Author Topic: Zombie survival; PK1M Pandemic  (Read 65673 times)

Profile - Christopher Manic
Weaponry - Blue bag full of hunting knives and 3 assists.
Clothing - Banadges over head, Goggles, Coat, Army pants.
Inventory - Pastry, Flashlight, Cellphone, Wallet, Picture of family.

When the outbreak broke out I was living in Texas. I inherited a farm from my family, it was far away from the city so my wife bought an apartment there so she could work. She took my daugther too since she thought they had better schools. They would both visit me on the weekends. The outbreak burst out in the city. The millitary dropped a hydrogen bomb there. I had modified my SUV before hand with a bulldoser like front bumper. I drove to the city even though i knew they were dead. I shouldnt have gone. My dog was with me at the time we were bombarded by mutant like creatures feasting on people. We drove away as fast as we could. Winter soon followed so i had my knives my dog and gear. I am slowly making it across the country to an area that is uneffected by the breakout.

CDC Manager: Good, you made it! Now lets get you into proper cloths, you look like you got mauled by zombies!

+1 T-Shirt!
+1 Heavy-weight Body Armour!

I look around for the CDC Manager, no where to be seen. After wandering the hall, I see blood. I follow the dead body road (references ftw) and see a zombie...

God damnit not again.

Eventually, the alarm sounds. I run back to the CDC Managers' office and grab the Prototype antidote. An CDC Employee holding a Handgun runs up to me and says that there is a ferry going to alaka, the last sanctuary. I start running down the hall, gunning down any zombies I see, and grabbing a few extra weapons on the way, as well.

+1 Mp5!
+5 Mp5 Magazines!
+3 P90 Magazines!
+1 Laser Sight!

Excerpt from Devin's Journal:
"forget THIS.
I'm sick and tired of being chased by zombies every loving two seconds. I can't even take a stuff without having to dismember these mindless shells. It's rediculous, really. And the last safe haven is loving Alaska, and from Florida to loving CANADA, well stuff- that's one path I sure as HELL am not taking.
Too bad it's either that or die."

One of the guys pointed a revolver at me. I got out my knife, then he fired. Somehow it only grazed me, so I pretended to fall over and die. Im not bleeding, so I manage to stab myself in the arm while on the ground pretending to be dead. The one that shot me kicks me so that I roll over, and sees the hole in my arm and my knife. Thinking I fell on my knife, he does a twisted smile and starts laughing manically. He stops, and realizes he didnt see a bullet hole, but its too late, I leap at him and knock him into another guy. John, seeing his chance, Elbow one in the ribs, disarming him.

Profile - Harrison Obe
Weaponry - Hunting Rifle, Hunting Knife.
Clothing - Jeans, Black Hoodie, black Tee
Inventory - 10 Canned Beans, packet of matches, 20 Hunting rifle bullets, Knife sharpener
Country- America, PA
Scene- Office Building, 17th floor

"stuff, stuff, SHIIT!!!"
I try to open the door to the safe room, but unfortunately, The damned Surviors wont let me in.
I try to run down the corridor, I approach a Hallway, when i see a crate.
1+ Journal, 2+ Pencils!
"Better than nothing..."
I see a door, in good shape and some boxes and some other junk to barricade the door.
I also find a Magnum and alot of bullets.
1+ Magnum, 40+ Magnum Bullets!
-15 Speed!


Night falls over london, The zombies have left me be...It is time to make my escape. I lower myself down onto my hands, I feel my hands slipping. I frantically grasp for the top the raised bridge, but miss. I slide down at a great speed and slam into the hard tarmac below. The loud thud has attracted zombies, more and more are coming! I spring to my feet and run towards the edge of the bridge, I jump up onto the side of the bridge and kick a zombie trying to bite me in the leg.
"Get back you basterds!" I shout desperately, kicking them away.
I jump back down onto the bridge and punch one zombie in the face, I turn around and a zombie jumps on me, pushing me back. I lose my balance and flip backwards over the edge of the bridge taking the zombie with me, I fall down and holding my breath I plunge down into the cold river.
I swim back to the edge, climb up onto dry land, the zombies are now coming down to the pier after me, I jump down onto a boat and untie it from the post. I run into the the yaughts drivers cabin and find the captain feeding on a lady lying on the floor. He turns around and jumps on me, I spin around and he flys out through the door, following him I kick him in the face, but he lunges at me again. I reach foward and grab the engine key from round his neck and duck. He jumps and flys off of the edge of the boat. I enter the cabin, turn on the engine and leave for god knows what.

