQuQC6i@yH6

Superadmin Pass: Tzc^SZ4Nz(6rjes&R#oL5k4NZe^U)O1d7vpM8ZT3SZ6P(cYc2*

Basically, my passwords aren't designed to be said. They're designed to be unguessable.
Also, I could do this all day. (I made the program in about 3 minutes after I noticed this thread.)