

Robots FTW (Surburb fulfilled my request.)
16 (66.7%)
Cowbois - Shadow Dancer
1 (4.2%)
Hasta Luego Manchengo(Really cool IMO)
2 (8.3%)
Caravan Palace - Clash(Screw you Mack, this is awesome :3)
5 (20.8%)

Total Members Voted: 24

Author Topic: [iEvT] iEvent - BiT Topic Up!  (Read 234157 times)

Please note, I am only in iEvent for the modeling. :D

Please note, I am only in iEvent for the modeling. :D

Oh stuff. Kalphiter is having babies.

IcyGamma, I've lost all respect for you. You're ridiculous. You came in the topic raging about how iEvent stole everything from Blockintosh, even though one of the owners is actually in the damn clan.

And oh gee, he misunderstood you. That obviously makes him an idiot with the intelligent of an elephant snack.

No, I came into this topic stating why I think the shmoes that are giving Event a hard time over virtually nothing need to straighten up. Have Oneo not been stupid and prompted me to start slapping iEvent up by claiming I was making a "stuffstorm" and was of no competition, I wouldn't be here right now. So you can blame your golden man right there.

Anyways, don't go playing the "I have no respect for you anymore" card as if I care. Very last resort, is it not?
« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 04:08:03 PM by Sheath »

Oh stuff. Kalphiter is having babies.

At his dayjob. :cookieMonster:.
No, I came into this topic stating why I think the shmoes that are giving Event a hard time over virtually nothing need to straighten up. Have Oneo not been stupid and prompted me to start slapping iEvent up by claiming I was making a "stuffstorm" and was of no competition, I wouldn't be here right now. So you can blame your golden man right there.

Seriously, I just woke up and this stuff continues. Thank God I am making a new topic.

Again, I think thats not a great decision. Renaming the clan and starting a new topic is not going to make everything all fun and fresh again. Its just a cosmetic washout that'll be fun for 10 minutes, and then you'll miss having the grunt of 130 pages in your topic.

If you really want to re-develop iEvent, you need to think about its core structure. Drop the tacky company ripoff that so many event clans fall into (seriously, Bell?) its unoriginal and if you really want to continue using a company environment (offices, ranks, whatnot) develop your own brand. Think about something thats relevant to your or your members, then fuse it with something practical. For example, I love the Ascii_Terror face. I always have had a strange obsession with it. Then I took a practical perspective on the name, and whats more obvious than events? So it became Ascii Events (although, I just refer to it as Ascii these days).

When developing your topic, utilize it properly. You have a news section that doesn't do anything. What is that even for, it makes the clan look slow. Only display what you need, a big OP might seem nice but if I have learned anything in my years of contributing to this board, its that Blocklanders are lazy at reading forum posts. Be minimal in the topics main post.

If you want a re-image visually, don't ruin your nice historical topic. Having a permanent topic lets you refer to dates and past posts, and gives you a nice big stamp on when your clan was created. Furthermore, people like to read big successful topics. To me at least, a light topic gives the impression of smallness and minimal growth. Instead, build a website. Especially for a clan, a website is great when creating a new image for your clan. If you can fill the content appropriately, it can be an extremely useful asset.

I just rebranded Ascii, since it was grey and tired. And its worked a charm. But I didn't have to trash the topic, nor the name. I just remade some banners, cleaned up and re-design the site, and I'm away.


Ahh, a nice big post I can just dissect for myself.

     The first point really is a biggie, but Makanix, our co-leader, requests a new post, but I'll probably get back to him. Oh, speaking of 130 pages...
There was a iEvent topic that had over 1000 pages I belive, and I canned that.

    Second point, since this stuff started, I guessing I HAVE to spoil the name. The new name is Synthesis, and it is far superior than iEvent.
Now, when I go in a car, onto the highway, and look at office buildings, would I see a building for Synthesis? I really think not
The original layout was actually made by Mack himself, but I had to can the rest of the Bell topic and replace it with Makanix's, PixelVison(c).
What I am guessing is that I will take most of the old topic and port it over into a new core layout.

The news is just announcements really, and I really think you bring up a good point there. I'll keep that in mind.

   Now, this would be pretty easy, because the date iEvent was created on was March, 1st 2009. Now, I believe that is stamped on the OP right now, right? The new layout itself will be pixel, and I'll probably hint what our clan does the best at. (*hint*blockoworld*hint*) Also, with websites, I have a personal rant. This game's population is small compared to networks like Minecraft and Roblox, but it has pretty big impacts, like getting onto G4 TV, and into other websites and such. Really, a Blockland clan really doesn't need a forum nor a website, it makes the Blockland clan overdoing itself. I used to have a forum for iEvent, and I canned it because it really doesn't make a difference at all. So with 24/7 dedicated servers (@Kalphiter), it makes Blockland look really stupid at how we have a 24/7 deathmatches or CityRPs. Big deal. Go waste your valuable money on server payments when you can save up for a house, car, even college. I do dedicated servers, but at set times.

Most of this stuff I'll keep in mind, like keeping this topic, but the name iEvent makes me punch babies. I really hate Apple's gimmick of i(inserthere). But here you go, a direct reply of all the points you made.

I have never seen someone dissect a post with stunning beauty.

I have never seen someone dissect a post with stunning beauty.

You need to kick members like that too, no good suckups hurr derp.

Tom, be sure to add a "History of the Clan," section to the next layout.

Tom, be sure to add a "History of the Clan," section to the next layout.
That'll go on...

Guys, most of the build is done. We would have had it done earlier, but someone is a lazy hoe.

Get ready for tomorrow guys.
The New Years rape party starts at 5PM EST.
It should end at around 3AM EST (Jan 1st)

Get ready for tomorrow guys.
The New Years rape party starts at 5PM EST.
It should end at around 3AM EST (Jan 1st)
It starts at 6PM, though.