After about a few hours, and a series too complicated to explain, I'm on the ferry and on the way to Alaska, the last Safe Haven in the world. I just hope were not carrying the virus this time. Then someone comes up to me.

Stranger: You're Charlie, right?

Me: Yeah, who are you?

Stranger: That is none of you're concern. Just take these.

+1 Journal!
+2 Crafting Wrenches!
+4 P90 Magazines!
+3 Mp5 Magazines!
+1 Neck Armour!

Then the man walks away at inhuman speed, as if in a hurry. Later that night, I decide to start writing in the journal.

"I still not sure who that man was, but he sure helped me, I'll tell you waht. Anyway, I'm gonna get some sleep. Hopefully nothing will go wrong this time around."
« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 03:40:20 PM by Scarpelt »

Name: Once. ( I only look once for a kill.)
Clothing: Sweat pants, sweatshirt, combat boots and a Guile suit.
Equipment: M82, Uzi a lot of ammo.
Inventory other than weapons: 3 frag grenades, 5 airstrike beacons a radio and a night vision scope.

I creep undetected through a forest not allowed to be said. I see two zombies and my partner says" I'll take one you take the other." I nod. We look through our scopes, breathe in and pull the triggers. There is a loud BANG and the zombies explode. We keep moving. We find cliff and rest. We look and see a factory full of zombies.  
« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 04:14:05 PM by athey123 »

My spotter looks and says" Oh stuff! Get me my rifle!" I tell him to calm down. He does and i show him a an airstrike beacon. He smiles and says "Light it up." I throw it. Hard. It lands in the middle of the zombies. we run about 20 meters back and listen of the radio. "Bravo Team,  We see your beacon. AIrstrike in 20 seconds." WE cheer.
Twenty seconds later we hear a boom. we look again and see smoldering ruins. WE see a black hawk coming for us. We flash a laser at them. They come over and pick us sup. I look on the side and see the SOA sign. Survivors of Apocalypse. We're going home. The SOA IS SET UP IN HAwaii, so we stop in CA for fuel, then hop on a plane. We arrive in Hawaii soon after. Once we get there i take a shower and think. About my wife, children and friends. They are okay, seeing that I am  a Marine and they learned not only t shoot but to survive i find them in Hawaii and meet up. They have a house built and I wait fro my next mission.

I make it to a small town called "barter town" I find a small weapon shop i put up two sharp knives for a good looking shiney pistol and two boxes of 40 bullets. He accepts the offer after i buy it i hear explosions and shratnel flyng. Raiders are attacking the town i kill two and get a gasmask, some more bullets, and a bandanna. I then make my way to Galveston.

Time for some seriousness.

"This travel across America is easier than I thought. The zombies are smarter, but are decreasing in numbers. Where ever I went,they were either eating each other or starving to death. I had taken shelter in the attic of some family. I knew it was a family since I killed them all as they charged out the house, lunging at me. I found some knives to replace the ones of my spear, and some ammunition for my pistol, which is rarely used. I guess the time will present itself when it is needed.
On a lighter note, I met other survivors who were heading for Alaska. Leslie, Charlie and Jenny. They were all classmates and had just cleared a whole high school campus of the zombies. We are now working together to get to Alaska where, hopefully, the zombies will not follow. I hope this journal finds you well,

My spotter says we got a mission I come the the HQ and get my details.  I am supposed to shoot any swimming zombies. I sigh and accept. I grab my gear and get on the chopper. The length is about a day, so I get food. than we hit the chopper. On the chopper we see some whales that are getting attacked by zombie sharks. We nail em. Then we see a black horde.

How are you attacked by zombie sharks while on a chopper.

I wake up to bright light of day. Then I feel a chilly breeze come inside the room. Looks like the Captian wanted to speak with me.

Cpt. Norway: Aye, looks like ye slept in, hm? Anyway, we arrived in Alaska. Here's a cozy sweater shirt and pants, it's still winter, yah know. The CDC Labs are across town. Also, here's 500$. Buy yourself somethin' pretty.

500$ Obtained!
Sweat Shirt & Pants Obtained!

Sweat Shirt & Pants Equipped!

After leaving the ship, I started my walk across town. Everyone was greeting me and eager to chat with me. Prob'ly because the only hope for humanity's survival is in my very pocket. After buying myself a handy tool kit, I approach the CDC Center. I just hope nothing goes wrong this time.

Toolkit Purchased!

The other two, still armed, duck behind some rubble. Me, John, and Skelo duck behind the car. I manage to shoot one of them in the shoulder, and john gets the other one in his shooting hand.