Author Topic: Beta Videos  (Read 12810 times)

I really like the new style of the minifigs. :D The only minor thing that I don't like is the square heads. I think it's because it reminds me of this game (which was lame and crappy):

(but the new style fits much better with the square look)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2007, 01:42:37 PM by Krokodil »


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Maybe a global or individual timer for them to respawn.

There is a 30 second respawn.

nice, i love the jeep model, but in the DM video i dont realy like it that it says OUCH! when you get hit, the new bow model looks very cool
The OUCH! things must be particles. Therefore, That means the textures can be changed. Hell, Change it to blood if you must. Or plastic chips or whatever takes your fancy.

Wow@falling brick phiycs....I'm assuming when the brick dies another partical brick takes it's place and falls?

The bricks respawn, we already covered this.

Were you talking to me? Because, if so....I was talking about when a brick was hit and fell, it looked like the brick had real phyics because it was falling should get the point

It's more-or-less the actual brick... but collision is off for exploded things.

lol the checker dm reminds me of Counterstrike source break floor maps

how did blood bath get betta

Actually...wasn't BLOODBATH in the first beta screenshots....

The People who Beta test are Cool/Clan leaders/Good Modding/ And didn't have a bad Record inc the F word and other such Swearing words. Meaning you just had to be a nice person who did some thing such as make a Great mod and know a few people. Ephi on the other hand is just an up tit ass like BS and he worked on RTB, Now you can see the irony there.

Also I hear allot of people saying there going to get TBG, first off; is that not A rip off of Blockland? Secondly I hear the tard(s) who made TBM are/is making it. All I have to say is *coughripoffcough*, any way isn't there some sort issue on that Topic. But I can't say much about TBG because I've never played/seen it.

Cool checkers DM.  Looks fun.

The People who Beta test are Cool/Clan leaders/Good Modding/ And didn't have a bad Record inc the F word and other such Swearing words. Meaning you just had to be a nice person who did some thing such as make a Great mod and know a few people. Ephi on the other hand is just an up tit ass like BS and he worked on RTB, Now you can see the irony there.

Also I hear allot of people saying there going to get TBG, first off; is that not A rip off of Blockland? Secondly I hear the tard(s) who made TBM are/is making it. All I have to say is *coughripoffcough*, any way isn't there some sort issue on that Topic. But I can't say much about TBG because I've never played/seen it.
This is a forum about Blockland, don't try to start fights with TBG/TBM related things, please.


  • Guest
Actually...wasn't BLOODBATH in the first beta screenshots....

He joined right after me, so no.


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And you are...

He is the reason that I don't have any bricklag at 15,000 bricks
(all in the same spot) now, you should thank him.

*edit* sorry for double post